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AOBR marines

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Im having real trouble putting my marines from AOBR together using their push together concept......none of the marines want to hold guns, the dreadnaught cases wont fit together and the list goes on...... It seems as though the parts that are supposed to go into the holes are too big.....


So i was wondering what people would suggest doing? If I am going to glue the models together will i have to remove the parts that would normally slot into place to allow for gluing them in?



Any advice would be much appreciated, also i apologise if this has come up before i did try looking before i posted!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Not seen the sprue for a while, but are the arms and bodies not numbered to go together as a pair? Or are they just mix and match any arms onto any body?


All the boltr marines and the flamer marine are mix and match, although some arms just seem to match certain bodies. The

Terminators really need to cut down the pegs. The Dread is fine as is, and the captain and marines can work on their own but its better to cut the pegs. Did anyone else have uncut Termies with the front of the body sticking out reeeaally far?

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