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A Nurgle beginning

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Hail all,


I have recently (last week) started to put my Death Guard together, as a worthwhile supplement to an existing, minor, Chaos Marine force.


Currently, I have 10 CSM along with a Terminator Lord, the Lord Cypher and 7 Plaguebearers as well as a Rhino and a Vindicator.


The project has been put up here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=203535 - but depending on replies there, I might continue the updates here, as there might be a lot more interest :-)


Pictures of Lord Typhus will soon follow.


Especially advice on how to paint muck, grime and other yucky stuff is appreciated!



Master Ciaphas

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Hail frateris


Well - no replies. Pity - guess I will have to entice you with even more pictures...


Here is the progress on the Rhino from last night:




As you can see, it is moving along nicely. I hoping to have it almost done by tonight.


Also, as mentioned before, here is Typhus, formerly Typhon of the 1st Company...






He has been in production for years now, so it is pretty much anyones guess, when I will get him done. Nurgle truly IS the God of Stagnation. :-)


C&C is most welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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Welcome to nurgle ;)


Looking good, though, a bit too clean I thinks, but as they aren't finished I guess its early days yet :D


For me, it started with converting 1 squad to plague marines and using them in a rhino, it has now spread to me running only plague marines, vehicles and a prince in my 1500 point army, and taking oblitorators and a few termicide squads when I bump the army to 2000 points.


I absolutely love, and I mean love the T5 and FNP, sure in certain situations you are paying extra for something that has no effect, but my friend has given up trying to beat me with his imperial guard after a squad of 10 veterans charged 2 plague marines, suffered 2 casualties, inflicted none, then ran away and got caught in a sweeping advance.

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The white's looking alright, but overall, this is a very clean paint job so far. I'll look forward to seeing them done.


With your test model from your other thread, I'd say it comes together fairly well. The green could still maybe be 'sploched-up' a bit with rust spots, or gross Nurgley colors (I'm a huge fan of Rotting Flesh ... the color, that is).


Keep at it!

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Cheers for the replies! I am glad to hear your comments.


How (and where) would you apply the colour Rotting Flesh? Also, if any of you have suggestions on how to paint the leering daemon-skull-faces on the front and side armour, I am an eager listener!


I am thinking of going for a corrugated bronze look, with mottled greens in the recesses. How do you think this would look?


My thanks in advance.



Master Ciaphas

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And here the progress on the Rhino, as of last night - today the plan is to finish the tracks and the turret, as well as the second combi-bolter, which will be affixed on the left side.




Close up of the front armour and leering, daemon face:




As a matter of good form, I have also taken a few pictures of the Plaguebearer squad that I have finished some time ago - all in the name of Papa Nurgle!






The theme, if you can spot it, will be an urban fighting force, to go on the Cityfight table that I have built. All good.


C&C is as always very welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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Well - just a quick update on the progress so far.


I did not quite manage to finish the Rhino as planned - but have managed to base coat the tracks for it, as well as the weapons for the Death Guard marines. These will be equipped with bolters and two flamers, repectively.


Also, I have managed to proceed to step 2 on half the marines. My recipe for painting these is the following:


1) Skull White base coat

2) Gryphonne Sepia Wash (x2)

3) Skull White heavy drybrush

4) Skull White light drybrush

5) Detail, details details...which are coated black and then with normal base colours, shading, high lights etc.


The base will be coated black, dry brushed with Astartes Battlegrey, bestial brown, codex grey, graveyard earth, fortress grey and a light drybrush of skull white to simulate dust.


Pipes, tubes, metal bits will be painted black, then boltgun metal, devlan mud wash, chainmail highligt, and then I will attempt rust effects (advice hereby requested), and mithril silver chipping.


On Sunday, I will be playing 2x 800 points battles, and I hope to have the squad and Rhino done by then.


What I can field, painted to date, is the following:


Chaos Lord

- Terminator armour, twin-linked bolter, power weapon, personal icon


Chaos Lord

- Power weapon, plasma pistol, personal icon


Chaos Space Marine squad

- Aspiring Champion w. powerfist & plasma pistol, 10 CSM, 2 plasma guns, 1 icon of Chaos Glory

- Rhino w. extra armour, 2 x twin-linked bolter, smoke launchers




7 Summoned lesser daemons




Replies are always welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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Hey Master Ciaphas,


Loving your Death Guard so far and specially your wip typhus. Looking forward to more!


A question with your painting tutorial: When you drybrush the Skull White in step 3 what type of brush do you use or would recommend?



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Cheers for the replies - very kind of you all :-)


As mentioned previously, it has indeed been a busy weekend. One filled with good eating, drinks and wine, card games and even two games of 850 pts Chaos vs. Imperial Guard. Good stuff allround.


With regard to the painting done, here are the results. First up, the now completed Death Guard Rhino:










And - though not quite Death Guard related - still very much a part of my "chaotic heart" - a Fallen Angel Sorceror:




And last, but not least, I have made some progress on the Death Guard Plague marine squad. As for your question, Kable, in step 3 I use GW's medium size drybrush brush and have at them.


Step 2 - Gryphonne Sepia wash:



Step 3 - drybrush with Skull White:



Step 4½ and step 5 - paint the base and start to pick out the details:



Comments and critique is always welcome!


My thanks in advance.



Master Ciaphas

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Thank you all - very kind of you.


After the painting stretch of the weekend, and client meetings till 22hrs last night, not much further has been done.


However, I plan to rectify that lapse tonight and get the following done:


Drybrush the last to Death Guard marines with Skull White (the aspiring Champion and a marine who will be entrusted with a flamer), and to paint the bases of the 5 marines still needing this - along with pictures of how the steps 1 through 6 looks.


Also, if able, I will see if I can get some more freehand done - like a fly symbol on the left pauldron of the icon bearer.



Master Ciaphas

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Well - this update took a wee bit longer than planned. Apologies for that. I guess stagnation is everywhere these days ;-)


However, as promised, I have finished the bases on a further three Death Guard marines, and made some progress on one of them.


Urban bases - Master Ciaphas style:


Step 1 - drybrush with Adeptus Battlegrey foundation paint




Step 2 - drybrush with Bestial Brown




Step 3 - drybrush with Codex Grey




Step 4 - drybrush with Graveyard Earth



Step 5 - drybrush with Fortress Grey




Step 6 - drybrush (gently the edges) with Skull White




Step 7, 8, 9, 10 - paint metal bits Boltgun Metal; wash with Devlan Mud; tactically blotch Fiery Orange ink; highlight with Mithril Silver



And voilá! The bases are done, and (IMHO) look great.


Not to be put off by this, I have also, as previously mentioned, made a wee bit of progress on one of the Death Guards:




In addition to this, Typhus has also been "lavished" with a bit of Grandfatherly love, but not nearly enough to warrant a new picture.


I hope you all like it so far!



Master Ciaphas

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Thank you! I am glad that you like it.


There has been some progress since last, solely on Typhus himself, who is now nigh fully done. Good stuff, as he will kick up the total points of battles I can fight with my Chaos army.


There will be pics up of him tonight!



Master Ciaphas

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These look really good. I know people are saying they are to clean but I like the fact that you can see the detail rather than the super foul look that some people go with. They still look very Nurgle just a different take. The rhino looks solid and the fly on the top hatch is very well done. I am looking to start some freehand stuff on a couple of rhinos in the near future, though it will be for favor from Lord Tzeentch and not Nurgle.


Looking forward to seeing Typhus completed.



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And cheers for the replies! As I promised earlier, there would be pics uploaded of Typhus and the progres to date. He really is a wonderful model to paint - so much character and a magnificient aggressiveness to the pose of him. :-)


Well - here are the pics as promised:




And rear:



I am in a bit of a conundrum of how to paint the vents on the back and top. I am thinking of either painting them rusted metal or perhaps as fleshy protrubances. Not really sure - advice and opinions: most welcome :-)


My thanks in advance!



Master Ciaphas

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  • 2 months later...

Hail fraters!


Far too long has it been, since I updated this hallowed blog-thingy.


Since last, I have managed to finish Typhus, as well as another 7 Plague Bearers. Also, the mail has kindly dropped off Mamon and a Blight Drone!


Stay tuned!



Master Ciaphas

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Massive tease, that is what you are. Discussion of both Mamon and a Blight Drone and then no pics.


On a serious note stuff looks great. Those Blight Drones are fantastic models and I am hoping to get Mamon in the mail here any day now. Lucky that you have it already and I can view and then steal err um borrow some ideas from you.



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Well, Gub, there might just be something 'bout that I reckon ;-)


Anyways, so as not to drag out the wait, here are the long promised pictures!


First up, mr. Herald himself



And a close up of his Nurgling pet




Also, I managed to finish a Legionnaire, of the Forge World variety, and over all, I think it looks pretty good



Here a close up of the battle worn greaves




Finally, I have also finished a squad of Summoned Lesser Daemons aka Plaguebearers:








There will be pictures of Mamon and the Blight Drone later! I really got to say though, that the models are nothing short of Awesome!



Master Ciaphas

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