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Modular Urban Ruins


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This is the ruined addition to my first urban apartment style building. I'm thinking about making some wall slabs that have circular blast holes int them so that floors other than the top can have battle damge add ons, but I haven't gotten there quite yet. I have finished up another style of building, with more of a commercial/warehouse look. I'll get some pics up of that one in a couple days I hope.





To Ruined...



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Red Dragon Terrain

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I think generally speaking they look like good ruined houses. however they don't scream 40k to me, I think it's because of the color.

Imho the walls are far too pink. Could be the picture of course, but I like a more dark scheme for 40k.




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The colour I used there was "heritage brick". It did turn out more red than I would have liked, which finished with a white drybrush, ended up pinkish. Not the end of the world, but I'm having better success using browns to get the brick look now.
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The colour I used there was "heritage brick". It did turn out more red than I would have liked, which finished with a white drybrush, ended up pinkish. Not the end of the world, but I'm having better success using browns to get the brick look now.

Maybe try some washes to get it darker? Baal Red, Gryphonne Sepia and Devlan Mud foexample, thinned down, and applied randomly to get different colors on different parts of the wall. Or a Dark Flesh/Terracota glaze.


I wouldn't paint them all grey, but I would try to darken it all up. I'd try to get some contrasting color on the doors and windows, the light pink somehow doesn't 'pop'. I'd also try to 'weather' the battle damage a bit. The interior and upper edges are too clean to have been in a bombardment. A Scorched Brown or Chaos Black drybrush around the edges would give it some more realism I think. Also some debris on the first floor to give a hint of where that roof went would also give some added value. Those can be kept relatively flat so your models won't struggle to keep their balance.


Other then that, it's a pretty sweet model :HQ:

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I'm not sure, but some good inspiration might be to look at old World War 2 posters. There's also a brief cutscene in Dawn of War 2 which shows some of them. After that, just fire up Photoshop/GIMP/whatever and hack away at some IG art off of Deviantart :HQ:
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Thanks guys, I'll be checking out deviantart in abit here. I like the rubble idea a lot, I have enough miscast pieces that it should be easy to come by. I want to get some walls below the top floor with damage as well, but its all an ongoing thing.
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