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Swords of Erebor - Version 2.0

Sons of Erebor

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Sons of Erebor


A chapter made in the 25th founding from the gene-seed of an unknown Ultramarines successor, the Swords of Erebor have a limited history. For the beginning of the chapter history, the Swords were an extremely codex adherent chapter. Although this all changed during the Battle of Kael-Garwath.

Kael-Garwath is the largest moon of Erebor, and the Swords had received information that the moon had been taken over by an Ork Waaagh! The chapter was lead to believe that it was a relatively small Waaagh! and Chapter Master Myloras decided to dispatch the 3rd battle company. Upon landfall the 3rd company discovered that the Chapter had grossly underestimated the amount of Orks. The 1st and 4th companies were sent as reinforcements.

The Swords of Erebor we’re beginning to become overrun, it was looking bleak. Until a distress signal sent out by the marines was received by a Black Templars’ Crusading fleet. The Templars answered and had turned the tide of battle; the Swords were saved, although the 1st, 3rd, and 4th companies had suffered horrible losses.

Black Templars' Influence

After the Battle of Kael-Garwath the Swords and Black Templars had a much closer relationship then one would think. The Swords of Erebor have adopted a much less codex adherent organization because of their relationship with the Black Templars. The Swords were given two Battle Barges by the Templars, which were named by the Swords “Erebor’s Revenge” and “Griffon’s Pride”. The 2nd through 5th companies of the Swords have become permanent crusading companies. Companies 2 and 3 on the battle barge “Erebor’s Revenge” and 4 and 5 on “Griffon’s Pride”.

The organization of companies 2-5 has also changed. The companies have one scout squads each on their battle barges, and are self sufficient.

Companies 1, 6, 7, and 8 have become the Battle Companies, stationed on Erebor ready to answer any calls for the chapter to fight. Companies 9 and 10 are permanently stationed on Erebor, unless they are needed. The 9th company is the only Reserve Company, and the 10th is extremely small, because of the fact that they have had 4 squads taken to the battle barges.

Chapter's Colours

The colours of the chapter are as follows; primarily green, with blue, white and black accents. Green represents Erebor, the blue for the sky and the ocean, white for the innocence of the Ereborians and black for the Chapter’s gratitude to the Black Templars.


Located in the Eastern Fringes of the Galaxy, Erebor is a feral planet. The Ereborian people are not a civilized people, and have yet to discover advanced technology. The Ereborians know little to nothing about all conflict and strife spread throughout the Galaxy, they lead simple lives; more concerned about the welfare of their crops and of their ale than of anything else. There is but one continent on Erebor (a relatively small planet) the continent is named Bdoras. The remainder of the planet is 75% water, collectively referred to as The Great Sea.

There are 5 major “countries” on Erebor (countries being glorified city-states of about 20-75k inhabitants) the largest and most affluent is Doriath, followed by Tofaels, Thargelion, and Fanduen Llwyn. There are also many other smaller and less significant city-states. The major culture centre of Erebor is Doriath, with by far the largest population of all the countries in Erebor with a population of about 74,500 inhabitants (the other states having populations of around 30k inhabitants).

There are no accurate records due to the lack of technology in Erebor, but estimates place the population around 500-600 thousand inhabitants.

The Storm

Erebor has been a relatively peaceful planet for thousands of years, although now there seems to be something changing. The Sons of Erebor, who are normally never seen in public, save when they go to recruit, are being seen with increasing regularity, still never speaking, but always watching, always looking for a clue as to what has been changing the planet.

Over The Great Sea, there is an ever-present storm, black and menacing; it is rotating constantly over the Sea, but never on land. There is no explanation for this, nothing of its like has ever occurred on the planet, and there are rumours that a great evil has arisen; something like the Ereborians have never seen.

Relation Between Erebor and the Swords of Erebor

Erebor and the people of Erebor share an interesting relationship with the Chapter. It is obvious that the Swords have a strong connection with the planet, although this is for reasons unknown, there are no major resources located on the planet, and it does not appear to hold any strategic position worth note, although the Swords of Erebor will fight and die for the planet and its people.

The chapter is only seen by the people of Erebor once in a generation, when a detachment of ten Veteran Marines (squad name Oflen Wynn) enters scours the world to recruit new members for the chapters. Everyone on the planet knows what is happening when they see the marines, in their shining armour coming into the village and city squares and selecting those that they view as worthy to come with them to their Fortress-Monastery. The Veterans only speak to those who they are taking with them to the Fortress-Monastery, and the only say one phrase: “Come, you are worthy.” Once at the Monastery, then the transformation from rural boy, to Space Marine is begun.


The Swords of Erebor only recruit from Erebor, once in a generation. Those who are taken to the Fortress-Monastery are never seen again, and their fate is unknown to their kin. The fact that the Swords of Erebor recruit for prospective new marines only once in a generation, as well as the scouts on the battle barges leads to their 10th company being smaller than others, although the Swords do not employ the use of many scouts in battle. When scouts are taken, they are typically used as snipers, long range support and suppressing fire; the remainder of the 10th company remains at their Fortress-Monastery, Evendim, to upkeep the chapter's sanctuary.


The Fortress-Monastery of the Swords of Erebor, high in the northern mountains is inaccessible except to those who know its exact location, so that the Ereborian people cannot access it. The Monastery is named in the local Ereborian tongue “Evendim” meaning Refuge of the Silent. Evendim is the holder of all the records of the Chapter, e.g. its origins, and all the chapter’s secrets.

Council of Myloras

The Council of Myloras is made up of the entire First Company, and is the ruling body of the chapter. It is set up much like a Senate, each Marine in The Council of Myloras carries one vote, and the Chapter Master is the President Pro-Tempore of The Council of Myloras, and leads it in session.

The true role of The Council of Myloras and what its implications are within the chapter are unknown, due to the fact that The Council of Myloras, and its role is, secret and unknown to any outside of the chapter.

In order to nominate a new chapter master, there is an election in the Council of (Name of deceased chapter master). Each Company Capitan, save the first company Capitan (who would be the dead chapter master) and the 10th company Capitan, who is seen as not being worthy, are allowed to make a speech in front of the Council to state their case for why they should be elected as Chapter Master.

Combat Doctrine

The Sons of Erebor are for the most part a Codex following chapter, allowing for them to adapt to most any situation. Although it appears that the Chapter dislikes infiltration, and has no drop-pods, and it is also evident that the Chapter has a tendency to prefer troop heavy armoured assault.

The Sons of Erebor have many Rhinos for their tactical squads, and Land Raiders for many of their Terminators. The Chapter prefers to use their transports to get within close range of the enemy, and then engage that way, although there are medium to long range squads found within the army.

Close Combat is seen as the honourable way of fighting to the chapter, as well as a link to their home world; where the people have access to little ranged weaponry because of their uncivilized nature.

Battle Cries

“For the Emperor, For Erebor, and for the Evendim”

“Eol Lwynn! Ai Elmyne! Gal Thoraimi”
-Roughly translates into “Protect the Home! Serve the Emperor! For Glory”.

"Crusade for the Sword"
-Said by an unrecorded Black Templars Sword-Brother during the battle of Kael-Garwath when the Templars had arrived to

Chapter Marines

Battle Brother



I'm still not totally done with the fluff, but I think most of the stuff I need insight from those who know more of the 40k universe. I want them to be a new chapter, without major history so it allows me to fill in things as I go. And it's obvious I don't know character names and the like. I've ordered my codex and it's not in yet, but I thought I had enough of my idea to give it a shot.

Please give comments and criticism.
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Hrm, I see your point there, the trouble is, I need a reason for the chapter to be stationed there. The way I want to portray the chapter is as if theyre protecting the people on the planet; but I need help finding a reason why there would be a whole chapter of Space Marines on a seemingly unimportant planet.
Okay, so I've taken out the "great chaos" nonsense and I've added a little more to "the storm" to make it seem a little more confusing/mysterious. Oh yeah, and I added some codes to make it look prettier, anyone else want to give me some advice or comments or criticism on my chapter?
This is a great start in my opinion. I like the intrigue and mystery surrounding "the Storm", as it makes the reader guess about what it could be, without making it obvious or unbelievable. As for the assault marine pic, if you use the old version of the space marine painter, it allows you to add wargear like jump packs.

Good work in my opinion, just a warning about a potential problem;


A lot of your names are featured in the Lord of the Rings; mainly Erebor, Dagorlad, Tofaels, Ered, Minriath and Evendim.

I have no personal objection to this it just might be a problem in terms of copyright amongst other things.

Good work in my opinion, just a warning about a potential problem;


A lot of your names are featured in the Lord of the Rings; mainly Erebor, Dagorlad, Tofaels, Ered, Minriath and Evendim.

I have no personal objection to this it just might be a problem in terms of copyright amongst other things.

To be honest, that was the reason I came to see this IA. I was thinking "maybe this guy didn't know Erebor was a location in Middle-earth, yadda yadda," but it seems you are rather well-versed with the whole universe.

My problem is less with copyright issues then with familiarity issues. Copyright probably won't be an issue, because already we are making all sorts of things with copyrighted material here (Games Workshop property, for example). Besides, the Tolkien Estate is unlikely to take serious legal action even if there is a problem, they would probably just request you to change it.

However, I do believe that people who know about the geography of Middle-earth would be confused. Why is Erebor bigger than Dagorlad, for example, where one is a mountain, and the other a massive wasteland, respectively. Here you make them a planet and a city-state, respectively. While you are of course free to do so, it might engender confusion for readers of the Tolkien mythos.

Otherwise I think the Middle-earth spin might work. I'm guessing the native tongue of the Ereborians is Elvish? The Synod thing seems to break with the theme a bit, unless there is an aspect of Middle-earth I have not heard of (which is probable).

Looking forward to seeing more of this, keep up the good work.

Haha, I was wondering when someone would pick up on the whole Middle-Earth thing. I was heavily inspired by Tolkien, the whole idea of the sort of weak and agriculturual Ereborians came from the idea of the hobbits, and the chapter protecting the people sort of was from how Gandalf protected the hobbits. The hobbits didn't know Gandalf's true purpose, but he protected them, much like the Sons protect the ignorant, for lack of better word, Ereborians.


To The Normish:

I was sort of just pouring over the map in the back of my Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, and was looking for more inspiration, but now that I think of it, I'll try to make the geography more represent the names of the locals I''ve used. And you see, Evendim is in a mountain, and the chapter is named Erebor, so I'll keep that bit, but perhaps change the other names to Tolken-esk names, or find more befitting Tolkien names.


And now that I think of it, the Synod doesn't fit in with the "theme"; I was just looking for a name of a legislature/governing body thing that wasnt so boring like "The Senate". I think i'll change it to "The Council of Myloras", with Myloras being the First Company Capitan, and Chapter Master.


Thanks for the C+C, and keep it up please!

Okay, so I've changed a fair bit of stuff around, but I still need some help from you guys. Anything you can say about the chapter would be great, but more importantly, I need some help on what the chapter symbol should be, I'm totally lost :).


So any comments on the chapter, or any ideas for a chapter symbol would be amazing!


Thanks :woot:

As for the Chapter Badge, I'd go with something Dwarven-inspired, myself. Wouldn't even need to be Middle-earth dwarves, maybe some WFB dwarf symbols, or maybe some generic hard-edged Celtic-inspired symbol would do. Something like this perhaps: Warhammer Online dwarf thingummy

I like the revised place names, it seems more appropriate.

Well, seem to be all, unless I missed something (wouldn't be the first time).


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