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Brother Marine Cypher871 transferring in!

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Hi there, I am new to the site but I hope to gain and give inspiration in equal measures. I have been playing GW games right from the first monotone copy of Talisman back in 1983, through Rogue Trooper and Blood Bowl to Advanced Heroquest and Space Crusade. I started playing WHFB as my introduction to larger tabletop wargaming but soon ditched it in favour of 40K.


Although I bought (and still have) the original Rogue Trader I didn't start playing 40K till the release of second edition! The rest is, as they say, history.


Over the years I have made and sold more armies than I care to count. I currently own two...a TAU army (now on the back burner) and my Space Marine army - The Iron Falcons.


I am a keen model converter and a not so keen painter - though I can hold my own - I just take too long about it. ;)


I have a bunch of conversions I have completed and will be sharing on the site, plus some in the pipeline...work and family life permitting I hope to get them on the site in due course.


I look forward to contributing and talking to you all.





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