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But i want help creating a Space Marine Chapter :ermm:


I am rubbish at coming up with my own fluff, the only thing i have ever done is the 'Ghost Wolves' which sounded a bit cheesy after i had written it, so never showed anyone :P


But what i'm just as bad at is actually getting down and painting models, i never really chose a theme......

But i'm also no good at making up colour scheme, i used the SM painter, and didn't like my outcomes, i thought it was either too simple, or too complex :P


For my Birthday, i will be getting the bulk of a TH/SS termies in Land Raider army (will probably be 2 squads, 1 LR, 1 LR Crusader, 1 10 man Tac Squad, with a Razorback, 1 5 man scout squad....havn't chosen the HQ....will either be Shrike, or a Librarian i think....)


So if anyone would be so kind, what kind of army theme/colour scheme would fit this kind of army?

I know i'm not being very helpful, but i am just useless at this kind of stuff....



(P.S, if its any help, i quite like Celtic colour schemes, the Howling Griffons, and black colour schemes.... the other army option i was pondering, was a Death Company army....)



Thanks in advance ;)

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(P.S, if its any help, i quite like Celtic colour schemes, the Howling Griffons, and black colour schemes.... the other army option i was pondering, was a Death Company army....)


Then why not make some celtic marines?

I don't think there's any such thing as a colour scheme to suit a tactic.

(P.S, if its any help, i quite like Celtic colour schemes, the Howling Griffons, and black colour schemes.... the other army option i was pondering, was a Death Company army....)

Do you mean celtic as in scottish/welsh/irish colour schemes, or my personal guess Celtic as in the football team. If it is the latter, then green and white do go very nicely together (the Dark Sons show this, as do my Stirland River Patrol). The halve-scheme of Dark Angels green and white goes to the Angels of Redemption and the quarter to the Dark Sons. However, Celtic's colour is slightly lighter than the Dark Angels so you could still do either.

To be honest, if you can't come up with anything at all then you're out of luck. That's not what the Liber is for. But I'll try to help in a way that might spark some inspiration.


What do you want of your Chapter? What type of army do you want to end up with? Right now it seems like you're going for a Terminator heavy army (but what you listed is not enough for me to make a more accurate assumption of what your 'dream army' would be). Let's say that is the case, what is it about the Terminators that you like?


Now the obvious thing to do would be to go 'I like terminators, so the theme is terminators, and my Chapter will have lot's of terminators'. Not only is this a weak theme, but there are some issues with the idea (which was discussed quite recently in another thread). Try to think outside the box. What is it about terminators you like? Is it the fact that they are ancient relics, few in numbers and only given to the most experienced marines? Maybe your Chapter has a strong reverence of past heroes, and hold their suits of terminator armor the highest of all their possessions, as only the greatest warriors of the chapter have used them. Or is it the Crux Terminatus on each suit of armor, which are reputed to have bound within their cores a tiny fragment of the armor worn by Emperor during his final moments? Then maybe your Marines believe their strength comes directly from the Emperor, and by fighting in the presence of holy relics it will boost their chances of victory, making terminators a welcomed sight in any strikeforce of your Chapter. Then you could take that idea further, making the Chapter a highly superstitious one, where beliefs win over reason and logic, and maybe the way gene-seed is implemented has become so ritualized with a severe lack of knowledge about what the heck they're doing that the Chapter gene seed has become corrupted, or maybe they have lost the use of several organs.


Maybe I was wrong and terminators is not the focus of your army. Then try to use the same method of thinking on another unit, and maybe you'll end up with a completely different theme or character for your Chapter. Once you get that ball rolling, stuff like color scheme will fall into place.

(P.S, if its any help, i quite like Celtic colour schemes, the Howling Griffons, and black colour schemes.... the other army option i was pondering, was a Death Company army....)

Do you mean celtic as in scottish/welsh/irish colour schemes, or my personal guess Celtic as in the football team. If it is the latter, then green and white do go very nicely together (the Dark Sons show this, as do my Stirland River Patrol). The halve-scheme of Dark Angels green and white goes to the Angels of Redemption and the quarter to the Dark Sons. However, Celtic's colour is slightly lighter than the Dark Angels so you could still do either.


Actually the Celtic football team idea sounds quite good :D (i did kinda mean the other kind....)


And Codex Grey, i think i am really looking at a Terminator heavy army, but its Definataly a speedy kind of Terminator army as well (for 1750, i plan on using probably just added Land Speeders.....)


I will try and come up with something myself, you have asked some good questions, that i will be asking myself.........So look out in the next week or so, and i will try and come up with something :D



If i try and go down the elite/hero kinda route, should i just make up names? (for past Chapter Masters etc) thats one of the problems i have, trying to think of half decent sounding names....


(Maybe also, another idea, try and make something about each Terminator unique, either a marking on their armour/shoulderm or something like that....)


Also, can i just complteley make stuff up? like say, they where fighting the Khorne invasion on their hom planet? ( i would have no idea about times, i have read some of the stuff, but not all of it, and i don't remember much of it......)

Personally, I think the green is too green and the white is too white. I would darken the green (not too much, but make it so it doesn't hurt the eyes) and make the white not pure white :lol:


The one I posted is a little ouch, isn't it? ^_^

I actually like the one that was predominately white. Although, I would darken the green a bit myself. Also, you would want a color for the eye lenses that contrast the white and green. I suggest the yellow. I have never seen a color scheme like that, and I like the uniqueness of it.


Here is what I think you should do: Brainstorm.


Write down the first words that come to mind when you think about these words:





Fist fight







That should get you started. Hopefully that will point you in the right direction for a theme of an army.

Thanks for all the help,

Raging Griffon, i will do that brianstorm a bit later (got a job intervier in just over an hour......so best get ready for that really....)

And with the Green, it will probably be darker, because GW don't do a light enough green paint for that really :D so would invole mixing, which i am terrible at....

I Hate Painting! And I'm Rubbish At It!


As such, my colour scheme is based on undercoat choice: the whole body is black apart from big armour plates and helmet. 2 coats of Mechrite Red because Foundation paints really are much better at coverage, Boltgun Metal for the, err, boltgun metal and backpack, then a quick drybrush over the chest eagle and it's done.

No details, no highlights, just the bare minimum to turn the plastic into table-legal playing pieces. A 10 man squad in a few hours.


Sorry to anyone who has put all the effort in, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I have the utmost respect for anyone better than me, even some of my son's models are better than mine!


If I was in your position, I'd go with Skull White undercoat, 2 coats, then a green Foundation paint and a metallic for the metal.


The great thing about bright models is that they stand out on a gloomily lit gaming table. Ever tried to work out a combat between a Salamanders squad and a full mob of Ork boys on a grass field?


If you're going Terminator-heavy, check out the Dark Angels Codex: Termies as troops (so you can take 9 5man squads), and they can deep strike in the first round. Plus, the Angels of Absolution successor chapter is white with green bits, p72.


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