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Furioso Dreadnought


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Back again! This time I thought I would attempt to delight you all with my newly-complete Furioso Dreadnought.


The frag cannon is a stripped-down Forgeworld twin-linked autocannon arm, and the banner and meltagun are from the Ironclad kit. Inspired by the "Furioso Dreadnoughts are the most venerable of all" comment in Codex: Blood Angels, I constructed the rest of dreadnought from the new Venerable kit.


The banner is my own re-interpretation of the 'Furioso' banner from the original Blood Angels Dreadnought (circa 1993). I reckon I'm getting pretty handy at this freehand stuff, even though I do say so myself!














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Fantastic job. It's always nice to see Furiosos with something other than Blood Talons.


Your highlighting work on this model is great. My only nit-picky gripe is that the chained ornaments on the left shoulder are hanging at an angle. That throws things off on what would otherwise be a flawless model.

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Time to apply for a job at 'Eavy Metal mate :mellow:


I'm flattered, but I don't think I'm anywhere near that standard. Besides, I'd rather just paint for recreation than have the pressure (deadlines, being forced to paint models I don't like etc) of doing it for a living. I also happen to have some idea of how much the Eavy Metal team make, and I'm better off continuing in my current job! ;-)

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Wonderfull model! It is a great paintjob and the banner is beautiful. One tip for possible improvement would to continue with the highlights and do a mix of 1:1 vomit brown and blazing orange followed by pure vomit brown on the sharpest corners/edges. Then this could be toned down a bit with a red wash.





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