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Logan Grimnar


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So about two weeks ago I had this idea for a SW list based on Logan Grimnar but I didn't really want to sink $20 in a model I wasn't sure if I'd end up using regularly. Since I had a fair number of space wolf terminator bits laying around, I decided to see what I could whip up. The WiP thread is here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=202910


Here's GW's for reference:




What do you guys think of my take?









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I like him! Then again I really dislike the GW model so its all good! ;) Very nice model, pose reflects the official model and even looks like him..... Just.... Better. Where did you get the storm bolter rm? I'm presuming Grey Knight terminator but I could be wrong
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Very nice fella, I hate the GW Grimnar model, it simply doesn't 'pop' for me, yours has much more character.


Will be attempting my own Logan-conversion in the future, yours has definitely given me ideas. Many Thanks!


P.S. The amount of work you went to on the Axe of Morkai was well worth it!

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Awesome work, and as a lot of people have said, better than the GW model. The GW model also has the issue of being a little shorter than new termies, so yours will also not have that to contend with!


Nice basing as well. I like the cracked effect of the lava. Plus, his cape looks sweet!

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