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Hello everyone,


I used to play 40K back around 2001-2002, but had to stop for a while due to being a penniless and hideously busy graduate student. Now all that's over and I have a decent job and some free time, I'm getting back into it. I used to play Tyranids and Tau, back in the day, but now I'm feeling like coming back with something power armoured; I've always liked the Blood Angels, and the new codex looks shiny, but I'm also tempted to go for a Chaos Space Marines army, possibly Emperor's Children. The question is, which one do I go for first?


I'm also currently running a Dark Heresy campaign, and really looking forward to Deathwatch. I'm thinking of running some Deathwatch in the autumn, and with any luck I can persuade someone to run another game I can play in. Having been reading my way through the Librarium, and being rather impressed with the stories in it, I'm also thinking of having a go at writing some more 40k fiction.

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Well, welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword! The Librarium is indeed a good resource for inspiration.

I'm not to familiar with Dark Heresy and Deathwatch, but I'm sure someone can help you.

Good luck,

The Normish

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I too find myself in a very similar drop pod, time on my hands and vague but incessant compulsion to paint power armour. If I hadn't started a now quite lovely looking Templar Tactical Squad a month ago, the Shiny new Blood Angels would certainly have got my attention.


Emperor be with you and all that.



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