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anyone play black legion?

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I actually am forming a Black Legion List.


However here is how I am doing it....


First I painted up my Death Guard + Typhus

I am not painting up my World Eaters + Kharne

Then I am working on my Thousand Sons army....


They are all based in a similar fashion - and I am then bringing in BL CSMs + Abaddon and such to round it out.


It's long term but it should be fun...

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Dark Gods I love the jeske. Anyway, do you want to win all of your games, or have people that don't despise you? If you want to win, take 2x DP with wings 5 PM with dual plasma, bunch of zerks in rhinos, couple of oblits. Slight permutations exist, but that's more or less it.


If however, you only play in friendly games, that will probably be boring as you will never lose, so take DP with wings, 1-2 undivided squads with melta/melta or melta/flamer in rhinos, and maybe one squad of zerks in rhino. Fill any extra points with oblits.

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i hope this is some sort of crule joke.


I'm simmering with rage.






Basically just do what Rain said and take the 4 or so choices that make an epicly cheese list if you'd like to win. If you want to keep it fluffy, good job, you've already done that.


Just be sure that all infantry choices get a rhino.

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why would it be a cruel joke?


I dont know maybe , because all other legions save for WE and PM builds are not viable and the way options from the dex work your always playing with a BL list or a version of a BL list only weaker :lol:

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Mostly undivided marines in Rhinos is fluffy, and is the basic "casual game" list for all undivided legions (sigh). So yeah, that will work pretty well, just make sure to give them all special weapons, and maybe take a squad of berzerkers to have a nice assault unit.


The picture means that jeske eats nails and vodka for breakfast and does not have time for your toomfoolery as he is busy driving his T34 to the next tournament where HE WILL BURY YOU.



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I've always played Black Legion (and loved it!) but sadly the Jeske has a point. According to the Codex as it is now every Chaos Army is essentially Black Legion with a different set of paint.


To be fluffy though, I would recommend having your 'elite' troops (ie. HQ, Chosen, Terminators and all that) all be painted up as Black Legion with the Mark of Undivided to show that they are running the whole thing - then throw in whoever else you want to fill up the rest of your army.

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Are you a player that wants to be able to deal with a 5th edition codex in any way shape or form of not being trounced upon? I play a *cheese* list with Daemonhunters. It is called cheese because it takes 2 LRC at 1500. I'm 2 editions behind and can't deal with some stuff. Your an edition behind with a truely awful dex, I won't consider it cheese.


Although if you are by far the best player in your group and want a challenge go for it!

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I was merely wondering if there are many black legion players?

everyone who doesnt play a LR rysh zerker army led by khorn DPs[or Khârn] or a PM LR rush led by DPs or tyfus , play a BL list. Is that anwser enough ?


"win at all costs, forget the fluff and fun" kind of player...you dig?

well nothing unfluffy about the 2DPs 6 oblits 3 pick-your-troops-from-zerkers-pms-csm army , at least not for a BL list.

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I've played BL since before the previous "legion" 'dex we all loved do dear. I love my BL and they have worked incredible for me in the newest version of Chaos. I usually play straight marines. 4 10 man troops, 2 10 man havocs, 1 10 man chosen and 2 lords or lord/sorcerer. Has done wonders for me, sure I've lost some games, but that's the dice. You win some, you lose some. That's me and it works. Maybe not for some but it has for me. Keep on belisarius, and Let the Galaxy Burn.
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Would'nt the Cheese Lash lists not be the fluffy way to go? I mean Come on all those Black crusades By Abby have been such win fests :yes:.... your Ideal army would be take abby and all the worst options available that you can cram into your FOC and relive all the Black Crusades :P... Don't worry I'm just yanking your chain and yeah I play the Lash list heaps and Ive lost once or twice and learnt the way of beating it but thats a uhh secret.


Edited spelling I dead is not Ideal...

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Just saying if you play for fun, it's not fun getting destroyed without much tactical input from your opponent if he plays a 5th ed dex using DH, I don't know if it would be so bad using BL?


I find it can be very fun just frustrating your opponent and messing with their plans, *cough* lash *cough*

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i played black legion for most of the third edition, up until the 3.5 dex where i made a Fabius Bile themed list for a bit of fun (and actually got really good at winning with it in the end) then switched back to black legion when the new dex arrived.


Jeske is out with his big sandwich board "end of the world in ni!" etc again saying every list is a black legion list which isn't really true tbh, painting and modeling is what give your army most of it's theme not the choices taken from the FOC (although this can and does play a part aswell).


it is for example very possible to make a good working army without 2x DP, zerker/PM split and oblits aslong as the people you play with aren't fundamentalist hardcore players themselves and like some variety in their own armies and everyone can have a great time playing with whichever legion they choose to name themselves by ;)


but back on topic, GW had twin poster boys...........


the black legion is the tall, dark, handsome one!


the ultras are the small,skinny ginger one that everyone likes to push around :P

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painting and modeling is what give your army most of it's theme not the choices taken from the FOC

yes because the guy who is checking los on the other side of the table cares if your models are painted black or deep purple ,most of the time he will see spiky marines . the 3.5 had flavor in the lists , the new dex forces everyone who wants to play a normal army to play the same god damn list and even if you do something unortodox like *gaps* taking defilers instead of oblits after 50 games you suddenly find out that the game play difference is close to 0.


it is for example very possible to make a good working army without 2x DP, zerker/PM split and oblits aslong as the people you play with aren't fundamentalist hardcore players themselves and like some variety in their own armies and everyone can have a great time playing with whichever legion they choose to name themselves by

show me a working AL/NL/WB list that is not just a weaker version of the BL list. show me a LR rush that is not a watered down zerker build .


Jeske is out with his big sandwich board "end of the world in ni!" etc again saying every list is a black legion list which isn't really true tbh, painting and modeling is what give your army most of it's theme not the choices taken from the FOC (although this can and does play a part aswell).

take a quick look at the list posted on this forum , then check a few other international ones , then check one or two germen/french/spanish ones and then tell me the army dont have identical game play and that they arent corbon copies of each other. It has nothing to do with end of the world [unless your doing incharacter , what to be honest I dont get offten] , it is a darn fact .

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abaddon meant to lose all those crusades-its part of his diabolical plan! :P

except he didn't lose very many of them, GW just did a poor job of following up on them. :P
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Honestly people that carry on the "Abaddon fails" meme somewhat annoy me. I don't even really like the Black Legion, but calling the Black Crusades losses because he fell back to the Eye after them is like causing every airstrike in the history of warfare a failure because the planes always turn around and "retreat" back to base afterwards.


The Black Crusades were all calculated strikes to recover an artifact or destroy some specific target and have generally succeeded in their goals. As for the 13th Crusade, well the game's history is technically stopped one year into the Crusade and it is ongoing, as it probably always will be, it's part of the whole time of ending thing along with the tyranid fleets, necron awakening, etc.

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