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BT Cybot converted

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Those of you who follow my other threads may remember a few subltle clues i left over the past week(s). They indicated mje, my special power of conversion and a brand new plastic venerable dreadnought :sweat:

Just a few details i'd like to highlight:

- I haven't come up with a satisfying background for the bell but it will go in the direction of some ultra rare meteor whatever that was retrieved by the black templars (same material the black swords are made of perhabs)

Despite the bells size its sounds can be heard all over the battlefleet whenever the Dread crushed a foe, filling the enemy hearts with despair and those of his allies with great confidence

- XXL weapon: i realy like the idea of dreads fighting with supersiezed weapons in close combat, the kind of weapon depending on the specialty of the marine in its former life

-i think GW did an amazing job with this model, but i allways thought the proportions are kinda off on the dreads, so this fella has stretched legs (impossible so see on the pic but i cut the legs in the area of the armour plating in half and put plastic tubbing in the space...if you are realy interessted wait for more pics :( )

-still WIP in many areas:

  1. close combat arm joint need detailing, wires etc
  2. banner

-i'll have to give props so a few people for inspiration but i don't know who, i watched quite i lot of dreads before starting so if you think you recognize a nice idea of yours it's not unlikely that you are right :)

C&C are welcome as always, if you like it or the BT in general and you don't know my other work it might be worth checking my other threads out ;)

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Very cool. Though I think the hand weapon looks kinda dumb. It is just way too big to be taken seriously. I am also not a fan of Dreadnoughts using power fist hands for holding their weapons. I find using Warmachine Warjack hands pulls off a better result.
  • 1 month later...

Update time everybody :)

Since i got quite a lot replies concerning the size of the weapon, i went back to the drawing board and started all over again. The result is more compact, not as perpostreous weapon.

What else is new:

-revamped exhaust system

-banner in cybot oversize

-small armour upgrades

-facial surgery

Enjoy and as allways, i appreciate your feedback and glorifications ;)



  • 3 weeks later...
Is it my imagination, or is there a face coming out of the banner?



Throne, NO! Chaos has got its hold on one of our most precious brothers. It musn't be!


And i won't...this is one of the little flaws that got covered up when sanding the banner into unending smoothness :D


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