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Dornian Heresy World Eaters

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Ok I have an entire squad of World Eater Assualt Marines (Without the Jump Packs, gonna use them in a Drop Pod) Now I've also finished off my Chaplain. The only thing I have left to do for any of them is the basing which I hate with every ounce of my being, but It's gotta get done because I got alot more to do. Which leads me this question. What other chapters did World Eaters fight alongside? Deathguard? Emperors Children? Because I want to do a combined force with what squads I make to be representatives of their parent Chapter. Anyway without further a due Chaplain Delao and 2 Assault Marines


also I went for the dirty white look because, come on.. They're World Eaters, and the chapter badge is freehand.

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they look great! the free hand is awesome.


i thought they attacked the emperors children and the kharne flamed everything... im not sure :S



In the alternate Dornian Heresy the World Eaters and Emperor's Children remained loyal. Here's a link to the PDF download: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/heresy/...rnianheresy.pdf

The World Eaters and the Emperor's Children fought togethor at Skalathrax against the Salamanders. I wrote a short story for that if you're interested.


Top models, I like the power on the power weapons.


I'm very interested. I'm a big fan of both heresies. Do you have a link or download of the story that I can read?


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