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guardians of autumn army list


hq 1 librarian epistolary, storm bolter, force weapon, gate of infinity, and smite. 153

elites 5 terminators assault cannon, storm bolters. 230

elites 1 dreadnought multi melta, heavy flamer 115

troops 10 tactical marines flamer, missile launcher, sergeant: chainsword. 170

troops 5 scouts sniper rifles, missile launcher. 85

troops 10 tactical marines flamer, missile launcher(free), sergeant: power fist +25 195

fast attack land speeder multi-melta heavy flamer 70

fast attack land speeder multi-melta heavy flamer 70

heavy support vindicator 115

total= 1203



well, i know somethings wrong with it but i dont know what.


my main enemies are chatachan guard and space wolves.


if you have some advice, i will be very grateful

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hq 1 librarian epistolary, storm bolter, force weapon, gate of infinity, and smite. 153


First of all I do not recommend smite. It is pretty much not worth taking over Avenger because you only have a 12" range and at strength 4 you aren't going to wound much. Now Avenger against those wolves is a template (which automatically hits) and has strength 5, so thats a 3+ against those wolves. I have killed an entire squad of grey hunters with this potent power once before and have crippled many more. You could even do Vortex of Doom.


Second, If you're going to run a terminator libby, I recommend giving him a storm shield. He only has 2 wounds so the 3++ inv save will help ALOT and make him and the unit more survivable.


Save the points on epistolary and put it somewhere else. Sure, teleport, zap, and shoot is nice but you're paying too many points for this 1 time use trick. I'd use the points elsewhere.


elites 5 terminators assault cannon, storm bolters. 230


Can't complain here, but be warned teleporting around a unit of termies can be risky.


elites 1 dreadnought multi melta, heavy flamer 115


I'd give this guy a drop pod, but considering you're going against wolves and catachan you definately want to stay out of close combat. Like many people on this forum say "choppa the dakka and dakka the choppa". A dual twin linked autocannon dread is nasty and can pop those pesky transports I'm sure your opponent will field.


troops 10 tactical marines flamer, missile launcher, sergeant: chainsword. 170


By not taking the epistolary upgrade, you have freed up more points for your tacticals, teh backbone of the Space Marines. If you have the model give em a rhino. This will make them harder prey for your enemies. Idk about adding a power fist. Personally I prefer them, but they're expensive :\


troops 5 scouts sniper rifles, missile launcher. 85


This squad really won't do much damage. Yea you can keep them on your home objective, but they'll die like flies at the receiving end of a flame thrower. I'd consider a Heavy Flamer Land Speeder Storm with a 5 man cc scout squad and a melta bomb/powerfist sergeant. Great for taking your opponent's objective late in the game.


troops 10 tactical marines flamer, missile launcher(free), sergeant: power fist +25 195


Again, I'd consider taking a rhino.


fast attack land speeder multi-melta heavy flamer 70

fast attack land speeder multi-melta heavy flamer 70


No problems here. Be warned, though, these things die fast. I lost both of mine 1st turn do my wolf buddy. Actually, I had a pretty crappy 1st turn and fought an uphill battle the whole game. Managed to tie it, but I digress...


Can you say roasted catachan?


heavy support vindicator 115


No problems here. I've never ran one before (I dont have one ;) ) but I heard they perform a whole lot better in pairs or triplets.


Hope this helps!




EDIT: Oh, this should be in Army List reviews. I'm sure a mod will move it, but always glad to help either way :D. For future reference, though.

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1. Drop the Epistolary upgrade (50 points) and replace Smite for Avenger. IG tend to hide in cover so and extra template can't hurt.


2. Get those Tac Squads Rhinos and drop the Power Fist for Plasma Guns. You don't want to get in CC with Wolves, you want to shoot the bejesus out of them before you get sliced up. On te other hand, a Power Fist against IG is seriously overkill.

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Adding to Zynks excellent suggestions- Id give the rhino to the squad that already has a power fist, upgrade their flamer to a meltagun and the other squads flamer to a plasmagun- it gives you a bit more antitank, wich is always useful.


Switching out one of the Landspeeders for a Storm w/Hvy Flamer should give you the points to switch your scouts to a CC version with a powerfist, wich again will be very useful, and help set an aggressive tone to your army.


Lastly, drop the stormbolter- itll make your list legal. Remember, under points is ok, but over points is not.

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It definitely needs Rhinos, and that means the Terminators will either need to Deep Strike (consider a Teleport Homer or two) or use a Land Raider.


The Dreadnought, as has been mentioned, is a short range beast in that configuration, but a single Drop Pod is likely a suicide unit.

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one thing i will do for sure if lose the epistolary, and give the power fist-less seargeant a combi-melta.im not trading my flamers for melta's, because i have two meltas on landspeeders and one on my dreadnought.


i dont know what to do with my remainder 40 pts.

i might get the libby-storm sheild, but i mighy could also get a rhino and a heavy flamer (for terminators) or even a melta bomb for the power fist tac squad seargeant.


how well would that work?





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If you go with a Pfist on the Sgt the Melta bombs may be a bit redundant (although it does take care of those pesky Landraiders). Granted I tend to take melta bombs on almost every sgt I bring so take that for what it's worth.


I would go for a rhino before I went for the heavy flamer (or can you do both? I don't have the dex with me right now).

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As evryone said mech up your army: Rhinos for the tacs. Forget the Epistolary also, and avenger is just too good to be ignored.


Your dread in that config is not a good one against both IG (suicidal in DPod on the flank of a tank, + just one shot so few chance of real success) and wolves (he'll be teared to pieces in CC). For your dread, as someone already said, choose between the rifleman god of long range transport popping, or give him a assault cannon and a HF and walk with your pew pew termies.


On TDAs I'm not a big fan of them, and not a big fan of the AC on them. If you can afford it go for cyclone missile lauchers, you won't regret it.


If you want sniper scouts + ML go for ten men. I'm not a LS Storm expert so I will not speak about it.


For LS matter, I consider them too fragile for fast melta delivery system. Like the DP dread they'll die after one shoot, successfull or not. Use MM ABs, 3 of them. If you want usefull LS take Typhoons (either rifleman dread or typhoons performs on average the same role).


The vindi is excellent but in your list it'll die turn one. It's your only tank ! Advice, if you have the spare points: take two of them. At least one will have a chance to wreck up something that way.


I'm aware that if you have to follow everything your army will not be 1200 pts anymore, just pick up what makes sense to you. ^_^


Enjoy playing and painting all those armoured boxes ! :ermm:

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now, i have narrowed it down to two options.


1. use the epistolary points to get a rhino, a heavy flamer for the termies, and a combi-weapon for the tac squad.


2.take away a land speeder and the epistolary points for another vindicator and a heavy flamer for the termies.


now, i have narrowed it down to two options.


1. use the epistolary points to get a rhino, a heavy flamer for the termies, and a combi-weapon for the tac squad.


2.take away a land speeder and the epistolary points for another vindicator and a heavy flamer for the termies.

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You cant take the heavy flamer on the termies as they're only 5-strong. you'd need to drop the AC for that.


But 'id say option 2 looks better than option 1, as it imporves the rest of your list (2 vindis is much better than 1), and a vindi is much more survivable than a speeder.

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