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Dragon Warriors


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Before I make up a little Index Traitoris for them, I gotta get some "established" stuff about them.


First of all, who exactly is Nihilan? I'm currently reading Salamander, (excellent so far) and It's sparked my interest about the Dragon Warriors whom I've written a little DiY stuff for already. Is he "a" leader or "THE" leader of the obviously renegade Salamander warband/company? Also, they seem to have no correlation with Tzeentch even though I've wrote some fluff pertaining to Tzeentch and their symbol is one commonly used by Thousand Sons (just modified). The only correlation I've noticed so far is that Kadai was killed by a spawn that I think was summoned to the field. (hint hint GoC)


Now, without spoiling the book, anyone who has fully read salamander have any other juicy clues into the Dragon Warriors or into their leader (if it isnt Nihilan that is)?


Thank's for any info you can give me! If ya wanna hear something interesting, I was going to make a Renegade Salamander sorcerer be the leader of the Dragon Warriors anyway! Irony? Maybe Kyme's reading my mind :blush:


"There is no hope for you, brothers. The fires of Tzeentch shall consume you body and soul!" - Unknown Sorcerer-lord of the Dragon Warriors


Edit: anything?

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  • 1 year later...

The Dragon Warriors are a warband of Chaos Space Marines dedicated to the Blood God Khorne who were originally Renegade Space Marines from the 6th Company of the Salamanders Chapter. Captain Terellus of the Salamanders' 6th Company led his warriors to betray the Chapter and the Emperor of Mankind and swear their loyalty instead to the Chaos God Khorne. After being discovered by the Salamanders and refusing a chance at redemption, the Dragon Warriors had fled into the Eye of Terror. The shifting tides of space-time within the Immaterium led to the passage of almost a thousand years, subjectively, for the Dragon Warriors, even though only approximately 40 standard years had passed in realspace. The Dragon Warriors are specialists in short-range firefights and melee combat, like all Khornate warbands. They also prefer the use of Melta and Flamer weapons like their Salamander progenitors. The Dragon Warriors are dedicated to the destruction of both the Salamanders Chapter and their own former homeworld of Nocturne in pursuit of the glory of Khorne.


Nihilan was a sorcerer who Trained with Pyrel, you learn the importance of his relationship to Dak'ir's squad and him is a short story in Hero's of the Space Marines titled Fires of War, which is the Prologue to the Tome of Fire series(Just before Salamander) which shows just how deadly and cunning the Dragon Warriors real intentions. I don't want to spoil anything, so all I can say is find Heros of the Space Marines and read the story, it explains A LOT, and I mean a lot, especially the tension between the Dak'ir and Tsu'gan. In fact, it's mostly everyone's back story including the plot's.

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The Dragon Warriors are devoted to Khorne and yet are led by a sorcerer whose sole purpose in life is to learn necromancy so he resurrect the traitor Black Dragons(Yes Black Dragons, not Slamanders) Captain that saved him from dying on the planet that the Salamanders left him on because he had no moral inhibitions with too much power to boot?


Basically, there's nothing about the Dragon Warriors. And it is a stretch to call them "obviously Samanders" when there are only two Salamanders in the entire warband. More likely, the dragon like mutations come from the daemon patron who took the shape of a dragon. And it was strongly hinted that the daemon had been on Nocturne before and had fought Vulkan himself. So you find out who that daemon is, you find out quite a bit.

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The Dragon Warriors are devoted to Khorne


I been paying close attention to the warband ever since i read The fires of war short story in "Legends of the Space Marines" but have not come across the khorne worshiping part in any of their story. They actually seem against blood thirst pyscho which is shown in Nihilian action on hell stalker. Source please.

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The Dragon Warriors are devoted to Khorne and yet are led by a sorcerer whose sole purpose in life is to learn necromancy so he resurrect the traitor Black Dragons(Yes Black Dragons, not Slamanders) Captain that saved him from dying on the planet that the Salamanders left him on because he had no moral inhibitions with too much power to boot?

This statement was mostly meant as sarcasm. I was trying to point out that it was strange that a Khornate warband was led by a psyker whose daemon patron further enhanced his psychic powers.




The Dragon Warriors are a warband of Chaos Space Marines dedicated to the Blood God Khorne who were originally Renegade Space Marines from the 6th Company of the Salamanders Chapter. Captain Terellus of the Salamanders' 6th Company led his warriors to betray the Chapter and the Emperor of Mankind and swear their loyalty instead to the Chaos God Khorne. After being discovered by the Salamanders and refusing a chance at redemption, the Dragon Warriors had fled into the Eye of Terror. The shifting tides of space-time within the Immaterium led to the passage of almost a thousand years, subjectively, for the Dragon Warriors, even though only approximately 40 standard years had passed in realspace. The Dragon Warriors are specialists in short-range firefights and melee combat, like all Khornate warbands. They also prefer the use of Melta and Flamer weapons like their Salamander progenitors. The Dragon Warriors are dedicated to the destruction of both the Salamanders Chapter and their own former homeworld of Nocturne in pursuit of the glory of Khorne.

This is the original quote I was talking about. Like you, I would like a source for it because the only fluff for them as far as I am aware is from the Salamanders novels. The Codex entry only says that they like flamers and meltas. I've yet to see anything about Khorne. To be honest, the variation of mutations(one person whose breath can melt metal, another who can regenerate mortal wounds and Nihilan's own vastly enhanced psychic potential) would strongly suggest a Tzeentchian loyalty. Suggest is all it does though.

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This is quite a necro... I'd also like a source for this, it sounds a bit like fan made fluff...

He got it from wikia. But it has no source. So, it is fanmande fluff that one of the mods put up. I think I'll annoy them until it gets taken down because the Fireborn trilogy pretty much covers the entirety of the Dragon Warriors.

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Ah yeah i remember now, it came up a while ago, but its never been taken down. I tend to ignore the wiki to be honest.


Still, this thread had been dead two years... And here I am contributing to its new life... :P

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This is the original quote I was talking about. Like you, I would like a source for it because the only fluff for them as far as I am aware is from the Salamanders novels. The Codex entry only says that they like flamers and meltas. I've yet to see anything about Khorne. To be honest, the variation of mutations(one person whose breath can melt metal, another who can regenerate mortal wounds and Nihilan's own vastly enhanced psychic potential) would strongly suggest a Tzeentchian loyalty. Suggest is all it does though.


Should add a sarcasm face to B&C. :P

The only source of the dragon warriors to my knowledge are from

Two short short stories: The heroes of the Space Marines and Legends of the Space Marines

The very small Codex entry

and of course the Tome of Fire Trilogy


They do seem more Tzeentchian then anything else and the book do suggest this. Even their flaming serpent symbol is one used by the thousand sons during 3rd, I think.

Thousand Sons Symbol(Top left banner)


Also didn`t relieze this thread is two years old ;) Maybe we should give Nihilian a lessen in necromancy. :lol:

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They do seem more Tzeentchian then anything else and the book do suggest this. Even their flaming serpent symbol is one used by the thousand sons during 3rd, I think.


The thousand sons symbol is the ouroboros and represents eternity and eternal return

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Yeah the Dragons have a figure eight thingymajig. Legends of the Space Marines? Do you remember which short story?

It`s the one were the Salamander fight the ghosts(worst story in the Tome of Fire imho) and Pyriel warns Dakrir about his powers. Their is a few bits of info about Nihilian comes up. Nothing really major beside that.

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Official info on the Dragon Warriors to date:



• Close range specialist troops. Favor melta and flamer weapons.

• Renegade

• Picture, pg. 20 C:CSMv4

• Currently led by Sorceror Nihilan. Has designs to destroy Nocturne and the Salamanders Chapter. Chapter which rebelled from. Novel: Heroes of the Space Marines. Story: Fires of War by Nick Kyme

• Brothers Ramlek, Ghor’gan, Nor’hak, Erkine. Novel: Heroes of the Space Marines. Story: Fires of War by Nick Kyme

• Battle Barge: Hell-stalker. Novel: Heroes of the Space Marines. Story: Fires of War by Nick Kyme

• Ushorak, Captain (formerly of the Black Dragons Chapter). Killed on Moribar by the Salamanders Chapter. Nihilan and other Dragon Warriors escape. Salamander pg. 17, Firedrake pg. 132

• Nihilan, renegade Salamander, now a Dragon Warrior Chaos Marine. Salamander pg. 9

• Brother Ghor’gan. Killed on the world of Scoria in combat with the Salamanders. Salamander pg. 412, 431

• Brothers Erkine and Ramlek. Salamander pg. 424

• Strike Cruiser: Hell-stalker. Firedrake pg. 56

• Sgt. Lorkar, formerly of the Marines Malvolent joins the Dragon Warriors. Firedrake pg. 59

• Glaive, Nihilans most trusted warriors. Firedrake pg. 63

• Brother Nor’hak. Firedrake pg. 63

• Brother Thark’n. Firedrake pg. 63

• Dragon Warriors made up of Marines from the Salamanders, Storm Giants, Black Dragons, Iron Warriors and Marines Malevolent (possibly other Chapters as well though they are not named). All seem to have a grudge against the Salamanders Chapter. Firedrake pg. 63

• Capture a weapon on the world of Scoria capable of destroying a moon. Nihilan plans to use it on Prometheus as part of his vengeance against the Salamanders. Firedrake

• Elements of the Chapter participated in the Cholercaust Blood Crusade assault on the cemetery world of Certus-Minor against the Excoriators. Legion of the Damned e-book.

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• Elements of the Chapter participated in the Cholercaust Blood Crusade assault on the cemetery world of Certus-Minor against the Excoriators. Legion of the Damned e-book.

This is new to me. Any chance for more info on their role?

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Official info on the Dragon Warriors to date:




• Battle Barge: Hell-stalker. Novel: Heroes of the Space Marines. Story: Fires of War by Nick Kyme


• Strike Cruiser: Hell-stalker. Firedrake pg. 56



Umm, Are you absolutely certain on these two?

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No he's got it right. The Hell-stalker was first described as a battle-barge in the short story and then as a strike cruiser in Firedrake but made it's way back to being a Heresy-era battle barge that was salvaged by Nihilan in Nocturne. But both are the same ship. I think it was just an oversight on Nick Kyme's part.
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