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Beastmen on chapters homeworld

Jarl Bloodwolf

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I'm not sure if i put this in the right place but as it deals with the recruitment method of a DIY chapter I think its ok.


Would it be possible that a Space Marine chapter would recruit from a world inhabited by both a tribal populace and abhuman beastmen? I guess the question isn't if a chapter could recruit from the planet but is more along the lines of would they allow the beastmen to live when they took the planet as their homeworld. The way I see it is that since the beastmen are not xenos but humans who evolved along a differant evolutionary path and didnt have the recources to threaten the chapter itself that the chapter woulden't have the zeal to destroy them (not every chapter is like the Black Templars).


Also my chapter values a good challange so they see the constant battles between the planets human and beastmen populaces as a good method of determining who is suitable for recruitment. Now the beastmen aren't recruited by the chapter, they don't outnumber the humans (by much), they dont worship chaos (in fact they worship the Emperor in a feral kind of way), they dont have better technology then the iron age humans and they dont fight for some alien empire (sorry Tau) they are simply inhabitants of a world competing with humans for recources.


I have seen this idea pop up before with Orks and it was always shot down due to the ork reproduction rate, the fact that they are xenos and the Orks inherant ability to turn a peice of wire and a tin can into a really big gun (I agree with all of these points as to why Orks wouldent be allowed to survive on a chapters homeworld). But I do like the idea behind it so found my own replacement for the Orks. Also it goes with the theme of the chapter which im basing off of celtic warriors.


And to better understand the mindset of the chapter you've got to know a little about them. They are a successor of the Imperial Fists and in the chapter I've combined traits from some of my favorite chapters. They are as tough and loyal as the Imperial Fists (the pain glove and defence of Terra as examples), as independant and wild as the Space Wolves (no example needed), have an aptitude for crafting weapons and armor that is only surpassed by the Salamanders and a drive to challange themselves that would make the Iron Hands proud (if their cyberneticly inhanced minds still feel pride).


Well whats the consensus? would a chapter of the right mindset allow beastmen to inhabit their homeworld as a means of testing for recruits?

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My Onyx Warlords had* Beastmen on their homeworld, along with several other varieties of feral abhuman (Ogyrns, Ratlings etc) which all competed with the human population. So yeah it can work, but it really depends on what kind of chapter you have.


Some stuff from the Lexi:





* = Homeworld was eventually destroyed.

Right I've researched beastmen and abhumans on lexicanum already (its because of lexicanum that i leared about beastmen in 40k). But we are kind biased towards having them (as we already do :D ). I would actually like to hear some reasons as to why they wouldent do it so I can see if its to off base. Personally I dont think it is I mean if the Imperial Guard can tolerate them enough to use them in its armies then I think a space marine chapter (with the right mindset) would allow them to live, especially if they were 1 loyal to the Emperor and 2 srved a good purpose (giving the planets populace the chance to prove themselves in combat). Also this eliminates the (IMHO) boring and cliche idea of the planets tribes fighting eachother to gain admitance to the chapter.


Thank you for your reply though, its good to know I wasen't the only one with the idea.

Some chapters, like the Dark Angels, hate everything that isn't human - they will actually leave Guard regiments that include ratlings or ogryns. I'm guessing the Black Templars would also be the same, seeing as they hate psykers.


My chapter is a successor of the Imperial Fists not the Black Templars

Some chapters, like the Dark Angels, hate everything that isn't human - they will actually leave Guard regiments that include ratlings or ogryns. I'm guessing the Black Templars would also be the same, seeing as they hate psykers.


My chapter is a successor of the Imperial Fists not the Black Templars

He wasn't saying that they were a BT successor. He was giving examples of Chapters that most certainly wouldn't allow Beastmen/Abhumans on their homeworlds (if they had a homeworld).

I think it could work fine. The blood angels home world, for example, is littered with huge beasts that could eat a human for breakfast and want seconds( + its a radioactive hell so most of the population looks a bit more "beastly" then your average imperial citizen). I say go for it!
Some chapters, like the Dark Angels, hate everything that isn't human - they will actually leave Guard regiments that include ratlings or ogryns. I'm guessing the Black Templars would also be the same, seeing as they hate psykers.


My chapter is a successor of the Imperial Fists not the Black Templars

He wasn't saying that they were a BT successor. He was giving examples of Chapters that most certainly wouldn't allow Beastmen/Abhumans on their homeworlds (if they had a homeworld).


Ah gotcha. It was a little confusing since were talking about chapters that would allow abhumans on their homeworld. So Heru thanks for clearing that up and my bad Ferrata


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