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The Masterless

Sgt. Rackhamm

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The chapter is the Masterless, but that does not stop one from calling himself nomad, vagabond, or wanderer.


They are simply a chapter that believes their true master, the Emperor, is dead.


With the belief that the true leader of humanity is missing and no one else is to be trusted with the role, they became the Masterless.





The chapter was not always this way. There are dreadnoughts in the chapter. Grand Father Voyan is still watching his brothers. In fact, he is the only person known to the chapter to personally prepare their body and place it into the Dreadnought's coffin.


With the fact that the chapter was and sill can be free of the Curse of the Unclean. This of coarse brings up the question of how the curse came to be.


I will tell you when I finish my homework. :P :(

OK. You clearly have the whole Chapter thought-up in your head. However, this isn't a serial novel where you keep us on the edge of our seat and then say "Ta-daaaa!" Write up your ideas in standard Liber Astartes format. Use a Word or Text document to compile it all, then post it here. Please don't string us along. I want to help. I do. I am sure other people here want to as well. However, you are making it difficult.
Good (an dI am not trying to say that to be snarky). Homework is very important... Ruinous Powers know that I was a bad student. Remember, this is a marathon not a sprint. If you brainstorm on here you are opening yourself up as a large target. Keep the faith and press on.

I'm back!!!


This might be to long, but it is what I got. :D




You all know of their curse and how the High Lords and the Chapter disapprove each other, but it wasn't always this way. The chapter was founded in M32 during the fifth founding. At first they were only one hundred strong, but it was enough. Led by their new Grand Father Meric Voyan, the chapter stood tall. All was going well, they were given a home world, a couple of destroyer class ships and many servants of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


The Masterless were placed on a volcanic world called Cordana. Rich with raw materials, it was considered to be a perfect world to start a new chapter. Many of the materials brought to start the chapter were to create manufacturiums across its surface. As the Mechanica were building the factories, The Masterless were recruiting from the local populous. It was a great time. Many manufatorums were made, and the Chapter flourished. It would not be long until the chapter would be able to fight and serve.


All seemed to be going their way, except of the new disease. Even from the start there was this strange bacteria that seemed to protect the body from harm, but it was eating away vital Gene-seed organs. There were a hundred in the Imperial Fists. So the Chapter Master at the time decided to remove them, and quarantine them. Little did the Masterless know that they were merely prisoners of the Imperium.


That all changed when the chapter had reached full strength. When the Chapter was complete, they asked for a Battle Barge that the Chapter could use to assist the those in need. That is when Meric Voyen and his brother marines realized why they were sent to the planet in the first place. They had been placed on a Quarantined world.


This was disgraceful after all that they went through, the Chapter was considered a fake. They were to remain on a barren planet until they withered away or their in prisoners figured out what to do with them. This was a considered by Grand Father Voyen to be as dishonorable as treachery. There would be no obedience from the Space Marines of this Chapter. They would not bow down, and will never serve as denials. That is when the became the Masterless.


For the next five hundred years, they planned their escape. For five hundred years they prepared. Using the local workers and the Techpriests, the Chapter hollowed out the core of Cordana, and out of the molten materials they built three ships. One was of Battle Barge design, but much bigger. The ships would be known as the Undead Eisenstein. The other two were strike cruisers, they were designed with thicker plaiting, and instead of drop pod bays they had orbital bombardment cannons. They would be named Atrum luna (dark moon) and Warped Fury.


Finally the day before the escape, the planets population attempted to cause mutiny on multiple blockading ships. Amazingly they were able to successfully commandeer 12 ships. One was a Retribution class Battleship that was later named the Cordana's fall, which was the planet that the Masterless were escaping from.


On the day that the Chapter escaped, the planet Cordana imploded. It was a terrifying sight. An entire red and black planet just collapsed, and out of it came three large warships. It looked as if the Warp had released hell.


At the same moment, all the commandeered ships fired upon the engines of the blockading ships. This caused confusion throughout the remaining ships of the blockade fleet. Through the chaos, the Undead Eisenstein and it's sister ships Atrum luna and Warped Fury, charged straight through the Imperial lines and crippled all ships that stood in their way. The battle lasted for fifteen minuets, and there were no severe casualties.


You see, it was the Chapters plan to escape and have no one follow in pursuit, but Grand Father Meric Voyen told all under his command not to destroy any vessels. Even though they were their enemy and their prison keepers, they were still humans. Both sides had red blood, and to Grand Father Voyen that means something.


And so the chapter escaped with their first and only Battle Barge and it's sister ships, without a single scar. Not much could be said about the men and women who gave their lives and commandeered the 12 ships. Out of the twelve only the Retribution class Battleship and two Mars class Battle Cruisers survived, all of them with extreme battle scars.


Six hundred years Later the first Grand Father Meric Voyen and others encased themselves in dreadnoughts, hidden in secret chambers within the Undead Eisenstein. There they would wait for the time when the chapter would need their experience.

Its an interesting idea, and as long as you like it... then run with it!


My only issue is the amount of effort and energy spent to create a world with as much manufacturing potential as is required to create an entire chapter... but with no intention of any of the spoils ever leaving the planet. Seems like the Inquisition would just eliminate the tainted marines, either as soon as the disease started to ravage the gene-organs, or after the survivors were dropped to the planet and BAM! Orbital bombardment!


And as soon as they "broke out" of their prison, the entire might of the Imperial Guard, Navy, Loyalist Marines and the Inquisition would be brought to bear to destroy them or return them to another prison planet.

Why would they imprison Marines? They would just exterminate them. Heck, the =I= have terminated Marines for less (ie: Celestial Lions)


IF, and that is a HUGE "if", they were indeed prisoners then why did they let them get to full strength and build up weapons? It makes no sense.


So, there are blockade ships watching these prisoners, and they just let them build three Astartes ships? First of all, were the guards in a coma for 500 years? Second, where did they get the plans to build said ship?


This is just absurd. Not trying to be mean, but you just need to take this out of overdrive and put it into 3rd or 4th gear. You have raw creativity. That is clear. You just need to tone it down, and focus it. Don't just to get the reaction, "Oh my god!! That is so freaking awesome! They imploded a planet! Whoah!" You need to go for, "that's is a pretty cool. I respect that Chapter." You know what I am saying?

They had the assistance of the Adeptus Mechanicus, besides the ships were built in the core of Cordana.


The Chapter thought it was a Space Marine Chapter due to the fact that the Imperial Fists tried to hide it so. The Imperial Fists did not want the Inquisition to look at their chapter and exterminate it. They founded the chapter later on know as the Masterless, in order to save their own.


Due to this fact the Chapter was able to recruit to strength of 786 marines. Why would they be allowed? It was to delay and possibly avoid the possibility of them knowing that they were prisoners.


Now if you read you history (Horus Heresy) you would complain about Meric Voyen. ;) He is the only reason why this chapter would work. Think about the Blood Ravens. Yah, the Masterless have a history similar. Their gene-seed is not of Dorn.


The Inquisition did chase after them, but they had many years to have head start. The distress call was not answered for a long time. It is also part of their fluff that there is at least three Inquisitors after them. A hunter, a phyker and a commander.


Over seven regiments with two Imperial Fleets are after them. The only thing is, the Masterless are very random in their search for the Emperor. The only reason the Chapter enters the Warp is to search for the Emperor. The only reason they come out is because of dwindling supplies.


How hard is it to find a ship at sea, when the ship is looking for Atlantis? It is hard to find right? :)

Think about the Blood Ravens.


Thing is the BR are an incredibly poor example of what you do when you create a SM chapter. If Relic had looked at some of the fantastic IA's archived in the B&C Librarium or most of the ones still in development in the Liber they would have known that what they were doing was both cheesy and ill-concieved.


The reason they are now an official chapter is because they have the support of GW. They have that because they make money for GW.


This is not the case here, GW and any subsidiaries or linked companies is not the example to follow, especially not recently.


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