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Minimizing Drop Pod Drawbacks


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So, I love using drop pods. In my opinion they are one of the best things that a marine can ride into battle. Drop pods give marines their best chance at beating gun lines and mech as our combi-melta/ melta toting squads can wreck armor/ open transports/ kill MC's etc. The one shot mobility is a killer to just about any army we face, as we can get into position relatively guaranteed and our Marine durability keeps alot of our soldiers in the fight. For objective games they are amazing in pretty much every way, but...


in annihilation they can become a big liability because of all the easy kill points that are available. What do you guys do to minimize the downside that playing a drop pod list can have?



I know that killing them all is always the best, and most preferred, way of dealing with the potential kill point problem, but I'm still working on a way to guarantee that happens. :rolleyes:

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