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Anit-Tau Tactics...

Green Devils

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My friend who plays tau, is going to be deploying Sniper Combat Drones against me.


Usually, we play 550 point games so I throw in 2 5-man space marine squads, a captain, and a dev squad with missiles(or heavy bolters) and a dreadnaught. Plus some wargear.



Overall I own:


20 regular space marines


20 devestator marines (various heavy weapons)


1 dreadnaught


1 venerable dreadnaught


5 terminators


space marine captain


space marine chaplin


Marinus Calgar


1 Land Raider


1 land speeder




Thats all for now. I plan to soon purchase a battleforce to bolster my regular marine ranks as well as give me some scouts and assault marines. The rhino will be nice as well.



Anyway, my friend is BUYING the snipers, because he's a bit worried since our last battle a single terminator wiped out his entire squad and 5 marines wasted his commander. I lost 4 marines and 4 terminators that fight, nothing else.


Anyway, suggestions?

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What are your problems? Are you fearful of the AP 3 of the drones? Honestly, don't be. He can have a maximum of 3 drones per squad and 3 squads per Heavy Support slot choice. They're BS3, so that means only half the time they hit.


I mean, Mech up is the best advice I can give, but if you don't have rhinos that's problematic. I really can't give you much help without more info on his list. I'm a Tau player myself and know many of their tactics and strengths but unless I know what he's using I can't help you out.

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He has 3 squads of firewarriors, 1 squad of Kroot, 1 devilfish, 1 crysis battlesuit, 6 markerlight drones, and a 3 stealth suits.


He plans to buy broadside battlesuits and snipers basically to counter me.



BTW, sry for posting in the wrong area :D

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He has 3 squads of firewarriors, 1 squad of Kroot, 1 devilfish, 1 crysis battlesuit, 6 markerlight drones, and a 3 stealth suits.


He plans to buy broadside battlesuits and snipers basically to counter me.



BTW, sry for posting in the wrong area :wallbash:

Sounds like you need a thing of what I like to call, BOLTER MADNESS! Anyway, it's just basically assault cannons and a bunch of heavy bolters in your devastator squad, just let him have it while the terminators depp strike behind and roundhouse kick those puny battle suits to dust. :D

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Close Combat. Plain and simple, get into close combat and rip em apart. You can try to out shoot them, but you will probably lose. In close combat a single Sargent can make a mockery of entire squads. Kroot can be problematic, so shoot them, they have no saves to speak of and melt under any sort of concentrated fire. Also, equip one of your dev squads with heavy bolters if possible. Heavy bolters will shred most any tau. Keep those Las Cannons in the wings though and make em ready to kill some broadsides. You will need to be mobile. If you can get into close combat by running, do it, shooting them may result in some kills, but the return fire is not worth putting up with. I would consider investing in some assault marines, and/or rhino/razorback transports. For that matter, just equip a Chaplain and a Captain with jump packs, each one of those characters, given the opportunity, can slay an entire squad of fire warriors single handed. I have had a Captain run through 2 FW squads unopposed before. Throw in a relic blade and you can cut up those suits as well.
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my raider has an assault ramp, but he claims he can't "kill it" and refuses to let me use it, otherwise i'd just drive my raider upto him, dismount 2 dev squads and his him with 8 heavy bolters and the heavy bolter on the raider (gotta love spirit of the machine!)
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I'm assuming he uses the Battlesuit as his HQ. I don't know why he's honestly buying snipers over more Battlesuits, they're so much better at killing marines.


Okay, Fire Warriors are an easy kill, especially since he only has one Devilfish to hide a squad in, get into assault and you're fine. You can run, use it.


Kroot can be dangerous if used properly. He can either pillbox, in which case I suggest flamers, or he can outflank, in which case I still suggest flamers but keep them back a bit if you have backfield assets you wanna keep, or just deploy in the middle of the board.


Devilfish will most likely have a disruption pod, other than that I prolly wouldn't worry about it too much. They're too expensive for what they do(n't) do IMO.


6 Markerlight Drones? Bad Idea in such a low points cost. My guess is he's going to use them to lower the cover save of your Marines and snipe them with AP3. A good strategy, but overly expensive and they probably won't make their points costs back. Long Range won't work on Stealth, my suggestion? Deep Strike your terminators near them and pound them. Honestly though, the only cost effective marker light unit is Pathfinders, hands down, I prefer using Gun Drones on my Stealth Suits.


If he does get Railguns, he won't have too many, a saturation of armored targets will be to your advantage. Dreadnoughts, Land Raiders, whatever. Land Speeder is iffy because if it hits it's an auto-pen, unless you get cover going, on the other hand, if he shoots at it and not something else well that's one less rail gun flying at a tank.


If he's complaining about Tau losing in CC, he shouldn't be playing Tau though. Overall, meching up would really help, but since you lack Rhinos it might be hard to get troops across the field. If you're footslogging it, try Combat Squading, leaving your heavy weaps behind to shoot at his long range stuff while your other one runs forward, hugging cover, and hopefully try to get up close and personal where Tau hate it.

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Greetings, this is the friend that plays Tau!


Just a couple of quick corrections, I do not field markerlights at all in a game of 550 points, that was just a listing of what I currently own.


Also I do not complain about Tau loosing in CC I know they do I knew that when I bought the models, I never complain when I lose, however I will not play against his land raider, because I only have one unit that can kill it and if he were to target it first turn that is game over and not any fun for anyone.

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Greetings, this is the friend that plays Tau!


Just a couple of quick corrections, I do not field markerlights at all in a game of 550 points, that was just a listing of what I currently own.


Also I do not complain about Tau loosing in CC I know they do I knew that when I bought the models, I never complain when I lose, however I will not play against his land raider, because I only have one unit that can kill it and if he were to target it first turn that is game over and not any fun for anyone.


Buy some hammerheads... magnatise your battlesuits... fusion goodness yummmmm. Also hammerheads solid shot boom goes the tank... even monoliths :'(... spread shot... poof go the unwashed masses... and you will probably kill some marines as well... so here are my super suggestions!


Use combat patrol (dig them up from somewhere) and use the restriction it puts in place... play game at a greater points value and get some AT... 1,000 - 1,500pts would be good... How I miss 3 Wraith lords and an avatar of khaine at 500pts... good times...

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I play an all foot Marine force:


2 HQ- Librarian and/or Chapter Master

1 Dread- assault cannon, hvy flamer

2 Termies- cyclones

4 Tacs- plasma cannon, flamer, combi-flamer


Comes out to about 1500 points. Most of it is from the Black Reach sets.



I regularly play a Tau opponent, (although lately, he has switched to Space Wolves.) He has all the bells and whistles, and usually plays with at least a couple of the sniper drone units. I used to mostly lose when I started playing him, now I win plenty, but mostly tie. If I lose, it is probably a Kill Point mission, my hardest matchup.


I love flamers and plasma cannons in my Tac squads. The plasma cannons are great against anything but vehicles. The cyclones are great as well. The dread is just for fun, but surprisingly lives through battles, with careful placement. The Terminators are real star players. Sometimes I actually get to powerfist a vehicle or some kind of suit, and that really makes my day. I have used Sternguard and Devestators as well, with success, but usually forgo them.



The sniper drones are super annoying and cheap. One time he even immoblized my dreadnought with them, but that was a lucky shot. I would not worry too much about them though. What I hate are the fusion armed stealth suits, massed fire warriors, kroot hounds and the crisis suits with plasma and shield drones. Oh, and pathfinders with rail guns and marker lights, hate marker lights. Those units will give you trouble.


If you can close to close combat, you are golden. The problem is getting there with enough survivors to do the job right. Rhinos would help, a lot... but Tau have plenty of vehicle killer ability with rail guns. Since I am not using transports, I simply try to setup second and swarm a section of his line. That usually works very well, and eliminates most of the foot slogging. Just don't do it piecemeal, or you will get blasted apart on the way in.


I am not above just hiding in objective games, and running to claim the objectives in the last turns. Makes for a more boring game, but keeps your guys alive, and forces him to come to you. I try to make the most of my precious power armor. It takes some doing to get through. The less saves you have to take, the more bodies you will have to take/defend objectives. And taking them is easy when you have Marines. Try to limit the number of shots he can take. Weight of fire will kill you.


But, by your post, you seem to have that under control. Having beat him up soundly in CC.



Good luck!


Warprat ;)

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my raider has an assault ramp, but he claims he can't "kill it" and refuses to let me use it, otherwise i'd just drive my raider upto him, dismount 2 dev squads and his him with 8 heavy bolters and the heavy bolter on the raider (gotta love spirit of the machine!)


From a sportsmanship point of view, I don't bring any Raiders in 1500 pt games. They are just too hard to crack open unless you are playing against guys who have grasped that Mech is king and therefore Melta/Railguns are essential and have enough dollars to buy those guys to counter the Raider.


In 4th ed, my nephew had 2 Raiders in a 1500 pt game. I never even used one in all my games. After being ineffective all game against them, I decided to not bring them unless I was playing a competitive game.

This has kept my games against my brother's Orks much even and thus more exciting. :)


Then bringing a Raider in a 550pt game is almost 50%! :D ;)

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Greetings, this is the friend that plays Tau!


Just a couple of quick corrections, I do not field markerlights at all in a game of 550 points, that was just a listing of what I currently own.


Also I do not complain about Tau loosing in CC I know they do I knew that when I bought the models, I never complain when I lose, however I will not play against his land raider, because I only have one unit that can kill it and if he were to target it first turn that is game over and not any fun for anyone.


How can a Tau player not have firepower? Railguns anyone? Fusion guns too... If all it takes to stop your list is a single unit then it probably means that your list is quite poor or worse yet: tailored. Kind of like fielding an army of assault marines and asking your Eldar oponnent not to bring any banshees...


Unless money is the issue... In that case: proxy! It's a friendly game anyway.

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so, his sniper drones weren't much of a problem, but the issue came from the fact that i have to reach him to hurt him, and we don't have any terrain or anything, so it's basically a giant empty field.


Also, heres a question: If i make a check for night-fighting, and dont see the unit i wanna shoot at, am i able to instead run the unit because it says that i dont actually fire...


also, what do you suggest using to move forces quickly across the battlefield?

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so, his sniper drones weren't much of a problem, but the issue came from the fact that i have to reach him to hurt him, and we don't have any terrain or anything, so it's basically a giant empty field.


Also, heres a question: If i make a check for night-fighting, and dont see the unit i wanna shoot at, am i able to instead run the unit because it says that i dont actually fire...


also, what do you suggest using to move forces quickly across the battlefield?


I am struggling to find a B&W statement saying once you've rolled to see using NF that you cannot run.

But what seems obvious is this; you have selected a target as part of the shooting sequence pg 15, and so have started to shoot. You cannot abort that process and then run. You pay your money and take your chances :lol:


Mech is the way to cross the table quickly. :P

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My only mech, is my raider.



Also, the way our table is setup, because we don't have one built, is a kitchen table with no cover.


Basically, i have to run directly at him to get close enough for regular bolters, or, i have to deep-strike/use devestators as artillary.


Thats why i want my land-raider.

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Salt/pepper-pot/old loo-roll trees.

cereal box buildings.

Books to make hills (can be layered and arranged to make stepped slopes/sheer sides and just about any height of hill that you need)

Upturned plates to make low hills.

Hedges/wood areas made from scrunched up loo-paper (also hand for packing models away afterwards to avoid any paint-jobs getting scratched) or scratchy dish-washing pads (less good for packign around models :( )

Pot-plants, bits of dead shrubbery (maybe stuff thats just been pruned off a shrub in the fron tyard or something)

Stones to mark out difficult terrain (just an approximate scatter, no need to carpet whole areas so you cant even balance your models on them)


Everyone's done it at some point. Terrain is all around you, and can be as varied as you need it to be. My gamin ggroup still use a particular Ork building thats been re-painted 4 or 5 times over the years, and is made out of a corrugated cardboard box, cut up and with a few bits of fence (made out of ice lolly sticks) around it. Actually looks quite good!

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