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Help me make a Twilight marine

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Good day everyone,


My sister's birthday is coming up, and I have no idea what to get her. She thought the Hello Kitty marine I made for my girlfriend was funny, and she LOVES twilight...so can you help me do the unspeakable?


There is likely a head in the new Blood Angels boxes I can use, and the rest will just be a marine with a bolter (unless y'all have any better ideas). What can I do to make it scream Twilight? My first instinct would be to make it a Blood Angel, but this would mean nothing to my sister. I should paint the face very pale - any ideas on how to make it sparkle? Any suggestions on color scheme? Anything?


Thanks for entertaining this silly idea, and I would appreciate any help.

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You could make a blood angel stamping on a sparkly twilight marine, or better yet have the blood angel drinking its blood.


But seriously, i would try a glaze using mithril silver as this gives you a diluted mixture with metallic flakes that will give the impression of sparklyness :D

For the head, take a blood angel head and make a ruffled hair look with green stuff.

You could make a blood angel stamping on a sparkly twilight marine, or better yet have the blood angel drinking its blood.


But seriously, i would try a glaze using mithril silver as this gives you a diluted mixture with metallic flakes that will give the impression of sparklyness :D



you've thought of this before haven't you?


For the head, take a blood angel head and make a ruffled hair look with green stuff.


or, a space marine scout, in ravenclaw colours, on his back; a wand just out of reach and on the base write "Avada Kadavera! whoops- too early in his career"



p.s. i may have spelt the spell wrong

The mithril glaze is a good idea - much better than having to grind glitter finely...


I'll have to look at the eldar heads - even my sister makes fun of my green stuff work.


What color do you think? Edward always wears black, so for a lay person (to whom Blood Angels would mean nothing) is black a better option? He'll get a BA shoulderpad, of course, but I don't know that red is appropriate.

Death Company wears black....


For the skin maybe base it with a mix of mithril silver, tallarn flesh, and white or bleached bone as needed to pale it up a little more. Alternately, make your pale skin as normal and mix the mithril in only with the highlight color, so the shadowed areas aren't 'twinkling.'


I like to mix burnished gold in with the green when I paint laurels on my marines helmets, armor, etc. It makes for a neat look that I think it's close to what you want.


The glaze sounds like a good idea, but I'm worried it might unintentionally turn into more of a wash than a glaze, (which is what usually happens when I try to glaze something, because I'm bad at it) and then you've got a situation where the shadowed areas are more shiny than the lighted areas.

Wulfen minis are too expensive and rare to waste, plus she likes Edward.


Ok - black nipple armor, appropriate glittery head, a shoulderpad with the banner at the bottom that says "Cullen", and a cloth somewhere (other shoulderpad?) that says "Team Edward". Bolter and powerfist. Red casings, silver accents. Is this Twilighty enough to satisfy a 16 year old girl?

Power fist? No way. Too crude and bulky. Likewise, I'd ditch the bolter. Vampires don't shoot people. Vampires nuzzle people's necks in the assault phase... (bah, I just gave myself the ole' heebie jeebies).


Think Slaanesh. Not corrupt "tongue out to there" Slaanesh, but Fulgrim-just-before-the-utter-fall Slaanesh.


Sanguinary guard's nippled torso is a no-brainer, but I'd also use prancy SG legs as well. The weapon should be definitely a sword, or better yet a rapier. Or, if you feel like converting some more, TWO rapiers. And yes, absolutely, a "gorgeous" eldar bare head.


Or, here's an idea, give him a standard-bearer hand in addition to the rapier, and paint the standard with something Team Edward-appropriate.

Why not go for a WHF model? You have many dark elves and Undead that are/could be vampires!

Agreed, why oh why are the innocent Marines being exposed to Twilight (makes sign of Aquilla, recites the six hundred and sixty six words and prays to Tzeentch), will anyone think of the children? I don't know ow to advise you to do this, luckily, everything about 40k is aborent to that... trash, I feel sorry for you, am glad my sister hates it as well, but a very watered down ink or wash with a tiny bit of metallic may work.

@Librarian R. Zreiker, what are you saying about the Space wolves, also you are forgetting something, if the twilight vampire and wolf thing matched up, the Vampire would have to have a crush on the wolf, (This correlates to a discussion at my LGS that concluded the real secret of the dark Angels was they fancied the Wolves, for more infomation see the thread "Funny Conversations) and was a crossdresser.

Good luck, may the Emperor, chaos Gods or whatever diety you believe in have mercy on your soul for the conversions, hope your sister likes and appreciates it.

I'm thrilled I attracted a spammer...I guess a post about Twilight marines deserves no less though. @Librarian R. Zreiker - LOL - yes, if Edward were a space marine he would be a Dark Angel.


Thanks for your comments everyone, and if you have anymore I would appreciate them. Looking at the Eldar heads It wouldn't be worth it to bitz order one. As to the rapier...Edward's personality is about as subtle as Sgt. Cullen's power fist, and a lot less charming. I did decide on a hand flamer, just because I hate to waste a piece I will actually use (ie any other weapon), plus, you know, in the movie they kill vampires with fire...


I'll post a picture of this unholy abomination against the Emperor's domain later. Should be based, primed, and partially painted today, finished by the weekend.


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