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Desolation Scions revival

Brother Evar

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I just wanted to add in some more concepts into my DIY chapter. Its about 4500 words currently and I wanted to add in a few more things. Mainly a specialist formation that does not show up on official records. Things like DC, wulfen, thunder wolf cavalry ect in official fluff. With the new BA dex I wanted it to represent an element of my chapter not the whole which runs with the SM dex. Its basicly Astorath, x2 units of DC, 1 tac squad, 1 RAS and 2 Baal pread's. Here are some major highlights of my chapter back ground-


- Liberal, adventuros attitude to technology (like the squat character from Ian Watson's Inq War series as an example)

- Use of operatives like in the Legion HH book taken from the PDF.

- Knowledge is not guarded amongst the chapter but shared amongst it so it is never lost (explained better in the IA)

- Fascination with Legion ancestors- tactics, methods, wargear, philosiophies ect (loyalist + Traitor)


So I wanted to run the army story wise as-


Astorath character- Influential figure within the chapter, rival to chaptermaster. Unorthadox methods, questionable judgement, moved to chaplincy for power grab Ceaser style, no hate between CM and him- just one up manship/ respect, former apothacary, tech tinker, Obssesed with SM Legion era- PH, HH, Sc.


DC- Discovers WE agression/bezerker chip implant, reverse engineers it, tests on chapter serfs until it is perfected. Objective is to re- create the ultimate assault SM- WE in chaplin's view. Chip + WE geeneseed= bad, chip + his loyal chapter's pure geeneseed= good- in his opinion/reasoning/justification.


tactical/ RAS squad- Hand picked men loyal to the chaplin and willing to do whatever it takes in order for the chaplin to suceed in his tasks. Also there to bench mark DC style experiments to regular SM's. Secretly they are the next batch of DC type marines- being preped by Astorath character himself (red thirst, shadow of the primarch rules). Them being unaware of this makes it more creepy and sinister.


Baal preads- This is the hardest one for me to think of as the BA dex says they are VERY possesive of the design and gives the impression if they had to leave behind a downed dread or a baal they would take the baal to protect its TM/ IP. :P So I have seveal idea's


- Trip to Armageddon to get one.


- Trip to Makan to get one (Makan was where the BL + WE put down a whupping on the BA, so there could be SM/ CSM stuff still there that wasn't all recovered/looted).


- Deal with renegade/ CSM faction to capture one- Legion or non legion force. Striking a deal with a Red Corsair warband to get one for example.


- Chase up a lead on a wiped out sucessor of the BA's abandoned outpost/depot.


- Make deal with BA sucessor chapter- something under the table with a company captain, like stealing a body of a DC marine from the battle feild and threatining to go to the =I= because of the geeneseed failing, or some other situation where they are put between a rock and a hard place.


- BA double cross- Baal pread wreck located, secure wreck, notify ad mech of location, notify BA of location after ad mech. Ad mech arrive first, stall them until BA arrive, take aside BA and say ad mech threatened to attack if the wreck was not handed over, should be greatful for risking their lives for brother SM's relics, ad mech denies/ exposes deal or not either way can be denied by re-enforcing ad mech efforts to secure baal in past. Assist BA force in fighting ad mech, turn on survivig BA, take baal + all BA gear, dispose of ad mech bodies, notify BA of ad mech trechery, arrived too late to stop ad mech killing BA, killed ad mech in retaliation, covered it up, melta bombed baal, returned bodies/gear minus baal pread, owe my DIY a favour for helping out. Keep hush hush- killing ad mech not good for either chapter.


I think I am leaning more towards either points two or four though the others are more interesting.


I also need a true name for this formation-


Project GLOR (Great Legion Ongoing Research)

Project UAA (Ultimate Assault Astartes)

Project AMP (Astartes Modification Programe)

Project MAP (Modified Astartes Programe)

SATP (Special Astartes Trainning Programe)


It also needs a strikeforce designation code not just what its really called though I have no idea on what that would be.

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Baal preads- This is the hardest one for me to think of as the BA dex says they are VERY possesive of the design and gives the impression if they had to leave behind a downed dread or a baal they would take the baal to protect its TM/ IP. ;) So I have seveal idea's


Why not just see a BA successor in combat, notice how fast the predators are, and have your Techmarines cook up something similar afterwards? (Obviously storywise it won't be as good as the Baal predator, but that makes it more interesting.)


If I'm honest, I don't think the IA will benefit at all from this.

Everything you've written will read like an excuse to use BA occasionally with a codex chapter. It's really not that important to justify occasional use of a different codex in an IA.

I know it will read like an excuse to use BA but that is not the intention. The intention is to make a small slice of the chapter that is in no way a reflection of the whole. I mean if it was the =I= would be paying them a visit very quick. None of the mini's I will make for this force will be based on any BA kit apart from the Baal preads, even then they won't have any BA bitz on them and be modified in turn. I enjoy converting and am only just average at painting, so everything will be extensively kit bashed, converted and GS'ed. Also I will have an army to use when the dex cycle comes around again as the SM dex and CSM dex will be re-done before the BA get another re-dux. Like the BT dex which is still quite competitive despite its age. I guess seeing a good idea then making your own version is good, would fit in with the whole experimental/ no limits attitude my chapter has. Ill make a start and keep watching this thread. Thanks for the input Ace Debonair.


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