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Black Legion Daemon Prince and Predator

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Here's a Daemon Prince and a Predator for the Black Legion. Just thought I would post them up here, see what sort of response they got.


All manner of feedback is appreciated.





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No, there isn't any freehand on the sponson. I did use the alternate barrels that they supply you with (so it has a gargoyle head) but nothing too fancy.


The gold is a fairly simple color using three paint pots. I started out with Citadel Tin Bitz, which I layered up by mixing the it with a medium gold color (I think I used P3 Brass Balls, but it might have been Rhulic Gold- anyway, you can use Burnished Gold or Shinning Gold just as well). After I got all the way up to pure gold, I layered up by mixing it with Mithril Silver.


The burnished metal effect is caused largely from the base of Tin Bitz and the final silver highlights.

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