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My First 3 Minis: Blood Angels Heros


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As the title suggests these are the first 3 models I have finished since starting the hobby about a month ago.

First up is a Librarian with Jump Pack:




He is made using Sanguinary Guard bits, with a Shoulder pad from the DC box-so he could have two the same.

Next is My Jump Pack Twin Lightning Claw (Count-as) Captain:





He is made using mainly Sanguinary Guard bits, with a DC jump pack, the left fist is from the plastic chaos marines, while the sword is probably a SM one, and the right "sword" is the end of a sheath from the Black Templars upgrade sprue.

Last is Dante himself. I wanted an all-plastic army and so I have kitbashed him from Sanguinary Guard bits:





As I said I am very new to painting so be kind :-p , but any advice and/or comments are most welcome :-)


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Good start for 1 month!


I'm not a good painter myself, but things I would do:


1.- The armour for the libby and the captain looks a bit dark. Maybe you could higlight a bit. Also, some soft wash in the wings would put a bit of color in the crevaces.


2.- Dante, the armour.... gold is an ungrateful color :P Maybe you could give it a soft wash and then highlight the big armour panels with a lighter gold.


Probably not the biggest advice, but hope it helps!

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Cheers for the comments guys, as far as washes and highlights go is there any good tutorial's online that I could use that you know of? I'm not really sure what I need to do for them?




washes are really simple to apply, simply ''paint'' them over the area you want toned just as you would with paint, they naturally pool in creveses and cracks to give depth.


Highlights are a little more tricky and it is best only to use them if you have a steady hand, or they can ruin the model. To apply them, run the edge of the brush along the edge of an armour plate, with a lighter paint than the base colour. I cant tell which paint you used for the blue, but probably ultramarines blue would work quite well. with the red it would probably be best to use a brown or black wash, rather than highlighting it.

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Cheers, would that be using one of the GW washes they sell? Or would it be better to try and water down a regular paint colour?




washes are the best to use. you can try thinned down paint, but it doesn't give the same quality as the gw washes.


Have you done any other models?

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Ok cheers, I might give the washes a go on some of my less "character" models and see how it goes.


Yeah I have, I've posted a blog in the Blood Angels forum with all of the models I have painted so far, and I will add to it as I progress through my army.



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