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Here are a few that the pictures actually came out ok. I am working on how to get the pictures to actually look like the minis. Any advice and what do you guys think so far.

Termi sarg with bases I made trying to use a lava flow theme.



My DC Furioso Dread (my fav)




Razorback with AC


DC drop pod





I will be taking more and posting so tell me what you guys think so far

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Vindicator is looking solid, mate!


But, as for some of the Terminators and Assault Blokes in the back there; well, I'm not sure what angle you're taking on thinning, if you're taking one at all, but I'd recommend you Blood Red 'em twice, with a drop of Water each time. I tend to get a minute little palette of water, catch a drop of it on a Pinkie Finger or such, and then let the drop soak into the Paint, simply by touching the two together. That will give you crisp, clean results, without taking thinning too far!

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I think the pod, DC rhino and vindi are by far the best models you have there. Maybe those other models are from a while and you've gotten better or maybe you just don't own a small enough brush? Maybe try thinning your paints more for those things with legs. Maybe it's just the pics?
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The pictures are not as good as I like. Most of my paint is thin. Do they look smudged or dirty (stated clean crisp). BTW I love advice so keep it coming. I will try to get some better pics up and I will be posting some of my baal preds I am finished with.


edit: The assualt guys are older models and yes they look screwy. Once again I will be trying to redo the pictures and hopefully you guys can see what they really look like. Good comments keep them comming.

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It's lookin' good! Forward Scroll; give it a Sepia Wash or smilar, it'll tone down nicely. A dot of White in an Upper Corner of the Green Glass/Lens Areas will complete the 'Gem' Effect. In the same Corner as your Lighter-Green Highlight. Perhaps you already know this. ^_^


Only minor Crit [or two] is that the Highlighting is a little clumsy looking. As was suggested by Valius, a tiny Brush would really improve matters! Oh, and the Flat, Red Areas look a little bland without Damage or Mud, but if that's your taste, then... B)


Edit: Ah, now I remember what I was going to say earlier! In terms of the Terminators and Power Armours and such... the painting is Crisp and Clean, and I like that, but what could really bring out the definition is a Wash! Beasts of War on 'Oo Toob have a Tutorial on Painting a Blood Angel Model. The Wash takes it to the next level!






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I see what your talking about on the highlights. How to fix it. I was reading about the quickshade and was wondering about anyone having luck with it on tanks as I can see how it works on smaller minis. Do you think that would help with my crappy highlighting or should I go back to just clean it up and try with a smaller brush first or could it help mute some of the brightness?
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Mate, don't keep putting yourself down, your highlighting is not crappy! It's just me being really nit-picky so as to help you improve and improve! Quick Shade is a RADICAL product, as is Minwax if you know how to Mix it with Satin and Thinner in the right Ratio. However, Shade Products are designed for Miniatures with lots of Detail and Crevices, and would be slightly wasted on a Tank, where there aren't really any. Or, at least, that's the view I have. Army Painter themselves have used it on Dreadnoughts, but I think you'll agree, they're smaller, and yet still have more Detail! If you're interested in said Dreadnoughts, click the below Links.






The above convinced me to invest in some Strong Tone; that, and the knowledge that I'm more of a Modeller than Painter. Anyway, back on Topic. The beauty of Army Painter is that you don't need Highlighting, Drybrushing; none of it! Just flat colours - 3-Year-Old Style, that even I can manage - and then, on goes the Quick Shade, Matt Varnish, and you're done!


(Jeez, I really sound like a Salesman! :tu:)


Of course, if you want to Drybrush your Power Sword, or maybe Highlight those Skulls, whatever, sure, you can! Entirely up to you, but the point is, Table-Top Quality is achieved even without them!


There's another really great Video to illustrate exactly how it's done - the bloke goes from Assembled Model to Fully Painted, right through all the Steps, and gives you lots of Hints and Tips. Click the below Link.



Hope I've been of some use, again.


If you have any questions, or anything else you'd like to ask, don't hesitate to Post, or even shoot me a PM. Always happy to help where I can. ^_^





Edit: Ooh, the Photography, I forgot. Are you using an Automatic Flash? If so, Switch it Off, and just sit the Miniature in a Bright area. That way, we'll have a more realistic idea of how glaring the Highlights are, and how Shaded or Luminous the Flat Colours are. ;)

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I wasnt trying to put myself down as I am pretty proud of the results so far. I have only been painting for about 4 months. I got an old BA army back in the mid 90s that my brother had painted so I never needed to paint really. I stopped playing until about 4 months ago and decided I wanted to play again. (ie found a box of mini's in a closet and had forgotten them for over 10 years) WOW talk about surprise. New rules and and last month a new codex woot. Now I am playing and painting and enjoying the hell out of both of them. So thank you for your comments and please be nit picky as long as you can give me a good direction (which you did)


I will be working on the painting trying to build my skills up so please keep the comments comming.




Oh I ordered some reaper brushes of the smaller type (sable kolynski) and should get them soon because you are all correct my brushes were a tad big most times.

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