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My Faith Restored!


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Hail, fellow Dark Angels. This is pretty much a discussion thread. I had a massive crisis of faith when C:SM was released. I spat the dummy out of the pram and decided to use the vanilla rules to represent my Unforgiven. I reasoned that the loss of a few special rules and some pretty awful unique characters was a small price to pay in order to remain effective. I will stress now that i'm NOT a power player. The decision was never about accessing harder units, my army list always consisted of units that were present in C:DA, i simply wanted to be able to use the updated wargear rules and modified character stats (including the reduced W,I and A for Chaplains and Librarians) It always felt wrong however and eventually i bit the bullet and asked my regular opponents if they minded me using C:DA, but use the wargear, character stats and vehicle entries from C:SM. They all readily agreed and i'm once again a true Son of the Lion. This pleases me more than i can say and i wondered, how did other Dark Angel players react to the release of C:SM? How many players did the same as me? How many remained loyal to our Codex?
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Well this is my opnioin, but using the DA codex and using the SM current wargear is not really reamaining truthfull. But there is nothing wrong with what you do as long as both parties agree to it. This game is after all about having fun. I am in the camp, you use one codex not 2 or more. But that is me and no way would I enforce that on you at all.


As for how I delt with it, I feel quite ashamed how I acted when C:UM or C:SM came out. I cried, I yelled, I whaled like a spoiled brat. Infairness though the reason I acted like a jackass was because I believe GW lied to us. But we all make mistakes, and after a year or so, I finally grew up and just stuck with the DA codex only. What ever happnened, happened. It's the past now.


I don't begrudge anyone what they do. If they want to use the C:SM for thier DA, so be it. If they want to use the SW codex because it's more fluffy to play as DA so be it. If someone wants to use the DA codex with the updated SM wargear so be it. We all play differently, we all have different ways of having fun.


But don't begrudge me when I have fun and call you Fallen for not using 100% DA codex. Of course that would be in fun only. :)

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I'd have to agree with HsoJVvad on this one.


I've only recently started playing Dark Angels (was formerly Iron Hands with new C:SM book) and it did irritate me that I didn't get access to the new upgrades etc, but I stayed truthful to the DA book and used only it, I had considered at one point to do the same as you are but I found that it'd probably be a bit unfair as you are essentially fielding the best of both books, when really it should be one codex or another.


I'm not a power player either, I'm pretty casual in all honesty, I play for fun and enjoyment of the hobby, but I can see where you are coming from and as mentioned this is debated in several places with many on both sides, so I don't think either side is particularly wrong or right, in my books its a case of if your friends/club members etc, don't mind you doing what you are doing, then carry on and let the good times roll brother :D

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A few monthes ago my deathwing failed horribly. I was tempted with switching to the space wolves but in the end I decided to give my deathwing another chance. next tournament I came second and my faith was resotred.
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The game group I play with, under house rules that we've agreed upon. We allow certain changes..ie....storm shield, siege shield and so on wargear that is common to all SM's not units, unless the whole army is of 1 codex. LR's are LR's of the same pattern. If there's a FAQ, and you can show it, you can use it. Again as long as you've all agreed. I've been a DA player for 17 yrs, you have to adjust and overcome the foul beasts.
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I've been playin DA for some years now and, as others have said, I hold firmly to the stick with the C:DA philosophy. This is mainly because I have tried both and whilst C:SM seems a sensible choice for many reasons, it just lacks the feeling of using the proper codex. So much so that I started to lose more and more games through me not having that " da feeling". Eventually I decided on C:DA and went on to win my first tournament beating a smurfs list in the process! Happy days!
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I'm so stubborn that when the new DA dex comes out I may keep using the old one. ^_^

LMAO, oh that is a good one. I was thinking of the same thing. I wunder how many of us are stuborn in real life as well by sticking with the DA codex. I bet you when the new codex comes out we all will jump at the chance to drop our 4th edtion 'dex though. :)

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