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Plague Marine

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I got myself a box of plague marines last week models looked nice but i was thinking to myself if i want any more i don't want them to look exactly the same as the ones i just got so i braved myself into getting some greenstuff and trying to make a regulair csm into a plague one:









I think it turned out quite ok and i was pleasantly surpised that it wasn't that hard to make the nurgle flesh/rot with some greenstuff.

Any Comments, suggestions and ideas to improve are welcome :)

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Looks good, nice attention to detail with the bolter, again mouldlines are evil! But I sort of disagree with gasmasking and sand crusting, it was one of those things that looked good when only a few people were doing it but now it seems like literally every nurgle csm army I see is in a white or pre-heresy scheme with guitar wire, greenstuff bellies and gasmasks, it's good to see something different to something 'trying to be different'.
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i'v seen the crust thing before but wasn't to pleased with how that looked from pics i had seen of it so i just tried replicating the plague marines as seen on the box art from the GW plague marines.


Also thanks for hte recommendations i have made a few adjustments to this one and also made 2 additional plague marines in the same way i will be posting pics later :)

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And an update:


Made one additional plague marine, updated the previous one and mad a plague champion with fist.










comments and critiques welcome :)

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I dig it. For me the rotting aspect of Nurgle is not just one stage in the decay but the whole rainbow of his blessings. Basically it opens almost ant level of rot as "acceptable" and most of the character of a Nurgle model is in the paint job. Keep on rotting looking forward to seeing some pain on those bad boys.
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Thanks for the comments and yes i could have added more GS details but i payed close attention to how the official models look and they didn't have any more sores or bloated skin as i allready did so i figured the rest should just be painted ^_^
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