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Pingo's Ultras


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I had a thread like this a long time ago, but it's been lost for ages. Anyway; I'll start over with this one!

The below is a tactical squad kit bashed and converted from the Black Reach marines.



I also kit bashed and converted the Black Reach terminators.


Finally for now: a humble Rhino.



Hope you like!

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From one Ultra painter to another that is a great job you have done with the AOBR minis. I really like the guy with the comms unit.

The Rhino looks good but Id be tempted to give it a few more washes to darken where the armour meets. Im about to start mine too so I'll probably have the same issue and a shiny looking Rhino!

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Thanks guys :lol:


I'm afraid I can't take credit for freehand on the Rhino: the panels are Forgeworld, so they did the detail work for me.


I did have WIP pics of the black reach models, and posted them in the WIP section, but I can't find the thread now. Sorry!

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Does the Codex approve of these conversions? :lol:


The subtle pose adjustments create for some very nice models, and it's hard for the viewer to know that those models are even from the Black Reach set. Great job, pingo, and the painting is even sharper!

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How did you convert them so well please enlighten my unawareness!


Just cut at the joints of the power armour where required, re-posed it using wire to pin the joint in place, then filled in any gaps with green stuff. Used some bits from my bitz box where appropriate. On most of the black reach marine, their left arm can be sawn off quite easily by sawing along the line of the shoulder pad. You are them free to do what you like with that arm. The right arm is pretty much impossible to do anything with as it's moulded to the chest. Generally, thelegs are no more difficult to re-pose than normal marine legs.


Does the Codex approve of these conversions?


Yep. It's on page 2,457. Paragraph 3 :)

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That blue looks stunning. Going to echo ironbear with a request for your recipe.

I did have WIP pics of the black reach models, and posted them in the WIP section, but I can't find the thread now. Sorry!

Seeing the conversions without the paint goes to show just how much effort was put into these guys.


Looking forward to seeing the dreadnought painted.



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@lolita23q: I've updated the photos with larger versions.

@ironbear: The recipe is mordian blue basecoat, asurman blue wash (not on the tanks), highlights of mordian blue, ultramarine blue, and approx. 50/50 UM blue and Space Wolves grey.

@Messanger of Death: thanks for digging up my old thread! It was good to see them without paint again. I will post pictures of the Dreadnought below.

@Silver Phoenix: I'm pleased you remember them from the WIP thread. Don't be scared of converting them: just go for it and I'm sure yours will look awesome.

@Shaun Carlin: Thanks! I like to add some variety to the models.





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How did you convert them so well please enlighten my unawareness!


Just cut at the joints of the power armour where required, re-posed it using wire to pin the joint in place, then filled in any gaps with green stuff. Used some bits from my bitz box where appropriate. On most of the black reach marine, their left arm can be sawn off quite easily by sawing along the line of the shoulder pad. You are them free to do what you like with that arm. The right arm is pretty much impossible to do anything with as it's moulded to the chest. Generally, thelegs are no more difficult to re-pose than normal marine legs.



i cant believe i didn't think to do this, im ashamed


*mitchell93 eagerly waits till wednesday when he can implement plan individualise*

*then realises he has no green stuff fail*

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Some pictures of close combat scouts and their Land Speeder Storm.

The idea was to match the scouts on the storm to their 'on foot' counterparts. The scouts on the storm are attached with magnets for easy removal.









Thanks for looking!

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uhm... oh, my... that is quite awesome. Especially like some of those tactical marines. Am I correct in guessing that you've painted an iron skull on the sergeant's left shoulderpad like the squad leader's iron halo?
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very nice paint job and amazing conversion work, I mostly hate the AoBR marines but these really work! Loving the on/off LSS scouts too, very clever! The only thing that looks slightly odd to me is the mix of black and red weapons casings, any particular reason for the variation? (other than for variety itself? :down: )
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The only thing that looks slightly odd to me is the mix of black and red weapons casings, any particular reason for the variation? (other than for variety itself? :P )


Just for variety really. Some are also dark gunmetal all over.


My fluff reason is that when the Ultramarines changed their casing colours, some brothers did not repaint their casings for fear of upsetting the weapon's machine spirit :woot:

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