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Another Plastic GK Grandmaster

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So, this is my first WIP thread on B&C, yet despite the fact I play Iron Warriors and World Eaters my first contribution will be... Daemonhunters!

While I prefer the look and playstyle of Chaos, I find myself absolutely entranced by the baroque aesthetics and sheer "badassery" of the Ordo Malleus. The models, of course, are horrendously expensive (75 CAN$ for GK Termies? Plus tax? As if...) so I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to make a small DH strike force which uses minimal bitz from that range and effectively no models (I may cave for that lovely Forge World GK Dread)

My first completed test model is a kustom GM, shamelessly inspired by this thread. The rundown of parts is as goes:

Head: SM Terminator head, converted as per this tutorial

Chest: SM Terminator body (had a targeter, removed it)

Legs: SM Terminator Legs

Left Arm: GK Terminator Psycannon

Right Arm: CSM (heresy!) Termielord stormbolter arm w/ GK Nemesis Weapon (more heresy: also has CSM Termie shoulderpad with arrows filed off)

Cape: Green stuff (a real pain in the butt!)

Pics are here. Internet was giving me a hassle but TAH-DAH!







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I had the exact same problem. I find keeping your surface very wet (read: a frackin' swamp B)) and making the cape a bit thicker tends to minimize ripping. Apart from that, take a hobby knife and VERY gently try to get it off your surface.


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