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Daemon Prince WIP


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I have been eyeballing the Inquisitor model Chaos Magus Mynarc since I restarted 40K. I thought he'd make a cool daemon prince. With a little conversion work, it turned out pretty good.




Now I am trying to figure out how to put wings on him. The downside: his two pauldrons come together very closely in the back. This leaves less than 1/2" of back for attaching anything. Anyone have thoughts?

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Here is what I ended up doing.


Sarkon Front


Sarkon Rear


I will clean up the green stuff a bit after it dries.


With the back so narrow, I thought I could just cut some wings from plasticard. Since they don't have any detail, my plan is to pain them very dark with highlights on the edges to make them look shadowy, like they are the "suggestion" of wings (a la the Warsmith from Storm of Iron).



Not Bad. What shape or style are you basing this off? I have a wip tzeentch dp I'm converting from an ushabti vulture (tomb kings) in my album. I also made plastic card wings that I'm basing off the fw tzeentch daemon lords shape but I've yet to add updated pica with wing shape since I've modified them to be a lot more accurate since my last updating.
  • 1 month later...

Long time, no post. I had some Chaos bikes that I traded to a friend in exchange for some painting (as I am not that good and don't have a lot of spare time for painting). Anyway, I really like how Sarkon turned out.




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