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Blood Falcons


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++Short History of Blood Falcons++


Founded in M33, the Blood Falcons are a succsesor to the Ultramarines. Thought to be a mighty chapter with amazing psychic talent, they have a very dark founding.

The geneseed had been mixed with the Thousand Sons to experiment with the unique "talents". The original results were fantastic, the chapter leading a crusade into the Eye of Terror with the Blood Ravens. By the 2nd century after their founding, the Blood Falcons had carved a great reputation for banishing daemons in their thousands.

Then, disaster struck. One by one the Companys became mutated until only the 1st remained. Shunned by the Imperium, the survivors fled from their Homeworld, Bergal, to the Maelstrom. The mutants fled to the Ghoul Stars were they became even more twisted from their original selfs. The Death Specters chapter was founded shortly after, to protect the galaxy from the abominations of astartes. The surviving 1st Company became Mercinaries, still loyal to the Imperium, but needing the money for the wepons as they are brutally attacked whenever they make planet fall. With only 12 survivors their numbers are not sufficient alone to tke planets. Instead they use agents to buy their wepons for them.


The Impirium has never repeated its mistake again. All records have been deleted from the records, bar this one.

Only the Grey Knights know they still exist, all other chapters were told they were destroyed by Red Corsairs.


C&C is much apprechiated


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