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Royal Enforcers


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I totally agree with you IronWinds, Not only is Chaos definately not more popular than loyalist marines, (In fact, the 'leet speak' quote could be totally reversed to represent quite a few marine players, obviously replacing 'ebil' with something more fitting) but the number of players are seriously declining, the chaos boards on this forum are now sparsely populated. This is directly due to the poor chaos update (eveyone who I asked why they stopped playing chaos is because of that, or general distain of the direction of which the hobby is heading). It's a sad sight, but I dont expect it to get any better until chaos either get a fitting update, or everyone gets so fed up, they jack it in :P .


Sorry if this is a bit whiney, but it's just how I feel.

I actually have to say that this looked like it was going to be a no one plays vanilla marine thing as a lot of people are doing specialised chapters now. The thing is that chaos has lost a lot of its calling because of the current book being so generic. With the 3.5 book people had the option to take a more specialised army of their liking and a lot of options to make theirs special. The new book just has too much generics to it that a lot of people had their entire army invalidated and would almost have had to start from scratch. My World Eaters list got put on hold for a while for example. It was that and the seperating out the daemons into their own book and giving CSM generic ones that also lost a huge punch in the book. This and some other stuff had chaos players moving elsewhere. A lot are waiting for a 5th ed chaos book to see what happens next.


I actually have to say that this looked like it was going to be a no one plays vanilla marine thing as a lot of people are doing specialised chapters now. The thing is that chaos has lost a lot of its calling because of the current book being so generic. With the 3.5 book people had the option to take a more specialised army of their liking and a lot of options to make theirs special. The new book just has too much generics to it that a lot of people had their entire army invalidated and would almost have had to start from scratch. My World Eaters list got put on hold for a while for example. It was that and the seperating out the daemons into their own book and giving CSM generic ones that also lost a huge punch in the book. This and some other stuff had chaos players moving elsewhere. A lot are waiting for a 5th ed chaos book to see what happens next.

When I saw the title for this thread I assumed it was going to be a complaint about the 15 bajillion different types of loyalist marines that are all quirky for whatever reason.


We are marine wolves! We are vampire marines! We are secret marines! We are the knights templars... marines!! We are yellow marines, and don't you dare call us yellow bellied!


I agree, there is a lack of 'normal' marines, but its not a chaos problem. Its a secretive vampire, wolves, we should have a marine twilight movie with the knights templars running around problem.


Thats what I thought as well and I fully agree with my Chaos brother.

When I saw the title for this thread I assumed it was going to be a complaint about the 15 bajillion different types of loyalist marines that are all quirky for whatever reason.


We are marine wolves! We are vampire marines! We are secret marines! We are the knights templars... marines!! We are yellow marines, and don't you dare call us yellow bellied!


I agree, there is a lack of 'normal' marines, but its not a chaos problem. Its a secretive vampire, wolves, we should have a marine twilight movie with the knights templars running around problem.


Thats what I thought as well and I fully agree with my Chaos brother.

Hey, its out of my hands- but Id love to have a Chaos Legions expansion book, and heck, an Exodite book for the Eldar wouldnt be bad either. Maybe the next tau list could include Farsight as more than just a SC, but actually a whole seperate list.


Diversity is great, and I for one and suprised that its marine centric- well, not after all these years, but I was initially- but I as a player of one of these "quirky marines" and somewhat pleased with my current codex, whos playstyle is in fact rather different to any other extant codex.

I have a CSM army as well as SM, UM, BA and DH. When the SW and BA books became outdated I moved away from them. However for me when the CSM book got changed I started to lose interest, just really didn't like the way they played anymore. As such they are currently sitting in my family home 90 miles away. It is thanks to that I went back to my Loyalist Marines. I have to say I do see more Loyallist Marines in my local store than Chaos, and most Chaos armies are played by 'those younger and newer members to the hobby'.
I have to say I do see more Loyallist Marines in my local store than Chaos, and most Chaos armies are played by 'those younger and newer members to the hobby'.


Really? I tend to find that the opposite is true. It's not uncommon to see 4 kids playing whatever odd multi-person games kids play and all 4 have Space Marines with about 5 blue painted models between them. Chaos players tend to be ether powergamers since 2x prince, zerks, pm's, oblits is still a very competitive list, or fluff nazis like myself, which are pretty much by definition people that have been in the hobby for years.

Really? I always found Chaos to be the true evil, and the Dark Eldar more "evil by necessity" since they do everything they do to feed Slaanesh and themselves due to not having waystones like regular Eldar. Though granted, I'm sure more than a few of them enjoy what they do perhaps a bit too much...


That's kind of missing the point though, Dark Eldar, or more properly the Eldar that would become Dark Eldar, created Slaanesh. All of the wonderfully wholesome things that Slaanesh does and stands for were inspired by the Dark Eldar.


Even now, while yes, DE feed Slaanesh to keep it away from eating them, they also feed on souls to prolong their own lives, as well as engaging in torture as a passtime, and creating a society in which murder is the only way to climb the social ladder. At least Chaos Marines were at one point "good" and some still fight for their own sense of honor or justice, DE fight purely for temporary self-aggrandizement and have no long term goal or crusade. Anyway, this is getting off topic.


I second this, but I will say that some Chaos Marines are worse than others. Fabius Bile, for example, the man who managed to gross out the Emperor's Children with his activities.


Also, the lab coat made of human skin.

Alright guys. Got all the things needed for the hobby, gonna prime tomorrow and try and paint as much as I can. Pics will be uploaded through this forum, but since I haven't started yet, I'll give you a preview: Golden bolters are given especially to the Royal Enforcers, as they are the Emperor's equivalent of Secret Service, so they need advanced weaponry and ways to tell them from the others. They wear blood red armor, symbolizing courage to defend Mankind.


Behind the Scenes: Golden bolter idea just came into my head as an excuse for not having grey paint...Pretty well thought out excuse, if you ask me. If any of you know a good photo uploading site, that would help alot!

When I saw the title for this thread I assumed it was going to be a complaint about the 15 bajillion different types of loyalist marines that are all quirky for whatever reason.


We are marine wolves! We are vampire marines! We are secret marines! We are the knights templars... marines!! We are yellow marines, and don't you dare call us yellow bellied!


I agree, there is a lack of 'normal' marines, but its not a chaos problem. Its a secretive vampire, wolves, we should have a marine twilight movie with the knights templars running around problem.


Thats what I thought as well and I fully agree with my Chaos brother.

Hey, its out of my hands- but Id love to have a Chaos Legions expansion book, and heck, an Exodite book for the Eldar wouldnt be bad either. Maybe the next tau list could include Farsight as more than just a SC, but actually a whole seperate list.


I would love to see seperate books for the special legions, I wouldnt mind if they were in one expansion book, but aslong as they give each chapter enough screentime in the book, and when I say the legions I don't just mean World Eaters, Death Guard, 1k Sons and Emperor's Children, I would like to see the return of Word Bearers, (Daemon allies?) Night Lords and all the other legions with particular quirks. I doubt GW will do it though, they are more interested making money off of the updating space marine chapters. ;)

I don't mean to nitpick or bash on you but if it doesn't get said now, it definitely will later. I'd strongly recommend changing the name to the Imperial Enforcers, as the Imperium of Mankind was never ruled by a dynastic or royal bloodline. On a different note, with the way you describe them here, I'd suggest looking at Daemonhunters or Witch Hunters Allies, since such a force would likely have close ties to the Inquisition. They'd likely being something of a strong arms backing for a seek-and-purge operation when the Grey Knights aren't available ((I mean hey, there's a lot of stuff that needs purging, they can't be everywhere at once)). An Inquisitor Lord alongside a Librarian would make for a solid 2 HQ choices and Mystic Henchmen would suit this extrapolation on your army fluff.


And let's not start a discussion on the PDF Heresy here, that's for the other thread, but in my opinion the Print DH Codex is still fully legal since the PDF didn't actually update anything. It's like buying the Full Version of a video game after playing the demo version which is the PDF Codex.

Wait, weren't you going to do Imperial Guard?



My thoughts exactly.

And I suggest posting this in "Liber" because you probably want to flesh out the background.

It's not that the local residents there are "ebil" you know. :D they just want to help...


Good luck.


Posting pictures requires a host on the internet (photobucket for example) and, after uploading the pics there,

require you to place them between ] and [/img without the spaces.


Hope this helps.

Originally, I was going to do Imperial Guard, but it works out alot more expensive, and, as a kid :(, I barely can afford everything for space marines. So I'll stick with these :(. Maybe they should be named Imperial Enforcers...This is just a name I got out of Chapter Name Creator. On a side note, I will get to work on the marines today. :D If they don't come out good, please don't flame, this is my first set.

I'm not sure what just happened in this thread but I must ask you. Who doesn't like having 10 thousand years of pent up rage, disgust, and animosity towards the very star spanning Empire that betrayed you all while using billions of subjugated peasants that live and die everyday by your whim to build your very own empire for your great warhost?


Besides, the dark side has chocolate chip cookies. Those loyalist fuzzies only have macadamia cookies.

I've only been here (as in warhammer 40k in general) for a few days and I can already see everyone just likes chaos space marines because of the "I iz ebil!" kind of thing....And then nobody collects the normal space marines because they're good guys,


I chose to play Chaos Marines because of the fluff. My guys are not "evil", or at least they don't consider themselves to be. They look at what the Imperium has become and consider that to be "evil". They are romantic antiheroes, formed from a tradition that remembers the days of the Imperial Truth, and is disgusted with the lies and totalitarianism of the Imperium that developed after the Cult of the Emperor took root. They are mostly the thought criminals who had the nerve to be individuals and couldn't reconcile the Imperial propaganda with how things really end up working. "You mean we had to slaughter everyone in the city for their own good? The civilians all had to die because they were blindly following the orders of a single, corrupt official? They died for exhibiting the... the mindless obedience that is required of them by YOU! You.. YOU could be in league with Chaos! How would anyone ever know? I must obey you to be loyal, but if YOU are not loyal then I am not loyal, even though I AM! The injustice of this... it's like nothing really matters. There is no objective truth at all, is there? The conflicting emotions... I want to do right, but all this twisted logic you push down my throat... All the killing I've done. All the blood I've spilled for your lies... it makes me rage! It makes me.. makes me... heh... heh-heh... HA HA HA HA HAAAA! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!"


THAT is what appeals to me about Chaos Marines.

I've always viewed the Chaos Marines as the "weak" part of the Legions in the Great Crusade that failed to resist Chaos.Reading the Horus Heresy series has reinforced this view for me.They are the ones that fell to temptation and nearly doomed the galaxy.Just my personal opinion of course.
I've always viewed the Chaos Marines as the "weak" part of the Legions in the Great Crusade that failed to resist Chaos.Reading the Horus Heresy series has reinforced this view for me.They are the ones that fell to temptation and nearly doomed the galaxy.Just my personal opinion of course.


And many of them had reasons to not like the Imperium or the Emperor. Saying they were weak to temptation is one way of looking at it. Saying they turned on the Imperium because they didn't like how it was being run is another. Some like Angron had very good reasons to hate the Emperor and very much did. Some fell to chaos. For others chaos was a means to an end.


Even today... 10k years later the IWs and NLs don't worship chaos... how exactly were they tempted? They did it for their own reasons.


And if Horus was weak and not fit for the job.... whats that make the man who appointed him to run the great crusade?


Lorgar and Horus were tempted by chaos... and in the case of Horus it wasn't exactly easy. The others that turned either did it out of loyalty to Horus, or because of their own disagreements with the Imperium/Emperor.

No, this is not the right place. Your previous two posts were moved to the Liber Astartes forum and merged into a single thread. This discussion will be merged with those other two discussions.


I recommend that you create a blog here at the B&C in order to track your progress.


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