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MotF with Tech squad.


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This project sprang into my mind about 2 years ago. To make a tac squad, where each marine had the AdMech shoulderpad and chest, some decently heavy converting and then paint them all up in a techmarine-style theme. Well last week I won Fav Opponent at the local turney and realised that I actually had managed to get the chests and shoulderpads I needed, so I figured what the heck, lets make some magic happen!

So I used my gift cert and bought a tac squad, took 'em home and started raiding my bitzbox. I tried to make each singe marine individual, especially with their costum back-packs and poses. Each helmet has extra targeting systems ( the bionics over one lense ) to show that they have more sofisticated equipment.


I had a tech-marine with servo harness that I'd stripped of paint a while back to give him a new (read better) paintjob, so I pimped him out as well. The squad and Motf took about a week to finish from scratch and I'm really happy with how the conversion as a whole turned out.


The fluff behind them will be that the squad are marines-in-training to become techmarines. They have not yet learnt enought to be worthy of sending to a forge world, and untill they do they act as the Motf's retinue and bodyguard, recieving training during battle ( like marines should ).


For their wargear I figured that as tech-junkies what better option than to go with the most advanced and revered tech in a tac squads options, plasma!

The squad will most often be deployed by drop pod with the Motf, delivering the Omnissiahs fiery wrath upon the heretics (5 shots when they land, not half bad!)


The Master of the Forge





To make my life (and transport) easier I made the servo-harness magnetized and pinned, this way he will actually fit in the bag, and later on I will probably convert a conversion beamer.




The squad




Sergeant. Really happy with how the skull freehand turned out!





Plasma cannon




Plasma gun



And the gloryboys











The problem now is that I'm itching to do more of them...


Please let me know what you guys think!



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well I like the idea :devil:


Painting is very good, the green highlights could be a little neater in my opinion but hey ho,




For their wargear I figured that as tech-junkies what better option than to go with the most advanced and revered tech in a tac squads options, plasma!


I don't really see much plasma either, mostly bolters ;) but still a great job :)

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Cheers mate!


Well for a tac squad they have as much plasma as they can (combi, gun and cannon). The other option would be running them as sternguard with combi-weapons, but I already have 26 sterns. So a Tactical squad it was.

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I find them a bit "busy" to look at. there are so many colors and patterns and hard highlights my eye doesn't know what to look at and it all becomes a riot of colors. Don't get me wrong, each marine is well painted and detailed. It's more that every object and item on them has interesting colors and details. Maybe leave the backpacks a more drab color or go easier on the highlights on the weapons so they look less "stripey"?
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Cheers guys!


As is I want to do a total of 2 tactical squads, 1 sternguard squad and one devastator squad. I have very little plasma weaponry in my army ( 16.000+pts and one plasma gun marine.... ) so I figured that I'd give myself a reason for incorporating more plasma technology. The second tac squad will have the same wargear as this one, but with a power fist instead of a power weapon.

The sternguard squad will be fully comib-plasma ( and half of them will melt, but terminators beware! ) and the devastators will be 4x P-cannons.

For the next tac squad I'll be doing a bit more "normal" marines, meaning bolter in two hands like they usually are. Then I'll mix them around.

I love the individuality of this squad, but it is a little busy.


For the Devastators I was thinking of doing the sergeant and p-cannons as marines, but the other 5 guys as combat servitors. They pretty much never get to fire anyways, and it would give me an excuse to convert the 6-9 servitors I have in my bitz-box. I'll probably be using the guy above with the coms-pack and auspex as the sergeant(3-4th pic in the "gloryboys")


Sooner or later I will also be doing a dread in AdMech colors, and with some techie converting, as I have been playing around with the thought of technought for a while now. Add a drop pod to this as well, and you have a decent detachment of AdMech marines.


I'll be sticking with the color scheme, since one of the big reasons itt looks so all over the place is because it's now against a white background. On an actuall table they "calm down" a bit.


Thanks for the feedback guys!

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I like this lot – very creative. The guy with the big searchlight on top made me chuckle, no doubt he has the last laugh in Night Fights :P. Great painting and modelling resulting in a really characterful unit.




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Hell, these are awesome conversion ideas. Very unique and even well executed. Well done.

But even in these miniatures I still find something to improve. The first thing which comes to eye is that some parts of your highlights seem to "spread" too much. But that will get better as paint more and you get more and more precise. Other thing is red. I think that instead of black you use like dark flesh in recess. It would still be dark enough but not so dramatic switch than it is from black.

But as many have before these very good conversions, well painted and truly unique. Keep up doing these and as take your time. Nothing is more worse than rushed miniatures. Especially because you truly have skill.

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Thanks a bunch guys! :)


Yeah I've been meaning to give them a few highlights over the red, but with my trip back to Sweden coming up on tuesday I'm right now busy with packing.

These guys will be amongst those from the chapter going with me on this crusade though, so I might get it done soon.


Cheesy: More like, Who am I going to blow the heck up with this badboy??? :P


Cricket: Yeah I'm happy with how he turned out, esp since the squad so far has done nothing but rapid fire! "Shot them, shot them dead!"


Akutat: I'll deff try that on the next squad! Thanks for the tips, and I might go over the highlights and clean them up when I do red highlights, I do agree that they are thick/tooo much in some areas, but not so much that I feel I need to do something about it right away.


Isiah: Haha that was actually my thought when I built him! "Lets see them try to sneak through the darkness now... Light 'em up!" Always a pleasure to get praise from one of the great ones ;)


Like I said before I'll be going back to sweden for about 2 months now on tuesday, and hopefully there will be some AdMech shoulders and chests to plunder. I have some plans for this theme I want to play with. The most recent thought was a 5 man bike squad with three-wheelers, 2x plasma guns and a combi-plasma... hmmm...



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