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What would you build?


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Hey, i've recently come back to the hobby from a 8 year absence. At that time the thousand sons where designed to be my grand tournament army and allow me to focus on my painting skills.


I just picked up some 3rd hand thousand son terminators. They are old metal 3rd/4th edition metal termies with the thousand son heads, power mace/twin-linked bolter. 9 of them look pretty good, but will strip/repaint.


I already have a 5 man squad of 3rd/4th edition metal terminators with 4 lightning claws/combi-melta and 1 reaper auto-cannon/chain fist.


So my thoughts are;

1) Leave them alone, hoping someday for some rules concerning them.

2) Or split them into 3 3-man suicide terminators with some combination of the big 3, Melta, Plasma, Flamer. Which would probably become useless should we ever get our own book, and i'd probably have to convert the combi-weapons maybe make a mold of the combi-melta and combi-flamer I have laying around.

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As a fluff nut I would strip and repaint them as they stand and run all 9 of them at times. Of course this is not the best use of the points. if they ever got rules they would be ready to go, could always magnetize the arms though and switch them as the need arose.


Would love to see some pics.



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They have rules in Apoc eh? I really don't have much interest in those kinds of games but seeing that they do have rules there is a chance that they might have some in our own codex should it ever appear. I have been wanting to try to do some molds anyway, so I will probably see how it goes and possibly magnetize the arms.
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  • 2 weeks later...

These are the ones I made and quickly painted before I stopped about 8 years ago.




The ones i've just acquired are from the same era, without spikes, and with thousand sons heads instead.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, nothing like a tournament to encourage you to get some more stuff finished. Here's the pictures requested over a year late. The theme for this army is clean, and uniformity as I feel it represents the Thousand Sons the best.





Finished ranged weapons



Finished Close combat weapon



Unfinished Combi weapons



Unfinished Twin-linked Bolters


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