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My newest Blood Angels (Astorath et al.)


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Hello all. Since my last post I've finished up most of my new blood angel army and I'd like to share it with you now. So without much more to add I present:


My new HQ Reclusiarch




Sorry for the stupid light flashing off of the crystal clear spray I used to try to protect the paint on the metallic model on Astorath:




I founds an old old metallic assault bike from 10 years ago in an old desk so I painted it up in BA fashion as well:



And what BA list could go without 3 flamestorm equipped Baal Predators!




Assault Squad led by the Reclusiarch (reroll hits and wounds on the charge!)



And those that shall die for the emperor:



And twin DC dreads with another on the table:



And finally, a group shot of the army as finished for now:



Hope you enjoyed! CC welcome:)

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Whoah! Tanks are Beautiful, as are Dreadnoughts!


The 'Red-Highlight On Black' Technique works fantastically there!


Death Company earns 'Mega :Ds'!


If you don't mind me asking, how did you achieve the Shading on the Tanks? They're Stunning!




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Thanks for the great praise. The shading on the tanks and dreadnoughts was done by basecoating with blood red and then applying watered down badab black wash using a spray gun several times. The trick is to do each face separately so that the wash doesnt run too much onto the other faces. I'm currently working on a devastator squad and a sanguinary honor guard squad. I'll post those up when I get some free time to work on them.
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