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Grey Knights Land Raider Redeemer


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I've recently kitbashed myself one of these wonderful machines, and i've been given the go-ahead to use it in a friendly game against Blood Angels tomorrow.

Does anyone have some past experience with them? Suitable unit to use in it? Was thinking just a Grand Master and 5 GKTs, or substituting one GK and have Stern in the squad, also. Tactics are also welcomed, the model looks great on paper, i want to see if it performs like it should.


Suggestions please? :)

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Point in direction of enemy deathstar.


Maim and burn with psycannons and flamestorm incinerators on the way.


Pop out GM + GKT with I10.




I'll be using mine for the first time with the actual GKLRR rules this weekend, I'm hoping it will kill alot of things.

I'm hoping it will do good, too. I convinced the other player to let me use it, with the 'my codex is outdated out of competitive functionality' leverage :P


List at the moment is as following:



GK Grand Master w/NFS and SB, Holy Relic, Teleport Homer 185pts

Brother Captain Stern 141pts



4 GK Terminators 199pts

7 GK Terminators 337pts



5 PAGK w/1xPsycannon 175pts

5 PAGK w/1xPsycannon 175pts



1 GK Land Raider Redeemer w/Extra Armour, Multi-Melta 285pts

2 GK Land Raiders 500pts




Grand Master and Stern will be riding in the Redeemer attached to the 4-man Terminators, assault out, and in the second turn use the teleport homer to deepstrike the 7-man squad on the field without scatter.

Holy Icon obviously to be revealed when both squads of Terminators are in combat, to get even more attacks :D


As before, ideas are welcomed, as are some army list changes if you have any better ideas.

Only problems I see:


I don't think you can add a MM to the GKLRR, otherwise, excellent idea. I don't think its listed in the options.


I don't think terminators can carry teleport homers? I could be wrong though.


Thats alot of GKT, do you actually own that many models? I only have about 7 myself, though they never get fielded together lol. Should be interesting at 2000pts, don't get tied up with any hordes with that few models and fearless, although GKs should likely win the combat of wounds, at least the GKTs should.

Indeed you're right, i must have been thinking of a Crusader or something, my bad.

I have a rather large Grey Knights force, consisting of


2x GKLRs



Brother Captain Stern

1xGKT w/Psycannon

14x GKTs w/NFW&SB

3x GKTs w/Incinerators

16x PAGKs w/NFW&SB

2x PAGKs w/Psycannons

3x PAGKs w/Incinerators

1x GK Dread w/Lascannon and Incinerator

1x GK Dread w/Plasma cannon and Incinerator


I usually field lots of Termies, so i won't have any problems there :)

I should be getting another box of PAGKs and GKTs from a friend as a late birthday present, too

  Brovius said:
2x GKLRs



Brother Captain Stern

1xGKT w/Psycannon

14x GKTs w/NFW&SB

3x GKTs w/Incinerators

16x PAGKs w/NFW&SB

2x PAGKs w/Psycannons

3x PAGKs w/Incinerators

1x GK Dread w/Lascannon and Incinerator

1x GK Dread w/Plasma cannon and Incinerator




They really need to make them in plastic, I am allergic to super glue, so I hate actually building my GKs.

I only have about 12 PAGKs(1 incinerator) and 7 GKTs

but I am loving the GKLRR, it is a beautiful kit, even though I have to use super-glue on the resin.

  Daedalus Templarius said:
I am allergic to super glue, so I hate actually building my GKs.

Speaking as someone who was too lazy to go out a buy a new thing of glue when he realized all he had was citadel plasic glue, I've found that pinning plus plastic glue works excellently at building gray knights.


I know. Too lazy to buy glue, but I'll hand drill holes in all my models. What can I say?

  Lungboy said:
Be aware that some people will argue that DH teleport homers no longer work as they specifically reference using the template method to deepstrike, which no longer exists.


I'm sure they will let me use the new Teleport Homer, unless of course, they want to deal with a NFW that ignores Eternal Warrior :P

Just finished my game today, and it was a pretty solid victory!

It was a simple annihilation match, and I was lucky enough to get first turn ^_^

The GKLRR didn't do much, it killed a devastator on first turn with the TL Psycannon, but got rammed at 24 inches by a vanilla Predator, which took off the prized weapon. I also lost one of the GKLRs on first turn, too.


Dante deepstriked into my deployment zone, and a Chaplain deepstriked near my Redeemer, so i reacted by launching my GM/Stern squad out of the Redeemer for an Initiative 10 charge, and walked on my 7man GKT squad to charge Dante and pals.

With all attacks directed at the squads from both assaults, i won both. The Chaplain lost all his wounds from mass No Retreat saves, and Dante ran away (good thing he isn't fearless). I consolidated my GKTs to keep Dante from regrouping, until he ran directly into a Razorback, thus destroying him :D


In the end, i still had one GKLR, an immobilized GKLRR, Stern, the GM, and 5 GKTs left on the field. A pretty acceptable amount of losses for a complete wipeout of the enemies forces :(

  the jeske said:
ok I am missing something here. how does a LR boost your I to 10 on charge?


Sorry about the confusion, Jeske.

As Lungboy said, it has the Psyk-Out Launcher which allows that.

The Grey Knights Redeemer is a beast of a tank. Any infantry outside Terminator Armor or equivalent gets no saves at all from the Flamestorm Incinerators, too :verymad:


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