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Face Smashin' lists


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Okay, so we all know vanilla marines aren't exactly designed for close combat-centered lists. That being said, I still find it fun to occasionally ignore that fact and try and brainstorm myself some close-combat lists. I try to make a list that has a lot of strong (or at least not-crappy) close combat elements supported by short-range shooting, all in order to get that "in your face" element going.


Here's what I came up with so far, for 1750 pts;



Command squad with 4 plasmaguns and a razorback

2 x Tac Squad with flamer, combiflamer, powerfist, and rhino

2 x LC and 3 x th/ss termies

LR Godhammer with extra armor

2 x Ironclad Dreadnought with heavy flamer instead of storm bolter

2 x mm attack bike


The plan is pretty complex; charge in, get out of transports, and smash faces/rapid fire left and right. I'd use the rhinos and the LR to give ironclads a cover save, and turbo-boost with the attack bikes in order to pop them transports to allow the rest of my army to rapid fire/assault the dudes inside. The plasmaguns are there to kill monstrous creatures and destroy light mech. Lysander should be able to go solo against certain units and to make up for the army's general lack of long-range anti-tank/MC. The idea would be to use this army against other MEQ armies, such as khorne CSM, space wolves, blood angels, other vanilla marines, etc. although I can see it working (albeit not too efficiently) against things like IG and Tau.


So, what are your ideas for close combat/extreme short range vanilla lists? How would you make one? My idea is to use these in friendly games (mainly against other MEQ armies) and perhaps even in some of the mini-tournaments that are sometimes held in my LGS.


EDIT: (and yeah, I know LR redeemer/crusader would work better in that list, I just don't have any models and trying to proxy them with my godhammer wouldn't be a great idea as the lascannons on my godhammer are fixed on the rear doors, hence the range would be extremely lowered)

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What about CC scouts? Or a couple of LSS with a power fist sergeant?


Just to throw out an idea, has anyone ever ran a 10 man CC scout list with a pf sergeant, Kantor and a chaplain? I must say 36 attacks, 8 pf attacks, 5 power weapon attacks all re-rollable to hit has to speak for itself right?

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What about CC scouts? Or a couple of LSS with a power fist sergeant?


Just to throw out an idea, has anyone ever ran a 10 man CC scout list with a pf sergeant, Kantor and a chaplain? I must say 36 attacks, 8 pf attacks, 5 power weapon attacks all re-rollable to hit has to speak for itself right?


Actually NO, its a bad combo on its own... Kantor has no abilities to outflank or infiltrate so youll be footslogging and scouts die to shooting.. youd need a land raider to make them work which boosts costs quite a bit.

Try Khan or shrike with a chappy, Khans furious charge with chappy re-rolls works really well

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Well, my idea was shot down like German aircraft over Britain ^_^


Sorry i didnt mean to be so negative.

It can work if your willing to make it your armies centrepiece, youd have to buy a raider for sure, putting costs to about 700 points..

A few guys would probably say its better to go with assault termies, but im always looking for uniqueness in my own lists and assault scouts with a force multiplier are always a decent option.


To make it cheaper and drop the raider, shrike or khan are the better options.

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I just like licking at random and new ideas, which is why I came to B&C in the first place. I always like to play the unexpected and throw off my opponent's game (like charging headlong into my buddy's wolves). Your negative reaction probably saved me from a bad experience ^_^


Personally, I like the idea of two LSSs over a khan unit. You can deploy them whenever you want throughout the game and wouldn't feel pressured to use them really fast like the khan unit.

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My best bet would be two 5-man CC scout squads with Melta Bombs and perhaps Combi-Melta/Flamers. Then I would get myself a good mixture of Assault Marines+Shrike, Tacs and Dreads all in Pods. The idea would be to have 2-3 pods slam on the ground turn 1, while the Scouts charge at enemy tanks; Assault Marines wreak havoc, covering the Tac squads providing close-range fire. Shrike gives Fleet and enables first turn charges for the Scouts (credits to greatcrusade08 :D) and everybody else can run and assault which makes up for the Remove Jump Packs. Shrike himself could even occasionally jump off to slice a tank to pieces or something. If I feel like something different I might keep the Jump Packs and use Shrike's squad to give a bit more first-turn-charging.


Too bad you couldn't deep strike Vindis with vanilla.....

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I want to try this someday with Shrike. I figure a few squads of BP/CCW scouts with upgunned sergeants, a couple Assault Marine squads, and some Terminators might work well. Scouts fare better in close combat than they do in shooting, due to the fact that they still hit most targets on a 4+, and have S4. The extra attacks from the BP/CCW are great, and you have Fleet to make sure they get there, not to mention the Move Through Cover rule. Stick in cover to deter shooting losses or a counter assault by frag-less units, and use the Move Through Cover roll to charge OUT of the terrain.

Assault Marines without special weapons who have Fleet can catch most anything they set their sights on.

Not sure if I'd take Tac Termies, or Hammernators in a list like this. Tac provides some needed mobile firepower, but Hammernators can soak a LOT of damage.

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Okay, so we all know vanilla marines aren't exactly designed for close combat-centered lists. That being said, I still find it fun to occasionally ignore that fact and try and brainstorm myself some close-combat lists. I try to make a list that has a lot of strong (or at least not-crappy) close combat elements supported by short-range shooting, all in order to get that "in your face" element going.


I understand that Lysander is a beast but he seems so expensive and slow for what he is, requiring a Land Raider to get into combat effectively.


I can't help but think that a pair of Librarians or Chaplains would be more cost effective.


As for the Tac squads, I would actually go with Power Weapons instead and send them after infantry. Leave the big things to your Terminators.

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I think it is an interesting concept. It's not really that different to the usual GT lists though mate. Apart from drop podding the Ironclads and not taking the Command squad it is pretty much just the usual :)


If you want to make a real in your face and break it list, go for things that apply pressure,


I was thinking of similar "in your face lists" recently myself.


Consider this:


Marneus Calgar

- Armour of Antilochus

= 265pts


Terminator squad

- +3 Terminators

- 2x Chainfists

- Assault Cannon

= 360pts


Tactical squad

- Sergeant has powerfist

- Melta gun

- Multi-melta

= 200pts


Drop Pod

= 35pts


Tactical squad

- Plasma gun

- Lascannon

= 200pts



= 35pts


Scout Bikers

- +3 extra bikers

- 3x Astartes Grenade launchers

- Powerfist on the sergeant

= 185pts


2x Landspeeder Typhoons

= 180pts


= 1,460pts


The thought process behind this list is I place Calgar with the Tactical Squad inside the drop pod for 1st turn mayhem, alongside the Scout Bikers. I'm pretty sure they can apply plenty of pressure between them. The Typhoons support the attack whilst the other Tactical squad either supports of takes objectives.


The Terminator can either go into reserve or deploy onto the table (with the option of Calgar going with them). If teleporting in they can home in on Calgar's teleport beacon.


Majorly offensive but reliant on at least a turn 3 reserve roll for the Terminators to stand a chance of winning the game against the more, ahem, competetive lists.


The 40pts I was undecided on as I just threw the list together.

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I understand that Lysander is a beast...

I prefer Lysander because not only is he a beast (with EW and the ability to insta-kill tyranid primes and warbosses, no less, as well as reliably pwn monoliths in close combat), he also gives the entire army stubborn, unlocks command squads, and gets bolster defenses to improve the objective-holding ability of the army. Also, he's darn fun to play around with, and is not any slower then any other marine IC (he's just as fast as libbys and chappys, for example).

I think it is an interesting concept. It's not really that different to the usual GT lists though mate.

Which is fine. I'm not trying to be original here. My intention is to make an effective punch-you-in-the-face list. :)





My dream is to get a list with two land raiders, full of assault termies, one led by Lysander, the other led by Marneus Calgar.


Dear Emperor, I wish we could buy Eternal Warrior as upgrade for generic HQs!

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