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Brotherhood Of A Thousand Sgt


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I love it. Please tell you you're going to have full tac sqauds of these old mofos!




hehe...well, these are only going to become my Sgts for my MKVIII Tactical squads. I agonized for months on how to use them (i have about 8 total). The toss up was Sternguard, Terminator variants or Honor Guard. In the end, Sgt models won out simply because of scale and model armaments. Plus i couldnt bring myself to hack up these most awesome miniatures to suit Codex rules....

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Wow. Games Workshop has come a looooonnnng way since then.


You know, I'm fairly sure you're the first person I know of that's done a Brotherhood of A Thousand mini, let alone an army. Kudos for that.

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That is a very very good!!!!! I really like the paint job, very smooth. Great free hand for the insignia! :woot:



heh, well, the M symbol are homemade decals (from the B&C decal downloads) and generic Tac squad arrows from the 5 zillion GW sheets i own. I simply applied them and painted over them to blend into the paintjob. my hands are too shakey for that kind of work lol.


also, i dont think any human can paint a perfect circle with a paintbrush :)

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peripheral vision must be a :P in that suit of armour!


However I do have to say they have come miles...quite strange looking at how bad they once were! However I do admit it does have a charm and I do like it for some reason...don't know why, I joined in at 4th with a few collected pieces and 3rd ed codex of space marines (my land raider stoorworm, whirlwind Morag and my two oringal dreads come from the time of 3rd edition).

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Haha, sweet job there ;) I really like your idea for using them as Sgt.s for normal power armour squads!

I have two of these guys, one with the banner pole intact and one without and I'd been contemplating what to do with them.


Love the paint job on both the sgt and the normal marine - looking good.


I'm contemplating *asting one of these models so I can make a Command squad out of these guys for my DW army.

Think they'd look pretty sweet.


Looking forward to seeing the other 7, do you think you'll be able to bring yourself to cutting a few up to repose them?





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Haha, sweet job there :) I really like your idea for using them as Sgt.s for normal power armour squads!

I have two of these guys, one with the banner pole intact and one without and I'd been contemplating what to do with them.


Love the paint job on both the sgt and the normal marine - looking good.


I'm contemplating *asting one of these models so I can make a Command squad out of these guys for my DW army.

Think they'd look pretty sweet.


Looking forward to seeing the other 7, do you think you'll be able to bring yourself to cutting a few up to repose them?







Haha..i dont think i can. :D the best ill do is variations in the arm positions and details like purity seals and whatnot. But we will see.

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I really like it!


Also how have you painted them? I like that smokey dark grey/black look to the armour!



i actually change the recipe and simplified the steps because of my painting time available. So here is the recipe:


cleanup and dish soap bath

primer/basecoat Duplicolor Sandable Primer Dark Grey

overbrush of vallejo Model Color Blue Grey

edged highlights in Adeptus Battlegrey and Astronomicon Grey from a wet palette

eye base is mechrite red

chest eagle and shoulder pad rims are Iyanden Darksun

whole mini is then dunked into a container filled a mix of Future, Smokey Ink and the old Armour Wash, with a drop of blue ink.

dry overnite

spray down with Krylon Matt, let dry.

Yellow highlights built up on top of the matte finish for the eagle and rims. eyes and gem are dotted with white then Fluo Orange. Bolter metal is done with boltgun metal and metal medium buildup. bolter casing, hoses and grilles done with the flattest black i can find.

Decals applied and painted over to blend.

Final varnish blast with Dullcoat.

Mounted to custom made bases.

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Holy crap, very very nice ones...


what about the other "regular" marine models? where are they from?



old 3rd edition "errant" armour models, arms and should guards are plastic if i remember correctly :)


The arms are part of the model. It is all one piece. Though Sanguinary Guard arms look very much like Errant arms after a little modding.

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