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Wolfguard Loadout


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I have always liked the space wolves, and when I found out they could take terminator troop choices I started liking them even more.

So, I've gotten the SW codex and now I can't decide how to do my wolf guard - so many options!

My idea for the squad so far:

5 wolf guard

-Terminator, assault cannon

-Terminator, storm bolter, power sword

-Terminator, frost blade, storm bolter

-Power armor, mark of wulfen, storm bolter

-Terminator, 2x wolf claws

In close combat that's 9 power weapon attacks (2 with S5 and 3 with reroll to hit or wound) and 1+D6 rending attacks. At range they have, 4 AC shots and 6 SB shots.

Coming to a total of 223 points. Oh yeah, does the whole squad benefit from grenades in close combat? CC?

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Nope- grenades are on a model by model basis oddly enough.


Hrmm- something to note, A WG in TDA with a pair of Lightning claws is the same price as one in Power Armor.


I hate MotW by the way- Id rather have the PW, atleast then you know your going to get through armor.


Oh, and you should probly get a storm shield in there somewhere, simply because they really help increase your survivability, wich is paramount now that we cant get runic charms.

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I suppose that obsoletes a rather nice model than (Terminator w/ WC costs same as PA w/ WC)...So updated that.

I dont have my codex, but storm shields replacing the chainsword on a PA wolfguard are 15 points right?

5 wolf guard

-Terminator, assault cannon

-Terminator, storm bolter, power sword

-Terminator, frost blade, storm bolter

-Power armor, mark of wulfen, storm bolter, storm shield

-Terminator, 2x wolf claws

Coming to a total of 238 points.

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I think the truly optimal way to run a Loganwing army is with Terminator armor on your every fifth Wolfguard (keeps the price down) with a Cyclone Missile Launcher. Loganwing Space Wolves can spam an absolutely unholy number of missile shots every turn, and Wolfguard with Cyclone Missile Launcher Termies can shoot them on the move. This is how Loganwing armies stay competitive.


For close-combat, and to deal with mobile elements, you probably want something like Thunderwolves to support the rest of your army. Cavalry have a great threat radius for their charge, and Thunderwolves, while not terribly tough, can dish out a lot of damage.


You also probably want to stick Logan and maybe a rune priest (if you're at a high enough points-level for a second HQ) in a squad of Long Fangs and use Logan's ability to give them Tank Hunter. Rune Priests throwing out S8 living lightning and S9 missile launchers from the Long Fangs add up quick.

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You mean like this?

5 wolf guard

-PA, *whatever*

-PA, *whatever*

-PA, *Whatever*

-PA. *Whatever*

-TDA, Cyclone, *whatever*

More or less. Relatively cheap, mobile missile launcher, Ld 9. Loganwing risks getting pricey quick, and tends to be slow, so this helps mitigate that problem.

Off topic: has a good thunderwolf proxy been established?

Buy a ton of Canis Wolfborns?


I've seen one guy who uses Chaos horsemen from Fantasy to good effect (and decently cheap). For a more respectable size for a Chaos army using the Space Wolf codex, I've considered the lions from the High Elf chariot from Fantasy (go go flaming death cats!). One guy is using Skaven Doomwheels for monocycles. Armorcast has a decent wolf model as well. Chaos Warhounds from fantasy can work, but I think they look way too small for Marines to work (I think those work better as Fenris Wolves), but benefit from being relatively cheap.

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