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Ideas for a chapter (Knights of Monitor)

Fire Lord Captain

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I want to create a chapter which has three different "clans" that make up the whole force. These are the Wolves, The Bears and The Leopards.


They will have the chapter icon and the respective "clan" marking on their shoulderpads and the squad number on their knee.


Now I want The Wolves, Bears and Leopards easily distinguishable from each other. Obviously I will be using actual Space Wolves to represent the Wolves clan But I am at a loss for the other two.


Let me give a little personality trait for each clan:

Wolves = The smart good at everything warrior.

Bears = The charge at it and tear it to pieces warrior. (Maybe the bears would be best suited to be modelled as the Space Wolves??)

Leopards = The tacticians and decisive warrior.


Which models do you think would best represent each group?


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Wolves = The smart good at everything warrior.

Bears = The charge at it and tear it to pieces warrior. (Maybe the bears would be best suited to be modelled as the Space Wolves??)

Leopards = The tacticians and decisive warrior.

I don't like the idea of them being categorised like this. I mean, a clan implies inclusion from birth (or in Astartes case re-birth) so what if a warrior is placed into the Bear clan but acts more like a Leopard? However, if they applied the attributes of the animals to their tactics - rather than the individual warriors - I can see if working.

You could go for a tribal/feral background and have the marines choose spiritual totems, that suit their personality/fighting style.


I'd categorize them like this



Pack animals. Rely on each other to bring their prey down.

Tacticals and Scouts (if you use the SW codex these would be veterans rather than initiates).



Usually loners, can deal a lot of damage and can take a lot of punishment.

Terminators and Devastators.



Fast hunters. Also loners.

Small Assault squads, Bikers and Land Speeders.


Just make one of the initiation rites a Spirit Walk/Soul Travel inducted by some kind of natural drug from their homeworld. Something like Peyote or Mariuhana, used for religious purposes, just strong enough to black a SM out. If they are strong enough to survive, they will know their totem.


Or something like that. :P


Though I think the constellation of animals is quite interesting. Maybe a lynx would fit better with wolves and bears?


Or make some beasts up that are native to their home world, similar to the salamanders. Come to think of it, don't the Salamanders and Space Wolves have to kill a Salamander and Fenris Wolf respectively to become marines?

Good idea about the initiation rites. I was thinking how they would choose their totem animal. I also like how you have categorized the different groups, i.e leopards excel as assault squads and bikers but they also have tactical squads.
Wolves Bears Leopards


Wolves and Bears, fine. Leopards? They don't even exist in the same environment. No this is not a big issue and yes it seems like I'm nitpicking but if you're going to go with these spiritual initiations you need to take a look at some real-world cultures that did similar things.


I'd simply pick an animal from the same region/ecosystem as the first two. Cougar, etc.


Also bear in mind that the cultures that held these practices also commonly had more than just a handful of animal spirits and did not always dictate what class or role that person played in that society.


To give them a bit more personality you could remove the specific animals and simply include animal groupings. Like the 'wolves' may include other animals of the four-legged pack variety. Dogs and wolves of different breeds. Cyotes, jackals, each speaking to different parts of that specific marines personality. Their animal could be their own coat of arms, each with it's own name and appearance to separate them from their brothers.


Then again this could be a pain in the neck to be too individual. I mean, what if you were the only marine to have a spirit bloody cow or sheep, just which clan would have you then?

I agree with Grey Hunter. You could change the leapards out for...eagles for example, warriors that strike from the sky, hard and fast. That would also make out for some cool decoration, I have never seen an eagle motif on a marine before ( apart from the Imperial eagle of cousre, but that doesn't count) and it could look good. You could also go with lesser bird of prey like falcons or Hawks, or even Owls (might look silly though :D )

This is almost Exactly the same way i am going with my chapter, and i agree after alot of thought that putting them into clans or tribes of what they are good at is the ideal way to go about it.


For example i was planning on doing


Eagles: as posted, hit hard and fast, they are my "fast-assaulting hunters". Used as shock troops and assaulters. Any bird of prey would be sweet, like hawks or falcons as Ultrahawk mentioned (probably hinting towards hawks by the looks of his name :D )

Drakes: (dragons) they would be the "stalkers". Pick them apart at range then close in for the kill (this is where i would say your wolves would most likely go)

Phoenix: the "defenders" you can knock em down, but they come back . used for defending objectives/bases (I could see bears being perfect for this role)

Jackals: The "scavengers" used to mop up any small remaining squads. other ideas could be vultures, coyotes (which would fit with bears/wolves nicely i think), hyenas,crows,ravens,etc.


The key is developing why they are put into their clan. Is it their skill set? their "spirit"? possibly where they hail from or even their hair color, the options are endless, but it is a vital point bringing it all together.


As for modelling, they would all be best represented by Space wolves probably with their fur and charms and stuff.


Hopefully this helps :wallbash: and if your interested in sharing ideas send me a pm and we can help each other out.

Well the reason I chose said animals is that my chapter is going to be based on the Knights of Monitor (from the old computer game Ultima 7 part 2: The Serpent Isle) Where the knights had to go through a "test" and at the end of it they mixed blood with some ashes and their totem animal appeared before them, Wolf, Bear or Leopard. They then joined that respective branch of the Knights of Monitor.


Each clan/order/branch took it in turns to lead and govern. But when they went on patrols they went as the knights. I shan't be doing that, as I want a squad of Wolves, a squad of Bears and a squad of Leopards.


I think you are right about modelling them all as Space Wolves SonofTerra as the pelts could be painted as the different animals quite easily. And I'm definately interested in sharing ideas :lol:

I agree, The one on the right looks much better.


BTW, how do you plan on differentiating the clans? Besides different furs (which is easy enough) different colors of helmets, or trims? Something different?


I plan on putting the chapter badge on the left shoulder and the "clan" marking on the right shoulder. i.e a wolfs head, a bears paw and a leopards teeth or something along those lines (or maybe use the runic alphabet and just write W,B or L in runes on the pad??).


Squad identity may be a different colour trim around the right shoulder pad or a number on a knee pad, haven't decided yet.

a spattering of info on the chapter (which i will make an IA of eventually):


Name: Knights of Monitor.


Home World: Monitor (a feudal world).


Chapter Organisation: The chapter is split into three companies of knights, The Wolves, The Bears and the Leopards. Each Company is ruled by a Lord. The fourth company is the Pikeman company comprising of scouts that have not yet completed the Knight's Test.

The current High Lord (chapter master) Is the Lord of The Wolves (name tba). When the current High Lord dies, it is the turn of the Leopards to rule the Knights, then the Bears.

Each company has around 300 Knights each (at full strength) The Pikeman company has around 300 too (depending on recruitment)


The Knights Test: When a Pikeman (scout) is chosen by the Pikeman Captain (a veteran Knight) to be worthy of Knighthood, he is sent to the Knight's Test. The test is located in a mountainous region East of the City of Monitor. The test is made up of a series of deadly traps and challenges where the Pikeman must use cunning, stealth and logic to overcome. It is also inhabited by various indigenous species of Monitor such as the Venemous Gorlab Snake who's venom puts its victim to sleep and then is devoured whole.

Upon arriving at the test the Pikeman is stripped of his carapace armour and given ceremonial leather armour and a wooden club by the Test Overseer Brother Librarian Schmed (a Leopard Knight).

At the very end of the test the Pikeman finds a room with an urn in it and an old knife. The Pikeman must mix his blood with that of the ashes inside the urn. This then gives off an hallucinogenic smoke which puts the pikeman into a trance and reveals their totem animal to them. Brother Librarian Schmed reads the Pikemens thoughts at this time to check on the totem himself.

When the Pikeman leaves his trance, Brother Librarian Schmed appears before him and tells him to seek his totem and slay it then skin the animal on his return to The City of Monitor.

Upon his return to Monitor with his totem's skin he is Knighted by his respective Lord and awarded his Power Armour and his skinned totem is turned into a cloak for the new knight.


The Helm of Monitor: The Helm of Monitor is worn by the High Lord of Monitor and has been handed down the generations of High Lords. It is of bronze colouring and has two large horns on the sides from a now unknown beast. The Helm has been with the Knights since there records began. It installs in the wearer a faultless sense of courage and inspires those near by to acts of extreme bravery. Courage is the virtue held in most regard within the Knights.


War Cry: "Let Courage be in your hearts to guide your wrath"



Okay thats all I can think of just now, but please feel free to comment on where it can be improved but please bear in mind its simply a rough draft :woot:


EDIT: forgot to put in why he skinned the animal :D

EDIT 2: the helm and warcry.

Okay since no one commented on my brief bit of info on the Knights :P Here are the decided colour schemes of a Knight, Knight-Sergeant, Knight Captain, Brother-Librarian and a Knight Chaplain. What do ya think?


I'm a wee bit unsure of the Chaplain. I don't want him all black as these guys are proud to be the Knights of Monitor and want to show their colours. What do you think of a black arm similiar to the serge and cap?

Next to on the to-do list. Librarians and their place in the Knights...


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