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Fortress of Redemption

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Hi all,

it's been a while since I last posted anything. With good reason! :rolleyes:


I have been working on the fortress of redemption. A very cool model I might add, even if painting it gets a bit repetitive at times.


Here are the pictures, enjoy, and as always C&C is more than welcome.

I added a few marines for scale purpose and because an empty fortress looks a bit dull :P




















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Love it! I've been working on my FoR on and off for several months and I know what a mamoth task it is. You've gone for almost the same colour scheme as me. I tried experimenting with creamy limestone colours and marbled effects but ultimately decided that the old Dheneb Stone/Adeptus Battlegrey worked best. I like what youve done with the details on the buttresses of the bunkers. I left those panels off as I had other ideas for them and just went for textured paint and drybrushing to get some depth.
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This thing has always struck me as odd, such a heavily themed piece of terrain(Dark Angels) which really limits it to: people who are playing DA, people who like terrain, and people who don't know what the "pretty winged sword thingy" is... Good job nonetheless, fine painting and execution
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Thanks a lot for all the nice comments!


The fortress looks great. For a moment I thought the scroll says ”next up hereticus” :blush:



hehe from the picture it almost looks like it....

what it actually says (or should say according to the english-latin translator I used): "redemptio pro nostrum cado frater quod nex ut haereticum"

which translates (again hopefully :tu:) into: "redemption for our fallen brothers and death to heretics"

I mixed up the order of the words a little so they would fit on the panels, but afaik that's no problem with latin, since it won't change the meaning.


Also the color scheme is not Dheneb stone/Adeptus battlegrey but Charadon granite/Dheneb stone, but I guess battlegrey would yield very similair results.




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My wife bought it for my son for Christmas, for his Dark Angels, but it has been on every battle table since, whatever the armies, either passive, as LoS blocker and 3+ fortification cover save, or with active turrets as per the WD rules.


Just because it has symbolism for one army doesn't mean two others can't fight over and through it! (It might have ancient weapons to be looted, or just the Kudos value of having an ex-Angels summer house!)


I haven't even started to paint mine; for a left-footed painter such as myself, is there a half-decent cheat way of painting big stone like this? I expect to do the details, but has anyone tried marble-effect spraypaint? Or speckly? (Both sold in B&Q in UK)

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If you mean the plastic kit: 78 euros here in the Netherlands, but different countries have different prices for GW stuff. Add some money for paint and washes though, since it adds up quite a bit for this scale of model.

If you mean timewise: it took me about 130-140 hours from opening the box untill it was finished. But I am by no means a very fast painter

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Also the color scheme is not Dheneb stone/Adeptus battlegrey but Charadon granite/Dheneb stone, but I guess battlegrey would yield very similair results.


That's what I meant! :lol: I haven't done anything on it for about six weeks. I did Charadon/Dheneb for the underlying structure and then used adeptus battlegrey for some of the additional details which I interpreted as added on top (e.g. the "shields" bearing the DA symbol).

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