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New Nurgle Daemon Prince


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This is one of my Princes for my Nurgle and Undivided lists! I hope the picture does him justice. Since it's been taken, I've cleaned up the base alittle more and added more details to the wings.




My Predator. I have a Rhino and 5 Flamer wielding Chosen in this scheme also. Enjoy~


EDIT: Images turned into links. Please refrain from posting 2.5 meg pictures in the future. Please try more web friendly pictures. If you do not have a program to do this with please try this one: http://www.gimp.org/


-- Kurgan

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I think the crazy thing about the helmet is that it covers his face perfectly. I trimmed it down a little but in person, it looks proportional. I think it might be a perspective thing with the camera, as his face and mask sit far from his body and look larger because they are closer to the camera. But I do know what you mean, because I've seen some obscenely large defiler masks on REGULAR sized guys. Maybe I'll pull it off and shave it down a little smaller. We shall see.

Thanks for the input!

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Hey I really like the sword.


I dislike the helmet, but anything is better than that model's face!!! Haha.


Really nice job man, that sword gets me. Overall I enjoy the mini and it captures the look very well. I particularly like your choice of lighter colors.

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I will try to get pictures of my other prince up also today. I painted him a while back when my painting skills were a little more novice. The thing I did do though was use REAL rust. There's this company that makes a paint with lots of real metal in it. You paint that on whereever you want it, then use this green liquid called Rapid Rust. It turns the metal rusty in a couple of hours. Looks menacing, but can get out of control quick. You will see what I mean.

The sword on this guy is done by starting with a brown coat on the whole sword, then dry brushing bight orange, then dry brushing gun metal then a really light highlight of a brighter metal, followed by a black wash then flecks of orange where you want it to look espeically rusty. The flash didn't really pick up the orange on various places of the model. Maybe I will try to get a flash-free picture to post soon.

Thanks for looking and thanks for the comments!

Also, I will get my Rhinos and Plague Squads up. I'm really proud of them too! Thanks again!

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Rhino: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9273/001mdm.th.jpg


Other Prince (the one with real rust, I'm not sold on it): http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/9052/003xqn.th.jpg


Plague Marine Squad: http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/868/005fab.th.jpg


Lots of Plague Marines: http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/7513/004cvp.th.jpg


Brass Scorpion, painting almost complete: http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/3858/007fb.th.jpg


Thanks for looking!

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