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Irongob Chef at Something Awful wants YOU!


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The goons over at SomethingAwful.com have been running a year-long painting competition, and are looking for more people to join in!


The competition works by 'oathing' to complete a project for the month, usually assigned a month beforehand, and you win points for showing WIP photos, basing, and of course completing the 'oath' itself. Every month also has a certain theme to it, such as the 'Wounded Warrior' where you must model some sort of wound, scar, or chipped armor on a model, and every couple of months there is a Bonus Round where you are given a chance to assemble objective markers, terrain, or even dioramas to earn extra points.


And what do you get for all this hard work? Fabulous prizes, of course! This contest has gained sponsorship from such entities as Apocabitz Now!, Dragon Forge, and even the Black Library! The end of every month gives you a chance to win some loot, and at the end of the contest in February we'll have even more to give! So if you're looking to start a new army, want to win some free stuff, or just need motivation to finish whatever is sitting in the back of your closet, we invite you join us. :) Click on the banner to read over the rules and see if you're interested!


Below are slideshows to the completed models from every month:


-For February, click HERE!

-For March, click HERE!

-For April and the Dioramas, click HERE!

-For May, click HERE!


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