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anyone play black legion?

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jeske, your seeing things purely from your own point of view again, as i stated in my post it depends on the point of view of the people you play with. everyone knows how to write/make a very competitive list it's not exactly rocket science and even if you aren't that smart then it's easy enough to visit a forum like this and you'll find the same list posted exactly as you described a hundred or so times.


promoting anything else has become rather pointless due to the fact you'll get shot down in flames from the more hardcore players (and i've seen this happen almost on a daily basis), this is why i don't find tournaments fun or worthwhile turning up to anymore and believe me when i say that many more games of 40k are played outside this setting than within. so a little more restraint and possibly even some manners from time to time wouldn't go amiss.


just for example my best mate and myself are planing a small run of games planned out like this.....


my black legion vs his space wolves


round 1 - 1k points game on a 4x4 board with no tanks or transports

round 2 - 1750 points game of planet strike on a 4x6 board

round 3 - 2500 points game of spearhead

round 4 - 3500 point game of apocalypse


or we could just write up the same cookiecutter lists at 1750-1850 and play 4 games of yawnsville scenarios


i know you'll reply and simply pick holes in the above but i don't really care tbh as my and my mate will both have a great time with our themed and not so serious armies and i might even take pictures and write up some proper battle reports here on the boards. themes in both your army lists and your games can be great but only as i explained if the people you surround yourself with are of the same frame of mind.


what's actually happening is a game a chess is being turned into a game of draughts/checkers, infact why not be done with it and just meet up and toss a coin? remember it's a hobby at the end of the day and not a profession ;)

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@jeske-you are a tournament player mostly arent you? Your lists are about winning and efficiency, right? Thats your approach to the hobby and thats fine mate.


Myself-i play mostly for fun and fluff, i dont really enter tournaments (but its nice to win sometimes...)


Any more black legion players out there?

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Myself-i play mostly for fun and fluff, i dont really enter tournaments (but its nice to win sometimes...)


Any more black legion players out there?


Me. I used to play Night Lords back in the days of the 3.5 Codex. But when the 4th edition Codex I realized that my current undivided pure list was not going to do well. And since my Night Lords became blue Black Legion I decided I might as well just play straight Black Legion.


Since them I've come to like the versality and fluff of the Black Legion far more. Wheras before I pretty much ran only one army I have acess to Cult Troops and other more ''Chaotic'' options that I had restricted myself from using before. I have Black Legion Berzerkers marching alongside Thousands Sons and Undivided Raptors under the command of a Black Legion Terminator Lord. The best thing is that this combination was perfectly fluffy even before the 4th Edition Codex.


No offense to other Legion players, but the Black Legion is the most powerful of the Traitor Legions. No, really. Depnding on your source the Black Legion may be the smallest or the largest of the Tratior Legions, but the fluff is clear on one thing. They command the support and loyalty of the other Legions. The Black Legion is perhaps the only Legion that is activly pursing the goal of destroying the Imperium of Man instead of just raiding outside the Eye. They are perhaps the only Legion that is activly growing. Abbadon is pretty much flat-out stated to be the most powerful Chaos Lord. It's the Black Legion that drags the Iron Warriors out of their sand castles to burn a world. It's the Black Legion who calls up the Word Bearers and brings them along to blow up an Imperial fleet. It's the Black Legion who kicks out the drugged out Lucius sprawled on Abbadon's couch and tells him to get into gear. It's the Black Legion who hesitantly bait Khârn and the World Eaters with promises of dead Imperials.


Fluffwise you can do anything. Fluffwise my Chaos Lord prefers mechanised assault and teleporting Terminators. His warband is centered around a strong core of Undivided marines supplemented by warriors of all four Cults. You can have a Khornate Black Legion warband, or an infantry heavy Black Legion warband, or a Black Legion Biker assault force. You can have a warband of possessed and a ''Blackwing'' army led by Abbadon. You can have a ''Horus-pure army'' made up of original traitor marines, or newer recruits created after the Heresy, or a group of defectors and other Champions in Black Legion colors, or a more.

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The Black Legion is perhaps the only Legion that is activly pursing the goal of destroying the Imperium of Man instead of just raiding outside the Eye.

the WB would probably disagree with you here.


just for example my best mate and myself are planing a small run of games planned out like this.....


my black legion vs his space wolves



round 1 - 1k points game on a 4x4 board with no tanks or transports

round 2 - 1750 points game of planet strike on a 4x6 board

round 3 - 2500 points game of spearhead

round 4 - 3500 point game of apocalypse

that 2 hours for 1 k and 1.75 .2and a half for more then 2k and probably around 3-4 hours of playing an apo game. considering different breaks , terrain/table reorganization thats like a 12-14 hours marathon and that is not counting geting to the place and from the place you play . good luck finding a shop or a club that will let you play 12-14 hours non stop.


remember it's a hobby at the end of the day and not a profession

Everything you do in your life is your profession. if you dont try to master the stuff that your doing , then you are wasting your time and the person you play against . Where is the fun part in tabling someone in a tailored scenario with tailored forces or when your opponent doesnt even try to make a working list[am not saying good] .

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The Black Legion is perhaps the only Legion that is activly pursing the goal of destroying the Imperium of Man instead of just raiding outside the Eye.

the WB would probably disagree with you here.


Yes, but guess who follows who in the Black Crusades?

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that 2 hours for 1 k and 1.75 .2and a half for more then 2k and probably around 3-4 hours of playing an apo game. considering different breaks , terrain/table reorganization thats like a 12-14 hours marathon and that is not counting geting to the place and from the place you play . good luck finding a shop or a club that will let you play 12-14 hours non stop.


um not really no, it's planned over a weekend in my house which has a gaming room set up and a phone for ordering pizza :)


Everything you do in your life is your profession. if you dont try to master the stuff that your doing , then you are wasting your time and the person you play against . Where is the fun part in tabling someone in a tailored scenario with tailored forces or when your opponent doesnt even try to make a working list[am not saying good] .


clearly taking things to the extreme again which is the kind of response i expect from you, we have a group of about 4-5 people, 3 of which have been playing 40k since RT days and believe me it's much more fun playing in this manner than in tournaments in our opinion. that's the great thing about the world people are allowed to have differing opinions :)

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I've always played Black Legion (and loved it!) but sadly the Jeske has a point. According to the Codex as it is now every Chaos Army is essentially Black Legion with a different set of paint.



To hear most Chaos players talk, you'd think their Legions all had beefy Codexes with oodles of diverse troops before 2007, rather than a few special rules stuffed in IA articles and that awful 3.5 era book. Those of us who've been playing since 2nd Edition know that this is the way Chaos has always been.

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@ gree-nice post! good to meet another person who fields a black legion army consisting of lots of "normal" chaos marines!:(


any more Black legion players out there?



Howdy. Been playing Black Legion since 2nd. I tend to trade up my list alot depening on the mood and if I'm looking to win or not. Lately been on kind of a Thousand Sons kick. As others have said the real beauty and power of the Legion is its flexibility. Anything is fluffy.

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um not really no, it's planned over a weekend in my house which has a gaming room set up and a phone for ordering pizza

dude you own a house big enough to have your own room for tables and people staying for 2 days and am the one who takes stuff to the extrem ?


you'd think their Legions all had beefy Codexes with oodles of diverse troops before 2007, rather than a few special rules stuffed in IA articles and that awful 3.5 era book

let me check . 1ksons 2 builds mecha and thrall build , WB gunline , demon bomb , the mech . 3 list . WE demon bomb , the swarm build , the LR rush . AL 2 infiltration builds one with cultists one without . DG infiltration build and the slogger one[am listing all not just the good ones] . IW the gunline , the pie plate build , the 2xhavocks vindi/bass +minimax gunline . EC the demon bomb , the syren build , the infiltration build . NL had their raptor and biker list and the infiltration gunline . BL had the gunline , the BL khorn build [imo best chaos 3.5 army ever as meta game goes] and you could always play a non legion list and stuff it with 6 hvy support choices if you wanted to . Even the builds that used the same kind of army [like demon bomb/gunline or infiltration] were offten very different . the AL list had different game play then a DG one . A WB gunline was different from the IW one . Even demon bombs worked offten in a different way , because some were biker based[like the syren build or the WE one] while some where mecha or even slogger with use of infiltration[like the EC or WB one , or the AL lists with cultists that used demons].So yeah back in 3.5 chaos had freaky lots of armies .


Even the JJ dex that so bad that no one though it could ever be toped[and then thorpe did the 4th ed dex] had 3 builds [all of the weaker then the BA or SW rhino rush , but at least they were there and they were different] , not counting the cult armies and guess again... different game play again . 2ed . yep one build but what a build it was . models with 32"-48"charge range , close to unkillable in hth[2d6 on +2 with re-roll followed by a +3 inv that teleported you out] cheap support units[4 man vet squads with plasma and infiltration . yes please. as they were worth 0 VP if build well] good troops[demons , zerkers] that considering Gate had a huge charge range and were superior to anything in hth save maybe SW[but it was hard to be better then sw back then] and nids. And even back then when every army was a black legion one[and lords were runing around with 2-3 marks] there was more verity to builds then now.


Because right now it doesnt matter if I play DG [2 dps 3 squads 4-6 oblits ] or AL[2dps 3 squad 4-6 oblits ] the game play is identical , so those armies that maximize their options[aka BL] are the dominating one . Now the same could be said in 3.5 , but the old chaos dex had enough different [no matter what tier and only couting armies that were working] army list to make the dex interesting , there was score of list and when one adds local meta game or odd points costs of armies[like playing 1650 for example] the dex was never boring .

In the new dex you can build BL , a downgraded BL list for everyone else or a bad list . that kind of slims the number of options for armies .

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Please get back on topic you two, or start your own.


No off-topic or smart-alec posts anywhere on the board. Remember the B&C is here to promote constructive discussion of the 40K hobby
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Unlike most people, i made a 'crusade' - theme out of my CSM. As in all legions coming together to fight a crusade (and probably destroy eachother afterwards) So i have painted my Chosen in Alpha Legion, Raptors in Night Lords, Berzerkers in World Eater collors, etc etc.

My main legion is Black Legion, as they mostly start the crusades and keep (a short period of time) controll over these legions.

I know most people don't like the idea of legions working together (although it is pointed out in the codex that it is possible) But i like the modeling and painting of models to much and can't find a legion I like 'most'. Just want to have a Grand army of fully painted Troops on the table for a game (and then getting destroyed XD). But i still count having Black Legion as my Main.

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I'm currently in the process of assembling and painting a 1500 pt. Black Legion army. Purely a fun force with units and vehicles I like. Lots of regular CSMs with the Icon of Chaos Glory, plus a single squad of Khorne Berserkers and another of Thousand Sons (Had the squads for a long time, rarely used, this gives me an excuse to play them when the army is finished.)


It's not ready to play yet, but I can definitely say I'm really enjoying painting them and am very pleased with the way the color scheme is turning out, especially on my Terminators. I hope a new Daemon Prince will be released with the upcoming daemons GW mentioned later this year, that would be a nice HQ to round out the force with.

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I play Black Legion.


I started the army about 2 years ago and chose BL mostly for the fluff. As other people in this thread have already pointed out, BL appear to be the only legion that continues to prosecute a 'war' with the Imperium. Beyond that, they have persisted as a legion moreso than a collection of warbands, which is a little more intreaguing. A larger, more organized legion can persue larger goals than a smaller warband that is just out causing mayhem. It's just easier to conceive of the goals and success of a larger fighting force.


One of the things about a Black Legion army is that it has allowed me to go in a lot of different directions without having to invest in specialized bits or lots of conversions to maintain a theme. The figures in the boxed sets can all be assembled and painted without spending too much time thinking about more than posing and painting. I realize I could say the same about the Alpha Legion, but I didn't like their icons as much.


Now, that's not to say I have not done a fair bit of conversions with the BL army, in fact I have done a lot. I filled out the basic troops selections of the army a long time ago, and have been adding on characters and 'studies' for a while now. As the army stands, I have:


- 60 BL CSMs

- 20 Havoks, covering all sorts of combinations

- 20 CSM Terminators, magnetized, with a large assortment of weapon combinatons

- 30 Berzerkers with World Eater iconography

- 4 Rhinos, magentized, each of which can be converted to a predator

- 8 Bikers + 1 Doomrider

- Abbaddon, Typhus, Kharne, Ahirman, Huron and an assortment of other Chaos Lords and Sorcerors

- 10 Bloodletters


I have a bunch of other models I am working on right now. These include:


- A standard daemon prince

- 10 Raptors, trying to do them up NMM

- 30 Noise Marines, 2nd Editon Models

- 10 Plague Marines

- 12 Thousand Sons Marines

- 1 Land Raider


When I do play my army, I go for numbers over upgrades and try to just use BL troops.


My favorite list for 1000 point games is 3 20 man CSM squads and a CL. I will drop a few men for banners, power fists and meltabombs as needed. But there is nothing like dropping 120 rounds of bolter fire on a large horde army. It's funny when someone comes at me with a large horde of Orks, less than half of them make it to my lines, and their initiative in the assault drops to 1 after we hit them with grenades.


If I really need mobility, or I am fighting a long range army, I drop down on the numbers of CSMs and put in a unit of terminators with chainfists and IoT along with some bikers. 9 or 10 terminators with a 4+ invulnerable save running around behind enemy lines is a devistating against Tau armies, especially when their close combat troops are already charging my frontline troops.


Again, I am keeping it all BL, but could drop in a lot of cult troops if needed.



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  • 4 months later...

Haha, I know this thread is long dead, and i feel kinda dumb, but i just thought i'd let u know i play Black Legion. I think i first started collecting in about May, and picked Chaos Space Marines from the start and never looked back, absolutely love em! Started playing as Word Bearers, but as i learnt more and more about the different legions, i fell in love with the Black Legion due to their hatred and their need to prove that they still are the greatest legion.


Anyway, just though i'd let u know ;)


Let the Galaxy burn!

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