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Howling Griffons Veteran

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Hey all,

My local GW is holding a 'Brotherhood of the Brush' Painting competition where all entrents paint the exact same mini. This month is a Space Marine so I thought I'd have a go at something different. You may all know me for my Knights Scorpio and Dark Angels stuff. Two colours I've never really attempted are Red and Yellow so I thought i'd have a go at a Howling Griffon.


The Competition is to see who has made the most progression so even though we have 2 golden deamon winners in our store begginers can compete fairly. I've tried a few new things so please let me know what you think.










Judging is on Saturday so I will take pictures of all entries and post on sat night how I get on.


C&C more than welcome.


Cheers AB

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sorry to ask such a obligatory question but i can not let such a nice yellow go unquestioned.


could you give a quick step by step of the colors used and also what colors have you used to do the battle damage?


also lovely freehand on the shoulder pad, your a fantastic painter.

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Sure thing,


Ilyandon Darksun base

Scorched Brown/Chaos Black wash in recess

Ilyandon mixed with sunburst

sunburst yellow final coat

highlights are sunburst mixed with a bit of skull white


Battle damage is the final highlight stage then scorched brown and boltgun metal.


Cheers for the comments wish me luck!

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I'd agree with the comment above, never unbderstood why people thought my yellows on my howling griffons were good. I use bad moon yellow for my howling griffons but they are all WIP. I have lots of catching up today, but i really love the howling griffon scheme - good paintjob here mate.



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