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How on earth could you beat this?!


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So I have the 'ard boyz semi-finals coming up this saturday and have very little practice time if any before then. I need tactical advice, also advice on whats best to fight certain armies and a good solid critiquing of my army. Here's what I want to bring.



Njal in terminator armor

8 wolf guard with 5 combi-meltas, mow, and 2 power weapons. drop pod

same except for combi plasma

same except for combi flamers

2 squads of grey hunters with 2 PG, Plasma pistol, MOW, power weapon, in rhinos

3 sqauds of longs fangs with 5 ML each

Inquisitor lord with 3 mystics, emperors tarot, psychic hood

callidus assasin

dreadnought with AC and Twin autocannon


Njal and logan go with the wolf guard to drop in on the first turn, or logan goes with a squad of long fangs to give them tank hunter. The grey hunters take my home objectives and cover the long fangs. The inquisitor sits with the long fangs to deter any deepstrikers. The callidus goes after week targets such as lootas and other IC's. The dreadnought is the only thing i'm not sure on. I'm debating dropping it and the MOW and power weapons from the grey hunters so I can get 2 Landspeeder Typhoons.


Whats are your thoughts? What are my glaring weaknesses? Where do you think I do well?

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The problem with your list is that a huge chunk of your points is dedicated to an ineffective alphastrike.


Just think about it, those pods come down, you kill a tank or two and/or maybe rapid fire some infantry, and then you got both your HQs + 16 power armored dudes facing ~2500 points of an opponent's army, while the rest of your own army is either ineffective (gray hunters don't have the range or speed to get in an enemy's face on turn 1) or not overly effective (long fangs are great, but static missile launchers aren't exactly scary). Alternatively, you can land those pods away from the enemy's army, but then you're wasting your alphastrike and dooming yourself to footslog your uber-expensive HQs and your expensive wolf guard over the table.


Another problem appears if you face an all-reserves army, or an army that spams land raiders (quite possible, what with the new BA getting them as dedicated transports). Even better, you can run into a mass horde close combat army, and while wolves are great in assault, they still can't hold a candle to things like green tide, nob bikerz, swarmlord, etc.


EDIT: If I was playing against that list (not that I can, since I don't live in america, and therefore can't attend ard boyz :), but this is my wishful thinking list, just in case you care http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=201411 ), I'd probably just deploy everything except the speeders and the bikes and hug cover.


In case I go first, I'd pop smoke on a lot of stuff while keeping my cheapest (and longest-range) things (such as the rifleman dreads and the predators) shooting at your long fangs, rhinos, and/or inquisitor. Then, on the following turn, I'd accept a loss of a tank or two and maybe some infantry, and proceed to wipe njal, grimnar, and their accompanying wolf guard off the table. At this point my speeders and bike squad and captain would enter the fray, and from then on it's up to luck and situation.


In case I went second, I'd prolly deploy everything except the bikes on the table in such a way that I get cover saves from keeping my army being bunched up and from the terrain, and then just weather the first turn storm.


That's, at least, the way I see it would work in theory. ;)

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I notice an almost total lack of ability to deal with AV 14. Except for five combi-meltas, you have nothing that could effectively deal with a Land Raider heavy list like mine, in which case I could simply sit inside my mobile bunkers and blaze away at you while my Thunderwolves (probably) eat the leftovers. If you want to keep the alpha-strike attacks, then all combi-meltas is the way to go for that (and most people are going to have plenty of vehicles anyway). I would at least consider lascannons as well for some of the Long Fangs, as that will give you greater firepower against vehicles as well.
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EDIT: This is a bit long and wandering, as I sort of typed this bit by bit over the day as the thoughts occurred to me. So I apologize in advance.


This is a strange list you've got here, to be quite frank. Other than the final Wolf Guard drop pod, you have zero fast elements in your army. This is a bit of a handicap, but honestly, one Space Wolves are quite capable of overcoming, but you haven't got what you need to quite do it. I'll explain what you're missing as I explain how I'd take on this force.


You're completely reliant on your Long Fangs for your firebase. Now, Wolves can get away with this. 15 Missiles per turn is nice, but you should be spamming those with Cyclones in your Wolfguard to make it work. You want to be able to throw out 30-odd missiles a turn with a foot Space Wolves army. As it is, I'll be pouring my first turn Autocannon and Krak Missile spam into crippling one or two of your Long Fangs. And since you're already running a Loganwing army, you have the Wolf Guard in anyway. As far as your ability to take out heavy armor, you are absolutely reliant on that one drop pod full of Wolf Guard with combi-meltas, who will come down and die horribly after they probably pop a tank, and otherwise you're going to need to stick Logan and Njal with one of your Long Fangs squads to give them Tank Hunter. If you have a ton of missiles, especially with Lone Wolves, you have a lot of fire suppression to glance the heck out of enemy mech armies. You aren't there yet. You need more missiles if you're going to run Loganwing.


Once your Long Fangs are crippled, you have no ability to respond to a fast army, no threats that can catch up to even a Mech force. I think your approach seems to be to pick the enemy's biggest threat, "A Word In Your Ear..." them out into the open, then spam missiles at them as an alpha-strike, but you just don't have enough missiles to kill anything hard, and it relies on you going first. That's a lot of points sunk into the Inquisitor Lord and the Assassin for this trick.


Now, here's how I'd go about disassembling this force with my 2500 point version of my biker army. I'll assume that you're going to "a word in your ear..." a squad of my biker troops, as with 15 missile shots, you are going to hit with 10 of them, so you stand a very good chance of completely crippling complete squad on turn one. However, that's the only chance you're going to get. If you're going second, I'll have turbo-boosted all my bikers, and cut my casualties by two thirds. Big gamble there, even with the Emperor's Tarot. Your other option would be to shoot to stun my firebase, but that's counting on only 15 missiles to be able to reliably score glancing hits against 3 different AV13 and 3 different AV12 targets every turn, and that requires you to ignore my Typhoon speeders. With whatever I have left, my primary target is dealing with your firebase and blasting your Long Fangs out from under you. I can turbo-boost away from whatever you drop pod in and after you've spent your combi-meltas, your Wolf Guard is almost 0 threat to my firebase.


After your firebase is crippled, you can't keep up with bikers, or any fast list, for that matter. This is why a good Loganwing packs Cyclones in the Wolf Guard Squads: you provide yourself with a mobile firebase in every squad in your army, so every squad you put on the table is able to contribute, even against squads it otherwise can't reach out and touch. Without that, I dictate the pace of the game. I can dance around, pick off squads as they drift apart with impunity, and then dart away before you can counter-attack.


Njal remains a threat because of his annoying weather powers, and being a walking psychic autocannon is nice, but by this point in the game, unless he presents himself as a target, he's more annoying than dangerous, and won't be able to significantly affect the outcome of the game.


So your two options are to get more mobility or pack in more Cyclones. I'd go with the latter, though if you can spare the points to work in one or two squads of TWC, you'll have the extra mobility you need to reach out and maim someone.

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