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A Nurgle beginning

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  • 2 weeks later...


I like the colors very much! I have a few old metal Plague Marines and the big and awesome Nurgle Daemon Prince that i want to paint and i was thinking of using Bleached Bone, Devlan mud and skull white as high lights, but this is awesome and i'm going to copy you straight off.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you - you are more than welcome to "borrow" the paint scheme. I am rather sure that I do not have exclusivity to it ;-)


In the meanwhile, you can enjoy my latest creation - a Death Guard Land Raider:




C&C is most welcome!


Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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  • 2 months later...

Hail frateris!


Thank you - and since last, I have managed to put in a bit of work on a Nurgle Plague Hulk, finished just this morning!








Kind regards,

Master Ciaphas

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Hail frateris


Thank you :-)


I will bear that it mind.


Meanwhile, here is a picture of the Plague Hulk in action:




And a picture of the complete Daemon force to date (save a Nurgle herald, who somehow absented itself from the family group photo op...)





Master Ciaphas

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  • 4 months later...



Oh, dear, this one has lain quiet for some time...anyhow, now that 6th edition is upon us, and I have discovered that my Blight Drones are fliers with 3 hull points, I got inspired to finish my first "proper" aircraft...here it is, painted "renegade red", and actually not in homage to Khorne...










Also, another squad of Plague Marines, who will be armed with plasma guns are well under way:




Their aspering champion will be armed with a lovely power sword...





Master Ciaphas

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