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A Nurgle beginning

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Thanks! I am glad to hear that you find my work pleasing!


Secondly: ask and ye shall receive!


First up - Big Daddy Mamon himself:





His herald can be seen in the pile behind him - and I am not entirely sure which I will be painting first of the two - probably Mamon, and then I will leave the herald for later. As far as I recall, a Nurgle herald on foot really falls short of adding anything at all to an army (and yes, with Mamon and the two squads of Plague Bearers, I can now field a (small) Chaos Daemons strike force - huzzah).


Secondly - my first Fast Attack choice, which is viable in both a Chaos Daemons army as well as my regular Chaos Space Marine army (of Fallen Angels and Death Guards):




And beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder:



I think that all things considered, the Blight Drone will receive the loving touch of my brush first, as it is a virtual steal at 125 pts! Add to that a 5" blast S6 and AP3 at 36" and you're golden.


I plan to have at least one of the above models completed by the end of September 2010!


C&C is ALWAYS appreciated! Cheers!



Master Ciaphas

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Progress has been made! After a very hang-over ridden weekend, and life happening at work, I have only yesterday been able to advance on the Mamon & Herald project.


And what lovely, pestulent models they are!


First up - a picuture of Mamon's now completed base:




Followed by the man himself, now base coated:



And finally, a picture of the herald:



He is also an interesting one, and I look forward to painting him - even if I have my severe doubts as to his effectiveness in-game.


C&C is welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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These are really looking great. Sadly my Mamon and Herald has yet to make it across the pond so I continue to live vicariously through your blog. Also, i think that you are correct in thinking that the Nurgle herald on foot looks great but is not so hot on the table. Not a powerhouse but style points abound.


Will you be taking the Blight Drone alone in the force? I have one as well and was thinking that I would like to filed it , would love to have a couple but they are pricey.


Anyway keep us posted. Will there be terminators to go with Mr. Herald himself?



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Many thanks!


Indeed yes, Typhus will be accompagnied by a squad of Death Guard Terminators (but what to give them of gear?) and, yes, they will ride in a Land Raider. With the proper Forge World DG doors. I am thinking, however, of getting the Mk I pattern Land Raider with the slanted side doors, to give it that more retro-feel. But, we will see. I probably won't get to that warmachine before Christmas anyways.


The Blight Drone will be a solo act to start with. If I like the model and the single one performs moderately, I might splash out on a full squadron. We will see. I am looking forward to seeing it on the battlefield, smiting the followers of the False Emperor! ;-)


With regard to the Daemon Herald of Nurgle, I managed last night to finish his base, and I expect to have his arm finished by tomorrow evening. Pictures "should" follow sometime Sunday.


Have a great weekend!



Master Ciaphas

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hail fraters,


Alright - so not quite the Sunday I expected, but rather the one following... Ah, well. Time moves in mysterious ways, and there is more 'tween Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than your philosophies ;-)


I present, humbly in all his putrescent Glory - Nicodemus, Herald of Papa Nurgle!!!










C&C is naturally welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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Firstly great job so far, and loving the pre-heresy colour scheme. Have been wondering whether to get forgeworld models or not but they do look amazing.

Looking forward to seeing the drone.


May Grandfather Nurgle's love be with you.

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Hail fraters


Many thanks! I am glad to hear it. Well - the army here is an addition to the initial plan of a Fallen Angels force, and so, without further ado, and knowing full well that they are technically not Nurgle (but rather Undivided) here are my WIP Terminators:


Full squad:






Heavy flamer specialist:





Enjoy! And remember: C&C is always welcome :)



Master Ciaphas

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  • 8 months later...

Hail fraters


Well - long has this thread been silent, but I thought I would grace you all with the latest creations from my hand.


I have long ago finished Mamon, Daemon Prince of Nurgle, whom I proudly present before you here:







Also, I have finished a throng of Plaguebearers, whom I give to you here:










And finally, a group shot of the lot (minus the pale 'bearers, as they were not finished when I took the shot:



Have a nice day :-)



Master Ciaphas

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  • 4 weeks later...


Cheers for the replies - very kind of you all :-)


As mentioned previously, it has indeed been a busy weekend. One filled with good eating, drinks and wine, card games and even two games of 850 pts Chaos vs. Imperial Guard. Good stuff allround.


With regard to the painting done, here are the results. First up, the now completed Death Guard Rhino:










And - though not quite Death Guard related - still very much a part of my "chaotic heart" - a Fallen Angel Sorceror:




And last, but not least, I have made some progress on the Death Guard Plague marine squad. As for your question, Kable, in step 3 I use GW's medium size drybrush brush and have at them.


Step 2 - Gryphonne Sepia wash:



Step 3 - drybrush with Skull White:



Step 4½ and step 5 - paint the base and start to pick out the details:



Comments and critique is always welcome!


My thanks in advance.



Master Ciaphas


I had to ask what colours did you use for that Rhino. I like Chaos even if i don't collect them. The more I read, the more I like these boys, the Death Guard. Perhaps i may get a squad of them and use a similar colour scheme to yours.

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  • 1 month later...



Thank you both for your kind comments!


The "white" on the rhino and the Death Guard was done via this method:


1) White undercoat

2) Heavy wash with Gryphonne Sepia

3) Drybrush with skull white until result is pleasing


Simple! :-D


Anyhow - I have gotten a bit more done (though all are still WIP) - so here for your viewing pleasure!


Two Death Guards, to bring the tally to seven:



Three Plague Bearers to bring the total tally to 28:



And finally, the first of four Blight Drones:



I hope you like - and remember: C&C makes the world go around ;-)


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hail frateris,


Well - the first of my four Blight Drones has flown from the Nest, and I present it here, for your scrutiny.












Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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Glorious! Is that a free-hand fly emblem? The only (very minor) qualm is that the coloration of the armor and flesh look quite similiar, but perhaps that is merely the light.
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Thank you! Yes, that is indeed a free-hand fly emblem :-) Just as the one on the Rhino posted a long time ago.


True now that you mention it - the armour and flesh look quite similar in the pictures, but that is rather on account of poor lighting and poor photo-taking ability on my part :-)



Master Ciaphas

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Hail frateris,


Again time for a little update. I managed to finish my 1st Death Guard squad yesterday, and here are the two newcomers, along with the complete squad.








Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hail fellow Followers of the Blight :-D


Work progresses ever onwards with my Nurgle aligned forces, and yesterday was no exception. I managed to finish my second Blight Drone, and not for a second would I cheat you of seeing it.










And here they are, the both of them:




C&C is most welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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Wow! That's a great looking army! I particularly like Typhus and the Blight Drones. I love the red Nurgle symbol on the Drone, in particular. You went much more white on your PMs than I did though (mine have a more green/pale look)... It's a great look!
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  • 1 month later...



Well - further progress on my Death Guards. For your viewing pleasure, I give you: NECRODEMUS!




Horribly ineffective in-game, but a well cool model.


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hail frateris


A further small update from me, to you, which I hope will be to your taste :-)






Let me tell you, that I am shivering with anticipation to get these bad boys started...



Master Ciaphas

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