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I've only been here (as in warhammer 40k in general) for a few days and I can already see everyone just likes chaos space marines because of the "I iz ebil!" kind of thing....And then nobody collects the normal space marines because they're good guys, -.-. Anyway, for you guys that have been waiting on progress for my custom chapter, check out my profile pic, that's how they're gonna look. I probably will be able to afford them by saturday, and since its summer, I'll be able to post some pics whenever I'm done. If this is in the wrong forum section, I really don't care!


I iz ebil lololololololololololololol.

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I've only been here (as in warhammer 40k in general) for a few days and I can already see everyone just likes chaos space marines because of the "I iz ebil!" kind of thing....
That is certainly not the case. Most Chaos players like their armies because of the background material as well as how many Chaos Legions/Renegades aren't run-of-the-mill marines. Many tales concerning them are downright tragic.


And then nobody collects the normal space marines because they're good guys.
Also not true, check with your local GW as to which boxes sell the most.


Anyway, for you guys that have been waiting on progress for my custom chapter, check out my profile pic, that's how they're gonna look.
They look nice. I'm not entirely sold on the black backpack but the rest works well.


If this is in the wrong forum section, I really don't care!
You should care, no one likes spam! :rolleyes:


I iz ebil lololololololololololololol.
No chat or "leet" speak
If I manage to get my hands on some space marines this weekend, I'll post pics in another thread, so watch out for them. I'm using ultramarine parts and having a different color scheme so it looks like a different chapter, which i explained in another thread.
I can assure you that Loyalist Space Marines are VASTLY more popular than their Chaos counterparts. Space Marines have always been the most popular army in this hobby since its inception in 1987. Everyone has their preferences for either side, as Brother Nihm said, many like their fluff and the more tragic aspects to some of them. Me, I have armies on both sides of the fence with plenty of detailed background for each. I can definitely understand the appeal of both sides, but the Loyalists are still a lot more popular overall with the community.
I can definitely understand the appeal of both sides, but the Loyalists are still a lot more popular overall with the community.


Which, is why none of the Black Crusades have amounted to much over all. The Loyalists out-number the others.


Also, to the original poster: My army is Loyalist, codex standard space marines... even though I've gone the route of doing my own chapter. See links below.



I can definitely understand the appeal of both sides, but the Loyalists are still a lot more popular overall with the community.


Which, is why none of the Black Crusades have amounted to much over all. The Loyalists out-number the others.


Also, to the original poster: My army is Loyalist, codex standard space marines... even though I've gone the route of doing my own chapter. See links below.




Nice, but waaaay too many vehicles...I like fast attack and long range armies with a few bikes and plenty of snipers and space marines ;).

Nice, but waaaay too many vehicles...I like fast attack and long range armies with a few bikes and plenty of snipers and space marines ;).


Don't take this the wrong way, but you will probably lose a lot if you play good players with such a list. Vanilla fast attack is actually quite good, but only because of how good multimeltas on a fast vehicles/bikes are against the "waaaay too many vehicles" that your opponent will probably field.


Maybe I'm just biased because my first army ever was Dark Eldar, but mobility wins games. If you can get your units to where you want them while denying your opponent the ability to do the same, you will win unless the dice gods really decide to turn on you, and an army without vehicles has a hard time of that.

The reason we like them is because who doesn't like spikes. Also space marines are to boring for us to do.


I don't like spikes. The muffin man who lives on mulberry lane doesn't like spikes. Bakers man doesnt like spikes. Space marines don't like spikes.

I've only been here (as in warhammer 40k in general) for a few days and I can already see everyone just likes chaos space marines because of the "I iz ebil!" kind of thing....And then nobody collects the normal space marines because they're good guys, -.-. Anyway, for you guys that have been waiting on progress for my custom chapter, check out my profile pic, that's how they're gonna look. I probably will be able to afford them by saturday, and since its summer, I'll be able to post some pics whenever I'm done. If this is in the wrong forum section, I really don't care!


I iz ebil lololololololololololololol.

Nah, the really evil ones go for DE.

I've only been here (as in warhammer 40k in general) for a few days and I can already see everyone just likes chaos space marines because of the "I iz ebil!" kind of thing....And then nobody collects the normal space marines because they're good guys, -.-. Anyway, for you guys that have been waiting on progress for my custom chapter, check out my profile pic, that's how they're gonna look. I probably will be able to afford them by saturday, and since its summer, I'll be able to post some pics whenever I'm done. If this is in the wrong forum section, I really don't care!


I iz ebil lololololololololololololol.

Nah, the really evil ones go for DE.

Really? I always found Chaos to be the true evil, and the Dark Eldar more "evil by necessity" since they do everything they do to feed Slaanesh and themselves due to not having waystones like regular Eldar. Though granted, I'm sure more than a few of them enjoy what they do perhaps a bit too much...

Really? I always found Chaos to be the true evil, and the Dark Eldar more "evil by necessity" since they do everything they do to feed Slaanesh and themselves due to not having waystones like regular Eldar. Though granted, I'm sure more than a few of them enjoy what they do perhaps a bit too much...


That's kind of missing the point though, Dark Eldar, or more properly the Eldar that would become Dark Eldar, created Slaanesh. All of the wonderfully wholesome things that Slaanesh does and stands for were inspired by the Dark Eldar.


Even now, while yes, DE feed Slaanesh to keep it away from eating them, they also feed on souls to prolong their own lives, as well as engaging in torture as a passtime, and creating a society in which murder is the only way to climb the social ladder. At least Chaos Marines were at one point "good" and some still fight for their own sense of honor or justice, DE fight purely for temporary self-aggrandizement and have no long term goal or crusade. Anyway, this is getting off topic.

The Space Wolves and Blood Angels forums together have more posts than all the Chaos forums.


I think the loyalists are doing just fine. :)

If I ever get my old hard drive plugged back in and hand over my copy of the fang bar and grill, pre-crash, we wont need the BA forum either :D.

I don't like World Eaters because they're "Ebil", I like World Eaters because they are frothing blood drenched madmen with chain-axes. And we don't have to blame our dead primarch for why were angry, we just are.

Are you sure its not the implants he gave you? Maybe your really a truely peaceful soul underneath.


Want to find out?


*med-servitors advance slowly*


This wont hurt a bit cousin.....

When I saw the title for this thread I assumed it was going to be a complaint about the 15 bajillion different types of loyalist marines that are all quirky for whatever reason.


We are marine wolves! We are vampire marines! We are secret marines! We are the knights templars... marines!! We are yellow marines, and don't you dare call us yellow bellied!



But its a complaint that there are to many chaos marines. Thats sad... Chaos use to be the second best selling army(1st is and has always been space marines). Those were the good days with the good codex. Now we are no where near the second best selling army, and ACTUALLY a lot of the old chaos vets have left the forums. There are less chaos players than their use to be.


If any army has to many players compared to other armies its loyalist space marines... especially the uncommon ones.


I agree, there is a lack of 'normal' marines, but its not a chaos problem. Its a secretive vampire, wolves, we should have a marine twilight movie with the knights templars running around problem.






When I saw the title for this thread I assumed it was going to be a complaint about the 15 bajillion different types of loyalist marines that are all quirky for whatever reason.


We are marine wolves! We are vampire marines! We are secret marines! We are the knights templars... marines!! We are yellow marines, and don't you dare call us yellow bellied!



But its a complaint that there are to many chaos marines. Thats sad... Chaos use to be the second best selling army(1st is and has always been space marines). Those were the good days with the good codex. Now we are no where near the second best selling army, and ACTUALLY a lot of the old chaos vets have left the forums. There are less chaos players than their use to be.


If any army has to many players compared to other armies its loyalist space marines... especially the uncommon ones.


I agree, there is a lack of 'normal' marines, but its not a chaos problem. Its a secretive vampire, wolves, we should have a marine twilight movie with the knights templars running around problem.



Loyalists are DEFINITLY more popular than their chaos counterparts.

Example, I am playing in a 40k tournament in a week, 30 people, I am the only chaos player.

There is ~6 space marine players.

and~ 10 eldar players



Wow. I havent seen that many Eldar players in one spot in... actually, never. Even in a 60 strong tournament, Ive never seen more than 5.

I said that too, i will go find that email, im sure it was at least 7

found it 29 people 9 of which are eldar.

Black Templars – Ryan Stuart

Chaos Daemons – Chris Ford

Chaos Space Marines – Liam Miskelly

Daemonhunters – Matthew Hassall

Dark Angels - Craig Stewart

Dark Eldar – Alan Borthwick

Eldar – Jason Isaac, Jack Dunn, Glen Burfield, Matthew Collett, Hayden Korach, Redmond Kirwan-Jones, Courtney Thompson, Kent Jackson

Imperial Guard – Kevin O’Leary, David Eagles, Hagen Kerr

Orks – Wes Barclay, Charlie St. Clair

Space Marines – Daniel Reynolds, Sam King, Ryan Lister, Aaron Twose, Paul Hassall

Tau – Dave Lewy, Alex Stronach

Tyranids – Will Hoverd, Blaise St. Laurent

Witch Hunters – Jayson Reynolds


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