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C:SM V.S. Deamonhunters

Darius Macab

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ok so here is my C:SM army, on Sunday i am going to be fighting the daemonhunter army of a fraind and i am looking for some tips on fighing daemonhunters at 1250 points. i am looking for general advice and advice on how to use my army (bellow) against him. any tips would be good and i will accept wargear mods with the exception of the assault and terminator squads.





Space Marine Captain

Relic Blade






Terminator squad

Assault Cannon








Tactical squad 10 strong

Missile Launcher





Tactical squad 10 strong

missile launcher

Plasma Gun



Scout squad 5 strong

teleport homer

Heavy Bolter



Fast attack


Assault Squad 5 strong

power fist and combat shield



Heavy support






heavy bolter sponsons



Total 1250


ok so if any of you have any tips please speak up and i will do my best to incorporate them into my army.


Thanks in advance



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Try also to surround him with superior numbers. Establish a good shooting base, and move your mobile elements to the flanks. Combat Squad everything that can do so, it'll decrease the effectiveness of his concentrated shooting, so that he has to waste shots from his small number of units into your Multiple Small Unit army list.
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I agree Combat Squadding is an effective method. Although do not assume they will have little anti tank. I used to run a 1500 point army with three Dreads - TLLC + DCCW and 5 Squads of GK plus a GKGM. This army had enough anti armour to deal with most armour and infantry.


Most GK players take a Land Raider, or two! You dont really have any anti armour so if he plays 5 GK in a Land Raider with GKGM youll be hard pressed to take it out. Do you have any MM or MG you can take?

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Take down his landraider quickly and fear the rhinos. The rhinos contain 2 BS4 meltas in a unit that costs just 128 points over all.


It shouldn't be too hard, but that dreadnought is going to be a dead weight not doing anything. The assault squad will probably be suicide charging at the rhinos, then trying to kill what pops out (He CAN'T PUT GK IN RHINOS so you'll be able to kill whatever comes out).


Ask to see his list before the game. If he has any termies and no power armoured grey knights it means the landraider is carrying grey knight termies, which means stay away.


If he is running 2 land raiders then they will most likely running power armoured grey knights in these. Focus on the transports to maximise your shooting time, he can will kill you in combat, if he has equal numbers to you. Just whittle him down.

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Personally I'd drop the teleport homer and add a heavy flamer to the dread, and I;m not a fan of the combat shield, but thats all personal prefernce.


Don't assualt him. If it looks like you will get charged, back in to cover and let him assualt you. You loose the attacks, but GKs don't have frags (cant even take them) so they will hit last, and you'll get your turn of rapid firing too.


What do you plan to do with your captain? I can't see any assualt orientated squad that he can join, so not sure what you plan is for him.


I'm really not a big fan of DS termies, so pretty much always start mine on the board.

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I would say you lack anti-tank and low AP weapons in your list. However as I have no Idea what he will take (guard heavy, Marine heavy, grey knight heavy or mixed) with his daemon hunters. Now as someone has already said Daemonhunters often lack Anti-tank weapons so if he has a few try and cripple them early on. As this should protect your vehicles unless they get assaulted and even then the dreadnought can cause a lot of pain for Grey Knights in assault although they might destroy him they are so expensive if you kill 2 or 3 in combat and have already killed 2 or 3 with shooting from the dread he will have made his points back. My general advice would be as people have said hide in cover and just shoot him, double tap when he is in range and let him charge and laugh at his lack of grenades and as Grey Knights using true grit don't get a bonus attack for charging you should be all good.


As I've said you lack AT weapons yourself and someone mentioned he could bring raiders... if that is the case if you can manage to mob it when it approaches your gun line with a dread and a couple of other units (ideally with power fists) so that you can block the doors and have a go at blowing it up. He is however unlikely to allow you to get into such a position.

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