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Techmarine and servitors

The Unknown Father

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The short version: we have better uses for our Elites slots, I'm afraid. Dreads (especially the standard configuration and Rifleman configuration) are solid. Assault Terminators are one of the hardest rocks in the games. Sternguard are nice in their own way. Even shooty terminators are nice in the right situations.


But Elite Techmarines... ehhh... you just don't get enough bang for your buck. I think it'd be flavorful to allow a Master of the Forge to take Servitors (Master of the Forge is my number 2 choice for an HQ), but I don't think it's a particularly good investment of points. We're playing with Space Marines. We can't afford WS or BS3 most of the time.

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A Techmarine is worth it if you are running a Heavy Support & Fast Attack vehicle army and not using all your elites slots. But he really needs a bike to move about in that situation, or to grab a ride with a different Squad. Both options preclude using Servitors.


The time when you would like a Techmarine with Servitors is if you have lots of Dreads... which are also Elites, which kills that idea.

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I´ve started to think about a MOTF with plasma pistol and also into a tactic squad with plasma gun, sargeant with plasma pistol and all that into a razorback with lass and twin plasma. for killing tyranid monsters do you think it could be fine?. The rest of the army could be similar to what H C 118 suggest
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In a nutshell, my favourite and rather formidable earth army has this:


2 MotFs


10 tech servitors

2 gun servitors

2 venerable dreadnoughts

2 tactical squads

3 predators.


The list is a 1750 and recently has been given a slight mod to upgrades to allow it's use in both spearhead and normal games.

For elites: yes we have dreads, terminators and all that but they all come at a rather steep cost compared to the cheap techmarine. For a meer 145 points, you gain a full harness techmarine (this means he gets a TL plasma pistol and flamer in addition to his weapons along with th ability to fire two of his weapons a turn. he gains 2 servo arm attacks as well which I nice) and 5 tech servitors. Now while you do need tanks and such to make him useful, don't be shy to throw him into CC.


The reason being is alot of the time is while he may die at some point, the fact remains that if he's up field alot of people don't remember or know about the ultimate hidden fist unless they ask: All your guys have a power fist in essence but you don't need to forfeit your normal attacks to use them. So 7 free power fist attacks at your opponent is quite scarey (and so you know, I say power fist because that's what they closely resemble in rules: str8 ignore armour and goes last). No-one sees it coming and so far a leman russ demolisher and several others have fallen prey to this rather unsuspecting weapon of war!

I personally say that a MotF with power weapon is the biggest bargain HQ you can get. Give him a bolt pistol and at base he has 3 power weapon attacks followed up by two power fist attacks, sure he lacks the invunerable but he makes up for it in his arsenal of weapons (TL plasma pistol, flamer, all of the above. plus BS5, BARGAIN!). Same for techmarines, albeit more delicate (but when it comes to supports, wounds aren't exactly a boasting point).


Not for people who like fast attack ether, land speeders should be up field fast and causing hell in the rear ranks. In general, a MotF and techmarine with full 5 tech servitors should cover most of your repair needs if you like your AV. And so you know, the two guns and 1st MotF are, in respective order: plasma cannons and conversion beamer.


Just to have a joke and some fun: Omnissiah FTW. (come on, they are computer nuts, what other joke did you expect?)

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another thing, (you can allways talk about techmarines...) can your repair your allies tanks for example if you are playing a double battle (or if you have inquisition reinforcements or something)?


I don't see why not, but then again, I don't have the Codex handy to check the exact wording.

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It says any vehicle so i soppose you can. with other space marine goes fine or even with imperial guard but if your allies are eldar or something like that is strange


Try this: In DoW I was orks, I was asked by one of my team-mates to send my grots over to build his aspect portal for speed. now try and imagine how banging hammers on the group makes the very delicate piece of building build itself? (unless ofcourse you've watch animaniacs when they go to anvilania!)

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I love tanks and USED to field as many as I possibly could but have found recently that my opponents seem to have little trouble at the very least scoring glancing hits against them. The result seems to be that they spend most of the game being of limited use as they try to tackle stunned, shocked, immobilised or weapon destroyed results (that is if my opponent doesn't just destroy them with a penetrating hit).


Of late it seems to me that Devastator squads are a more effective option with their abilty to soak up wounds. For this reason I'm rapidly becoming a huge fan of techmarines and extra armour in an effort to keep my tanks firing for more than a turn or 2.

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  • 2 months later...
There are a couple good articles here if you use your search Fu. I play 'nilla dex and I personally run a motf with 4 servitors behind 2 dreadnoughts up the field as my "look at me and tremble" unit. The motf/servitors keep the dreadnoughts moving as they soak up a ton of fire. The rest of my army, consisting of foot soothing tacs in rhinos, run up to grab objectives and deal with opposition. If I'm really feeling crazy I pull up a vindicator along with my motf as well. The combination tends to draw a torrent of fire but ive found that with my motf within 12 inches of all three they survive longer than I expect each time. I also have a tendency to see red at the 2nd turn and start murmuring "blood for the blood God." entirely confusing my opponent. So I don't know how credible this advice is.
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A tech marine is an IC.


Servitors can only come thru bringing a tech marine.


Fluff says the servitors can be there to protect the tech while he does his job.


Are servitors accompanying a techmarine considered bodyguard, that is, he can divert cc or targeted wounds placed on him to the servitors?

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A tech marine is an IC.


Servitors can only come thru bringing a tech marine.


Fluff says the servitors can be there to protect the tech while he does his job.


Are servitors accompanying a techmarine considered bodyguard, that is, he can divert cc or targeted wounds placed on him to the servitors?


The rules don't say so, so no.


They're a "free" extra unit that he can join, but is not obliged to - so they'd act just like he'd joined a Tactical Squad in CC (ie, as per normal)


They do still offer protection for him, however - having a lone Techmarine out and about isn't a good idea with all the Str8+ weaponry out there, and the reason you use Servitors instead of Marines is 1) points-cost and 2) bonuses to the repair roll.


As I said earlier, I usually have an Elites slot free - and I'd love to use a custom model that I made, with a Servitor unit...if they could only get a transport so that they thematically fit into my army!




Haven't seen this corrected yet:


But Elite Techmarines... ehhh... you just don't get enough bang for your buck. I think it'd be flavorful to allow a Master of the Forge to take Servitors (Master of the Forge is my number 2 choice for an HQ), but I don't think it's a particularly good investment of points. We're playing with Space Marines. We can't afford WS or BS3 most of the time.


The Master of the Forge can indeed take Servitors, says so in either the Servitor army list entry, or the rules in the Bestiary.

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Not in codex space marines. Dark Angels and Black templars servitors are a retinue, which makes an enemy unable to pick out the techmarine, but codex space marines have you purchase them from a seperate list entry as a seperate unit, much like our command squads, but the difference is that techmarines have no invuln and a single wound and of the ICs could benefit the most from a real retinue. It even makes sense from a fluff standpoint that servitors would be able to protect them.


EDIT: I'm slow. >.>

It's also worth noting that BT techmarines have 2 wounds. And most people still don't use them.


EDIT2: I seem to recall that the SW codex also treats iron priests and their servants(cyber wolves and thrall servitors?) as a unit so the iron priest can't be picked out either, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

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