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Your Marines vs my tyranid list


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Gday brothers, i am posting this as i am using my tyranids whist i paint my imperial fists, im jus curious as to how fellow marine players, would combat my bugs and where the strenghts and weaknesses are when fighting against them, ill jus post my 1600pts list to keep things simple.


HQ: tyranid hive tyrant: lashwhip, bonesword and stranglethorn cannon

2-tyant guards


Elite: zoanthrope



Troops: 4-warrior brood, 3 deathspitters, 1 venom cannon

15-termigant brood, fleshbores

15-hormugaunt brood

15-hormugaunt brood


Fast Attack: 10-gargoyle brood


Heavy Support: trygon prime

2-carnifex brood, 2 heavy venom cannons

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With my Mech 1500pts... Id hit your troops with whirlwinds, and your MCs with my Long Fangs, starting with the carnifexii.


Grey Hunters with Plasma would take covered positions, and concentrate fire with the las/plas razorback, while the Melta pack would use their bolters on troops again.


Deathleapers interesting... but my Wolf Priest is Fearless, and so are the bloodclaws he leads. The LRC theyre in should do a number on your forces as it comes in, and the Dreadnaught can pick off stragglers.


Once its close, the Zoanthrope becomes a priority target, Ill try sniping it with the Razorbacks lascannon and perhaps the LFs missile launchers.


If I can take out the Carnifexii and the Zoanthrope at range, few if any troops should hit my lines- I can take out those gargoyles in a turns worth of CC, and annihilation should be completed around turn 5.

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Warriors would be pretty much ignored - they lack the cc punch of whips n boneswords, and the guns are not intimidating.


The Tyrant poses a decent threat, though without wings its not as big a deal.


If the Trygon is on the table at the start, that and the thropes would be my priority targets, with templates landing on the gaunts. If it does not then I will be likely to keep my units covering each other so when it pops up I can nuke it down sans cover save (Without cover these things drop like flies to heavy weaponry. I have had one take an entire rounds shootign before dying, but when deep striking, be taken down with a round of rapid fire from sternguard.)


I have not seen Carnifex's do squat this edition - so I would be likely to slide it down the priority list - avoid it with my armour and if I can take out the higher priority target, then take them out. If I bring any assault termies - I would likely throw them at the carnifexes as the 3++ save, 2+ wounds and same initiative really takes the bite out of their only strength (MC - ignoring armour and 2d6 AP roll). Hell, with a WS of 3 and 4 attacks, I might tarpit with standard troopers and fist it (2/3 attacks, 3 to hit, 2+ to wound - rest of squad needs 6s to wound.)


As the Gargoyles will likely be used as cover for the tyrant I would likely ignore these until nevessary.


Deathleaper as far as I am aware is more of a demoralising fire attracting unit, ignore it and deal with the penalties applied, and keep on the priorities IMO.


Typically I take dreadnoughts which can hold their own in melee against anything that is not monstrous (4 models here.) and tarpit a unit of my choosing, and with so many gaunts on the table, mechanised tactical squads would be in their element - flamer/combi flamer = fun times!)


Your list is not weak, but there are some tweaks/upgrades that I think would be necessary to compete with a marine army. Toxin Sacks/Adrenal Glands, scything talons, boneswords, lashwhips... I would be tempted to drop the carnifexes in favour of upgrading other models.

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With my Dark Angels... (although this would vary on mission, deployment and so and I assume I have two turns of shooting before I'm stuck in combat)


Like GM my Whirlwind on your troops... I also have a vindicator which would pie plate whatever is in range... Ideally warriors... but I'm guessing I would be more worried about MC's unless gaunts and gargoyles are still in significant numbers. I would fire my Tri-las pred at your MC's (although a TL-LC w/ 2xHB or AC W/ 2 x LC would both be cheaper and probably do the job better :< my tri-las is what I have)


I then have my tactical squads (3) I would almost certainly combat squad them in an objective based mission although I might be more conservative in annihilation. Combat squadding would allow me to put my heavy and special weapons in one squad to give me extra fire power on MC's while allowing half of the bolters to kill gaunts/gargoyles and if I haven' shot them with heavy weapons and I got the chance... Zoanthropes and Deathleaper.


I then have my assault squad which is lead by a chaplain which I would use to counter assault if you got near my gunline... it should easily be able to kill the small units and against a MC that has been wounded I would like to think that between the chaplain, the sgts fist and all those chainswords the MC's would go down although if the tyrants with or w/o his guard made it to my lines... I might have problems... I've also yet to face a Trygon prime in CC but from what I've seen they are pretty nasty :<.


If I assume I go first but am out of range of small arms (24 inches) but have LOS and you have 4+ cover for the first 2 turns (and assuming you haven't reduced the capacity of my big guns in your first turn of shooting) then I would expect to cause about 5 wounds on your MCs, however if you don't get any cover save expect that to double to about 9 or 10 wounds taken by the MCs... plus whatever small arms fire might be able to do to them in the second turn (if I haven't used these to pepper gaunts/gargoyles).


Obviously in battle who knows how it would go... maybe I'll be forced to mainly deploy in reserves because of the mission, that in itself could cause me a number of issues.

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I never in my life played on 1600 pts format, and I don't know anyone who has. =P That being said, I don't think that list would be much problem for me. These days I'm having lots of fun with lysander, and this is what my 1500 pts list looks like. For 1600 I'd probably shuffle the points a bit and either add 2 mm attack bikes or a squeeze in a combipredator.



command squad with 4 x plasmagun and razorback

5 assault termies in a LR with extra armor

tactical squad with flamer, combiflamer, missile launcher, powerfist, rhino x2

mm/hf speeder x2


I'd probably engage your list head-on, getting lysander & the termies into close combat with your MCs and warriors, rapid firing + flaming the mass of close combat gaunts you've got, and probably saving the plasmas and the anti-tank fire for the prime when he arrives. The single zoanthrope I'd either rapid fire or run over in assault. Deathleaper doesn't worry me because my entire army is stubborn.


In short, I'd use rapid fire, flamers, and heavy flamers on your gaunts, and throw the heavy hitters against your MCs and warriors. Unless I had some really bad rolls, I wouldn't worry much.

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a single zoanthrope without a spore is unlikely to reach the heavy tanks it should be targeting. a 2 fex brood is always less versitile and almost always less dangerous than two single fex broods, as they are forced to stay in coherency and only attack one target. There are only 3 advantages to taking them in a brood, 1) to save on heavy slots (which you have a spare slot so this is moot for you) and 2) revieving the charge, as the other will automaticly suport the first and 3) they will collectivly take 1 set of no retreat wounds when that is aplicable.


At those points I would personaly be heavy on footsloging tac terminators (mostly because I got ALOT of them realy cheep from good will), trygon might pose some problems depending on if he pops up before or durring the rest of the action.

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with the lone zoanthrope i tend to stick behind the fex brood to cancel out line of sight and spread synapse, as for the points of 1600 its was jus a friendly thing so i could field as many of my army as possible, 1500 is the way to do things, all this feedback is gd brothers and i thank you, and i now know some things for possible improvements, but as ive learned from playing 40k nothings ever certain, ewwww templates lol.
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That Zoanthrope would get chewed up by my Heavy Bolters (I outrange you plus I have more mobility while firing, thanks to Attack Bikes. Zoanthropes will become more viable when Mycetic Spores get a model release.


The 'fex are quite nasty, but without much else to draw fire off them, they're probably going down to some combination of Land Speeders, Plasma Guns and the Vindicator. Or failing all this, a Power Fist or a Relic Blade.


The Trygon...well, it is a nasty surprise, but I'd probably just phalanx up anyway, so I'd be able to turn all available fire onto it when it arrives... your major problem with the Trygon is that it'll probably arrive either too early or too late, and you have little in the way of support assets for it.

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My venerable twin-l-cannon dread will blast your carnifexis to death. My god-hammer landraider will sit and shoot at your T-guard+rant until the trygon shows up, then turn its attention on the giant ravenour, shoot it with l-cannons and then assault it with a chaplain led assault terminator squad.


My tacticals hiding in rhinos will also take las-cannons and slowly kill your monsters, and zoanthrope.


The only thing that I would worry about losing is my triple-missile dev-squad which will still be able to get off three missile rounds before deathleaper can even so 'boo' and even then I'll probably kill him before he can really say boo anyways.



Your army is asking for a mechanized shooty list to blast it into oblivion without much effort.

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Its all gd, im a marine player first, so i know there strenghs and weaknesses, jus a curiosity thing to see how you guys would take my nids, tfc's and vindicators the way id go about, with shrike and my chaplain to assault my zoantrope and other creatures like that, plus my heavy flamer speeders to deal with the troops lol im beating myself here haha
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. Zoanthropes will become more viable when Mycetic Spores get a model release.


Look up megablocks plasma eggs, or any one of fifty similar toys that use an egg to cary the peaces to build a dragon. Those eggs are perfect for scratch building a spore model. Some come in colors close enouph you just need to add highlights. Saw some realy good pictures at /tg/.


My venerable twin-l-cannon dread will blast your carnifexis to death.


You cant honestly believe that you can kill 8 wounds worth of fex with a single shot weapon, in at most 7 turns, before they can charge you and rip you to peices?


The godhammer to tyrant+guards is in a similar case as guards are not MC, and thus the unit can pull the same cover shenanigans we do with thunderfire canons.

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. Zoanthropes will become more viable when Mycetic Spores get a model release.


Look up megablocks plasma eggs, or any one of fifty similar toys that use an egg to cary the peaces to build a dragon. Those eggs are perfect for scratch building a spore model. Some come in colors close enouph you just need to add highlights. Saw some realy good pictures at /tg/.


My venerable twin-l-cannon dread will blast your carnifexis to death.


You cant honestly believe that you can kill 8 wounds worth of fex with a single shot weapon, in at most 7 turns, before they can charge you and rip you to peices?


The godhammer to tyrant+guards is in a similar case as guards are not MC, and thus the unit can pull the same cover shenanigans we do with thunderfire canons.



Hahahaha! :) No, no, no you misunderstand. I name specific parts of my army to show who I'll be shooting first with what. I can see how I didn't clarify whatsoever my apologese as that can be quite annoying.



No. I play kill hammer with las-cannons. Sheer weight of heavy-firepower.

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I didn't read all replies, however I'd go with something along the lines of:




7 TH/SS termies in a LRC with pintel mounted MM


5 Sternguard with 2 melta guns, 3 combi meltas, in LC Razorback


2 Tac squads in HB razorbacks with multi meltas and flamers


CC scout squad with power fist in a LS Storm with multi melta


2 dakka preds


That's just about 1600 if my math is right.


The way I see it...


Vulkan + Termies roll out and squish just about whatever they want...primary target would be the carnifexes.


Sternguard do similar things. First target would be the warrior brood, which they should wipe off the board in a turn without breaking a sweat, second is the trygon.


Zoey should get more or less gribblied by one if not two dakka preds.


The scout squad might not be appropriate in this list...indeed it might be better to switch out for another pred and a regular land speeder, but it can always be used to pick something exposed early on to tie up and maybe put a quick hurt on an MC with that power fist.


Everything else gets blasted lots. If those hormagaunts don't have poison, I roll razorbacks right up in their faces, drop 4 bolters and a flamer and do as much damage as I can on them, then weather the storm of attacks that in the end won't hurt much cause you're hitting on fours, wounding on fives, and I'm saving on threes.


I'd probably harass the Tyrant with fire from the RBs, LRC, and stationary combat squads, then move in with the termies after they (and they very likely will) clean up the fexes.


Honestly, the nid list is pretty choppy. Lots of wasted or inefficient point distribution...things to consider to clean it up:


Drop the tyrant and guard, get a warrior prime, put him with the warrior brood. Get another zoey, put them in a myspore. Drop the prime off the trygon, consider giving it regen (and AG). All hormagaunts should have poison. Gargoyles should ideally have poison and AG.


EDIT: More thoughts. I'd pull the HVCs off the fexes, go with double scytals and screamer killer. HVCs are pretty terribad at busting vehicles...tho in reality all nid shooting is. The best guarantee for killing mech is charging MCs. Fexes or trygons/tyrants with AG.

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